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Lost in Motivation in an Agile World

Lost in Motivation in an Agile World

This is the material I presented at Turk Telekom Group Agile Summit 2015 on 17th of September, 2015.

Lemi Orhan Ergin

September 18, 2015

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  1. LEMİ ORHAN ERGİN Master Software Craftsman, ACM Developing software since

    2001 Community Lead of Agile Turkey Founder of Software Craftsmanship Turkey Developer, Architect, Trainer, Coach, Leader Sony & eBay Alumni Managing Partner at /lemiorhan lemiorhanergin.com @lemiorhan
  2. Feel alone work for long hours Cannot get help Blame

    rules No teamwork work I cannot with people
  3. No trust Arguing via emails No care for feelings I

    am an headcount Monitored closely controlled I am like a kid
  4. money Does engage us? The association between salary and job

    satisfaction is very weak.
 There is less than 2% overlap between pay and job satisfaction levels
  5. money Does engage us? The relationship of pay with both

    job and pay satisfaction is pretty much the same everywhere in the world
  6. money Does engage us? 87% of employees worldwide are not

    engaged at work. The world has a crisis of engagement.
  7. money Does engage us? Employees earning salaries in the top

    half of our data range reported 
 similar levels of job satisfaction 
 to those employees earning salaries in the bottom-half of our data range
  8. Lean focus on the human side of our work life

    to build better products Agility Craftsmanship
  9. Lean Craftsmanship Agility Trust Honesty Teamwork Self-Organization Empowered Teams Continuous

    Improvement Retrospecting Regularly Sustainable Pace Proxy to InterRuptions Face to face Communication Collaboration Efficiency Removing Waste Pairing courage Professionalism No Blame Rule Limiting multi-tasking Mentorship Fast Feedback Loops Community of Professionals Code of Ethics Collective Ownership Practicing to Master Five Whys Slack Time
  10. define mastery goals stop pushing performance goals for difficult problems

    Dr. Heidi Grant Halvorson From the book “Succeed: How We Can Reach Our Goals” http://amzn.com/0452297710
  11. allow people to invest in themselves give time and provide

    environment to be better at their professions
  12. do not act like agile, live it if you are

    committed to change the way you work, feel responsible about it
  13. Icons made by FlatIcon http://www.flaticon.com/authors/freepik CC BY 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0 CC

    Zero http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0 Images made by Gratisography.com, Ryan McGuire http://www.gratisography.com
  14. Lemİ orhan ergİn agile software craftsman /lemiorhan https://www.linkedin.com/in/lemiorhan @lemiorhan https://twitter.com/lemiorhan

    /lemiorhan http://www.slideshare.net/lemiorhan lemiorhanergin.com Official site having personal information www.acm-software.com