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Real-time Estimation on Billion ows of events u...

Real-time Estimation on Billion ows of events using Apache Druid

LINE Developers Thailand

September 14, 2022

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  1. Real-time Estimation on Billion rows of events using Apache Druid

    How OAPlus manages to do real-time segment aggregation
  2. • Problem Statement • Introduction to Apache Druid • Theta

    Sketch estimation • How Druid solve data pipeline problems • Real-time events Agenda
  3. • Lots of user event data • Survey responses •

    Chat messages • Tags, Groups • Data size (Billion+ rows) • Aggregate in real-time • i.e. How many users are in this tag and answer this survey? Problem Statement
  4. • SQL database does not work (Data is too large)

    • LINE has a big Hadoop cluster (but not suitable for real-time usage) • Aggregation in Mongo is really slow Problem Statement
  5. • Apache Druid allows us to store very large data

    • Deep storage stores data on HDFS • Can ingest data directly from HDFS • Suitable for real-time workload • Can do sketch estimation! Answer
  6. What is • Apache Druid is a real-time analytics database

    designed for fast slice-and-dice analytics on large data sets • Druid is most used where real-time ingest, fast query performance, and high uptime are important 
 • Druid is commonly used for powering GUIs of analytical applications, or as a backend for highly- concurrent APIs that need fast aggregations. Druid works best with event-oriented data.
  7. Indexing Datasource and Segments • Conversion to columnar format •

    Indexing with bitmap indexes • Compression • Dictionary encoding with id storage minimization for String columns • Bitmap compression for bitmap indexes • Type-aware compression for all columns
  8. External Dependencies Required components • Deep Storage • Hadoop HDFS

    • Amazon S3, (or compatible) • Metadata Storage • MySQL • Zookeeper for cluster management
  9. Introducing Theta Sketch • The Challenge: Fast, Approximate Analysis of

    Big Data • Unique User (or Count Distinct) Queries • Set Operation (and, or, not) • If An Approximate Answer is Acceptable • +/- 1~4% accuracy
  10. What is our data pipeline looks like? From application to

    Druid App DB App DB LINE Hadoop Cluster Druid ET ET Inges App (for estimation)
  11. How do we ingest from Hadoop "ioConfig": { "inputFormat": {

    "type": "parquet", "flattenSpec": { "useFieldDiscovery": true, "fields": [ { "type": "path", "name": "nested", "expr": "$.path.to.nested" } ] }, "binaryAsString": false }, ... } • Support HDFS format • parquet • ORC • JSON • Use Hadoop resources to do ingestion (it is fast)
  12. Our Use Cases Group A Group B Group A &

    Group B • Simple Case • What if it goes on and on • A & B & C & … • Mongo DB aggregation can take up to 5 minutes on just about million users.
  13. Sketch in Druid "postAggregations": [ { "type": "thetaSketchEstimate", "name": "final_unique_users",

    "field": { "type": "thetaSketchSetOp", "name": "final_unique_users_sketch", "func": "INTERSECT", "fields": [ { "type": "fieldAccess", "fieldName": "A_unique_users" }, { "type": "fieldAccess", "fieldName": "B_unique_users" } ] } } • Sketch estimate • Can do set operation • It’s FAST!
  14. Our Use Cases • Survey answers group by date in

    the last period • How would you do it in DB? • Mongo DB can do aggregation -> Not so simple
  15. How do we ingest from Kafka • Support natively •

    SASL • Use native Java consumer • It’s fast and reliable • Built-in parser
  16. Timeseries in Druid { "queryType": "groupBy", "dataSource": { "type": "table",

    "name": "survey_form_stat" }, "intervals": { "type": "intervals", "intervals": [ "2020-09-18T17:48:05.000Z/ 2020-09-30T20:48:05.001Z" ] }, "filter": { … }, "granularity": { "type": "period", "period": "P1D", "timeZone": "Asia/Bangkok" } } • Group by with granularity • Because it’s time series • It’s FAST!
  17. Summary What have we done • Data: ~15,000,000,000 (15B+) rows

    in database • Sub-second query aggregation on millions+ set • Do aggregation with Theta Sketch estimate • Get data from Hadoop HDFS • Real-time data from Apache Kafka