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Statewide Comprehensive IPV Training Round Two...

Statewide Comprehensive IPV Training Round Two Day 1

This Statewide Comprehensive Training provides professionals with in-depth information about working in the field of domestic violence. The training emphasizes victim safety, victim empowerment, abuser accountability, and a comprehensive system’s response to intimate partner violence. MNADV emphasizes partnering with local domestic violence programs and utilizes local experts to present throughout the training. MNADV developed this training for professionals from a variety of different fields who encounter domestic violence in their work.

lucane lafortune

April 23, 2021

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  1. Meet the Team Angel Campbell Training & Technical Assistant Darrell

    Holly LAP Administrator Jenn Pollitt Hill Interim Executive Director K-Tony Korol Evans Statewide Trainer Lucane LaFortune Deputy Director Chimere Jackson Communications Specialist Mariesa Robinson Prevention Coordinator Melanie Shapiro Policy Director Renee Wells Operations Manager
  2. Housekeeping • Certificates and CEUs • Cancellations • Attendance •

    Accessing Materials • All attendees will be MUTED except during breakout sessions. • Use the chat box to ask questions or engage in dialogue • Evaluations
  3. Introductions History of the domestic violence movement BREAK Framework, definitions,

    & prevalence BREAK Social normalization of violence against women LUNCH Power & Control Dynamics: Tactics of Abuse BREAK Power & Control Dynamics: Tactics of Abuse continued BREAK Realms of Self Care BREAK National & statewide landscape Speed networking Evaluations/Self Care
  4. “If you’re destroying and poisoning the things that give us

    life, the things that shape our identity, the places that we are from and the things that sustain us, then how can you not be poisoning us? How can that not be direct violence against our bodies, whether that be respiratory illness or cancer or liver failure, or the inability to carry children. – Iako’tsi:rareh Amanda Lickers (Turtle Clan, Seneca)
  5. How is this connected to Intimate Partner Violence? • The

    MNADV Acknowledges that we are on Native Land. We are committed to dismantling all forms of oppression including the ongoing legacy of settler colonialism. Colonialism is the root of all isms and prejudices • We recognize that colonial violence on the land is connected to systemic violence including domestic violence, sexual violence, family violence, human trafficking for both labor and sexual exploitation, missing and murdered Indigenous women, and reproductive coercion of the enslaved Africans. • We acknowledge that colonialism introduced strict moral codes supported by patriarchy, which created and continues to enforce gender roles and binary with the use of sexual violence, transphobia, and homophobia.
  6. Beyond Land Acknowledgement • Locate yourself in relationship and responsibility

    to… including actively acknowledging your complicity in settler colonialism. Learn Indigenous histories, current events, and realities • Follow Indigenous media and artists; Believe and respect Indigenous perspectives and ways of knowing and doing • Unsettle settler colonialism …including land rights and settler reparations
  7. TAKE ACTION • Donate to any of the ongoing land

    tax/ land returns struggles. • Host a fundraiser and direct money towards supporting Ingenious organizing. • If you have access to land and are interested in land repatriation to Indigenous people, begin building relationships with people and see if there is interest in local land returns. • Support ongoing Indigenous-led organizing or land return struggles. *Resoursegeneration.org
  8. • Explore the history of violence against women and the

    domestic violence (DV) movement. • Learn the definitions and current statistics important to this work. • Discuss the roots of violence against women as it connects to social structure and power. • Identify local and national partners and resources and the importance of a coordinated community response.
  9. Origin Story 1800’s: Women-led Movement Building • Anti-slavery movement •

