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The power of practitioner communities that shar...

The power of practitioner communities that share expertise

Ryosuke Nakamura
LINE Fukuoka Lean & Agile Team Agile Coach
Yoshiaki Tanigawa
LINE Delivery Management Team2 Technical Project Manager

LINE DevDay 2020

November 27, 2020

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  1. Ryosuke Nakamura Agile Coach Yoshiaki Tanigawa Technical Project Manager Delivery

    Management Team Lean & Agile Team EM community PjM community
  2. In-House Community will save company “コミュニティは、知識を中心にして組織をま とめ上げ、人々を結びつけ、問題を解決し、 ビジネスチャンスを創出するといった新たな 可能性を提供する。” In

    typical hierarchy structured organization, knowledges & tips are scattered in each organization silos. コミュニティ・オブ・プラクティス (2002, Etienne Wenger) “いい仕事をする力のあるミドル・マネージャー やトップなら、組織図とは別個の自前のネット ワークを会社の中に作り出している。” 組織変革のビジョン (2004, 金井 壽宏)
  3. Effective Team and Delivery department Delivery Management Team Lean &

    Agile Team : with Project Management specialty : with Agile specialty We support LINERs to solve their problems in order to delivery better products.
  4. Our strategy › 1. Training / Guide / Toolkit ›

    2. Problem Solving › 3. Cross-Learning Community
  5. Our strategy › 1. Training / Guide / Toolkit ›

    2. Problem Solving › 3. Cross-Learning Community
  6. Our strategy › 1. Training / Guide / Toolkit ›

    2. Problem Solving › 3. Cross-Learning Community
  7. Why in-house community of Management ? › We tend to

    start thinking about Management after we became EM or PjM › EMs, PjMs are lonely and busy › Management is skill, not sense › Problems include delicate / confidential information
  8. Why practitioner community ? Team Community manager as a Practitioner

    Practitioner Team Community Try solving Share
  9. What we speak about EM community PjM community › Lessons

    learned from our mission to manage community. › Tips maybe encourage busy you to start minimum.
  10. How to start Events How to continue • Vision defining

    • Start with comrades • Reporting • Chat communication • Retrospective • Surveys • Lean Coffee • OST • Lunch event • Peer 2on1 • Book reading • Social gathering • Conference input sharing
  11. How to start Events How to continue • Vision defining

    • Start with comrades • Event sharing • Chat communication • Retrospective • Surveys • Lean Coffee • OST • Lunch event • Peer 2on1 • Book reading • Social gathering • Conference input sharing
  12. Defining Vision › “Elevator pitch” in ”Inception deck” › Tell

    vision in every events. Why? › To avoid expectation gaps about community, and promote spontaneous behaviors. What we did
  13. Find good comrades(同志), by talking person by person individually Why?

    › No proper way to announce. › Concerns : “Who comes?“ Someone may agree with you if you talk directly.
  14. How to start Events How to continue • Vision defining

    • Start with comrades • Event sharing • Chat communication • Retrospective • Surveys • Lean Coffee • OST • Lunch event • Peer 2on1 • Book reading • Social gathering • Conference input sharing
  15. What is it? › Casual gathering during lunch time Characteristics

    › Good for busy people such as managers › Become fonder when you have lunch together Lunch Event
  16. What is it? Characteristics Peer 2on1 (Small Dialogue) › Have

    a dialog with one or two people such as 1on1 › Talk under psychologically safe condition › Discuss one topic deeply (e.g. the same topic in the series of talks) Tips › Find tips in the slide below
  17. Lean Coffee https://leannovation.hu/lean_coffee/budapest-lean-coffee-kick-off-meeting/ Topic Topic Topic Priority What is it?

    › Each member provides topics. › Vote to topics and prioritize. › Discuss topics along with priority with 7min interval.
  18. Lean Coffee Good points › Want to start with low

    preparation cost. › Attendees can talk actively. › All members can know each other's interest.
  19. Open Space Technology http://www.spacify.co.uk/ https://openspaceagility.com/what-is-ost/ Topic proposal (anyone can do)

    Discuss in each tables (can move freely) What is it? › Topic proposal with short presentation › Discuss at favorite table(topic) › Can move table Topic Topic
  20. Open Space Technology Good Points › Want to start with

    low preparation cost. › Can choose topic actively than "Lean Coffee". Topic Topic
  21. In each events (Lean Coffee, OST, Lunch event, Small dialogue)

    Topics What topics were talked & outcome Estimation OKR Team Building Recruiting Project "kick off" Preparation 1on1 Risk Management Retrospective Remote Work Agile Manager's Role&Responsibility Psychological Safety EM PjM
  22. In each events (Lean Coffee, OST, Lunch event, Small dialogue)

    What topics were talked & outcome Outcome › One acquired a new management style › Another got a new perspective on problem identification › Recruit event was organized by the some managers › One of them started planning poker (estimation practice) › Had confidence about current way › Got new perspective for retrospective
  23. How to start Events How to continue • Vision defining

    • Start with comrades • Event sharing • Chat communication • Retrospective • Surveys • Lean Coffee • OST • Lunch event • Peer 2on1 • Book reading • Social gathering • Conference input sharing Preparation Cost
  24. › One person / one part / one week ›

    Active Book Dialog How to organize/facilitate book reading event Book Reading
  25. Which books should I choose? Book Reading e.g. "測りすぎ /

    The Tryranny of Metrics", "失敗の本質" e.g. ”HIGH OUTPUT MANAGEMENT", "Zero to One", "Software Engineering at Google" › Read a book which it's difficult to read by oneself together › Introduce the book attendees like or read recently
  26. From outside community What is it? › Share what you

    learn from outside community event with colleagues who join the same event. › Not only sharing but also making action plans based on the learning. Management 3.0 Japan Conference: http://management30.jp/m30jpcon/ Conference input sharing
  27. How to start Events How to continue • Vision defining

    • Start with comrades • Event sharing • Chat communication • Retrospective • Surveys • Lean Coffee • OST • Lunch event • Peer 2on1 • Book reading • Social gathering • Conference input sharing
  28. Chat Communication › Share community related information, articles and thoughts.

    › Discussion can be occurred. Community channel [ Information sharing after community event ] [ Article sharing ]
  29. › Private channel down the hurdle to ask for help

    which is hesitated in public. Chat Communication Private channel › Personal tweeting area › Post can be seeds of consultation, discussion, event topic. #times_personal channel (分報)
  30. at the end of each events with attendees Retrospective ›

    Share learn, feeling Why? Result of short retrospective after "Lean Coffee" in PjM community › Grasp interests, needs of topics or events. › Get feedback about community management. › For attendees › For community manager
  31. › "Triggered change of consciousness or behavior ?" › "Improved

    your skill or work ?" Questionary & Hearing What should we grasp ? › Needs about activity › Person who may try new practice › Satisfaction level:Net Promoter Score
  32. Event Sharing › Conversations digest › Learn on attendees ›

    New knowledge, Tips › Result of Retrospective Why? › Show benefit, outcome for event › Let new members "Want to go event next time!!" What we did Unsplash : Austin Distel › Event sharing post to slack
  33. Why? › Needed especially in remote work situation. › Grasping

    personality is useful for community discussion. Social Gathering
  34. Final Messages › We need some investments such as time

    to make changes or gain some outcome. › You can save your company by managing community! That experience is a big advantage in your career. Let's make an action! Take baby steps! The age of community! › The first thing you can do may be to make an appointment with colleague who may have the similar problems.