    1848 Women’s Rights Convention Early 1900’s: First Wave Feminism • Re-defining women’s roles • 19th Amendment 1960’s/1970’s: Second Wave Feminism • Roots in Civil Rights & Student’s Free Speech Movements • Fighting against injustice, institutionalized violence, and unequal rights Movement Timeline
  10. Before 1970: ▪ There were no shelters for victims of

    abuse ▪ There were no rape crisis centers ▪ White women made less than 59 cents to a man’s dollar (women of color even less) ▪ “Homosexuality” was still classified as a disease by the World Health Organization ▪ It was legal for a man to rape his wife ▪ You could discriminate against a woman in the workplace because she was pregnant
  11. Before 1970 continued ▪ Once married, any property owned by

    a woman was solely the right of her husband ▪ A married woman could not take out a credit card in her own name ▪ There was, and never had been, a woman on the Supreme Court or a woman elected to the US Senate ▪ Women’s basketball was not an Olympic event
  12. The Goal = Equality “Survivors said; if male authority, power,

    and privilege were re- distributed so that women had an equal share of that authority, rape and domestic violence would be eliminated. The reasoning was – and is – a person who respects another person as his equal will not beat her…Rape and abuse is about the threatening, intimidating and forceful behavior of one person against another. It’s about the misuse of power; it’s the enforcement of domination and control…. Adapted and abbreviated from “A Brief History of the Anti-Rape Movement” Polly Poskin, Executive Director Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault
  13. The Goal = Equality …It is why men primarily abuse

    women and adults abuse children and not vice versa. Inequality is why white people stand a much better chance in this culture than a person of color. Inequality is why rich people not only live better, they will live longer to use up the resources of the world than will poor people. And until inequality is addressed and eliminated, we will have shelters and they will be overwhelmed with the individual, complex, excruciatingly painful needs of people who do not have anywhere else to turn.” Adapted and abbreviated from “A Brief History of the Anti-Rape Movement” Polly Poskin, Executive Director Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault
  14. Social Movements 1. Movements are born from grassroots engagement -

    “people power”; 2. Movements capture a trend or need that a community or group of people feel passionate about; 3. Movements have identified an unjust social condition and policies and they seek to change them; 4. Movements are about action by ordinary people
  15. Social Movement Victories • United States • Abolition of Slavery

    • Right of Labor to Organize • Child Labor Laws • Voting Rights • Anti‐Vietnam War Movement • Civil Rights Movement • Environmental Conservation • Black Panther Party • MADD - Drunk Driving • Ethical treatment of animals • Disability movement, ADA passage • Seat belt & child restraint safety • Reduced lead levels in paint • LGBTQ Rights • Littering & recycling • Black Lives Matter • Immigration/DREAMERS • Women’s Rights Movement • Women can own property, credit cards • Sexual Harassment laws • Criminalization of DV • Marital rape laws • Title IX • Employment Discrimination laws • Women in higher education • #MeToo
  16. Importance of Survivor Perspective • Survivors central to the movement

    • Empowerment model • Professionalization of the movement
  17. Let’s talk about language! Which terms do you use in

    your work? Why? What comes to mind when you think of each term? In what ways does each term reflect a particular approach to the issue? In what ways does each term reflect an understanding of the data we have available on the issue? Do any of the terms exclude a person or group of people? How? 1 Domestic Violence Domestic Abuse Intimate Partner Violence Spousal Abuse Dating Abuse Family Violence 3 Battered Woman Battered Person Survivor Victim Victim/Survivor 2 Stalker Abuser Abusive Partner Rapist Perpetrator Batterer Suspect Offender
  18. Let’s talk about language! “Language can never be neutral; it

    creates versions of reality. To describe an event is inevitably to characterize that event.” • “Person-first” language • LGBTQIA+ • Pronouns • Undocumented vs. Illegal Alien • What about gender? Bavelas & Coates, 2001; MacMartin, 2002
  19. Changing the Narrative What can we all do about it?

    • Talk about intimate partner violence within the fuller social context • Don’t sensationalize, romanticize, and sexualize women and abuse • Don’t perpetuate myths and misrepresentations which can skew public perceptions about who perpetrates IPV, who is most at risk of violence and where violence occurs • Don’t (directly and indirectly) shift blame from perpetrators of violence and assign responsibility for violence to victims • Uplift the stories of victims, survivors, women, and underserved populations and not rely on law enforcement as the “experts” • Choose our language carefully, place agency where it belongs (on the abusive partner!), and use person-first language Sutherland, Simons, Blatchford. News media and the primary prevention of violence against women and their children: Emerging Evidence, Insights and Lessons 2017 Our Watch AU
  20. Intimate Partner Violence A pattern of abusive behavior in any

    relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate partner. -Office on Violence Against Women (OVW)
  21. What Does IPV Include? Physical violence, sexual violence, stalking and

    psychological aggression (including coercive tactics) by a current or former intimate partner (i.e., spouse, boyfriend/girlfriend, dating partner, or ongoing sexual partner). - Center for Disease Control (CDC)
  22. Nationally… • Domestic violence victims are found in all socioeconomic

    levels, educational, racial, genders, sexual orientations, and age groups. • 1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men experience severe intimate partner physical violence, sexual violence, and/or stalking (NCADV 2020) • On a typical day, there are more than 20,000 phone calls placed to domestic violence hotlines nationwide.
  23. Prevalence • 46.7% of female and male 44.9% survivors of

    rape in the United States were raped by an acquaintance. • Of these, 45.4% of female rape victims and 29% of male rape victims were raped by an intimate partner. (NCADV) • The presence of a gun in a domestic violence situation increases the risk of homicide by 500% • 72% of all murder-suicides involve an intimate partner; 94% of the victims of these murder suicides are female (NCADV).
  24. Prevalence • The 2015 Asian & Pacific Islander on Domestic

    Violence report found that between 21%-55% of Asian women reported experiencing IPV and/or sexual assault during their lifetime • 1 in 3 Latina women experience IPV. (National Latina Network,2020) • Over 84% of Native women experience violence during their lifetimes (NCADV,2020) • 45.1% of Black women and 40.1% of Black men have experienced intimate partner physical violence, intimate partner sexual violence and/or intimate partner (NCADV,2020) • Those who are deaf and hard of hearing are 1.5 times more likely to experience IPV than the hearing population (NCADV 2020)
  25. Lesbian Women Bisexual Women Straight Women Gay Men Bisexual Men

    Straight Men 44% 61% 35% 26% 37% 29% Lifetime Prevalence of Rape, Physical Violence, or Stalking by an Intimate Partner for Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Individuals *This study did not include gender identity or expression CDC’s 2010 National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey
  26. In Maryland… • In 2020, There were 22343 requests for

    DV Projective Orders. • 4,707 Temporary Protective Orders during Fiscal Year 2020. • 2,749 Final Protective Orders during Fiscal year 2020 • In one day, 702 victims of domestic violence were served in Maryland. (2019) MSP, 2020 MD Judiciary, 2020 NNEDV Census 2019
  27. Historical Context • Domestic violence is deeply rooted in social

    norms particularly gender construction, which is a set of ideas that dictate the behavior of men and women. • In North America, before the European colonization, many tribes did not subscribe to a patriarchal ideology. For instance, the Iroquois Nations—Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga, Oneida, Mohawk, and Tuscarora—had a different concept of gender roles. • In the Iroquois Nations, women and men viewed themselves as individuals with varied yet equally respected roles.
  28. "Savagery to Civilization" We, the women of the Iroquois Own

    the Land, the Lodge, the Children Ours is the right to adoption, life or death; Ours is the right to raise up and depose chiefs; Ours is the right to representation in all councils; Ours is the right to make and abrogate treaties; Ours is the supervision over domestic and foreign policies; Ours is the trusteeship of tribal property; Our lives are valued again as high as man's - Puck, May 16, 1914. Clan mother: a leader of the clan—the highest level of respect in the Iroquois Confederacy. Clan mothers chose chiefs and made sure they upheld their positions. Historical Context continued
  29. Gender Socialization 42 Gender Socialization The process by which men

    and women are informed about norms and behaviors associated with their biological sex. Social norms sometimes can create patterns of behaviors, attitudes and beliefs in an environment in which all individuals are not treated equally. These norms allow a person or group to have power over another.
  30. Social Norms & Violence • Violence is an act of

    taking away someone’s power and it can only occur when there are power differences between people. • Some social norms include: portraying individuals as sexual objects versus full human beings; and strict gender or racial stereotypes. • Social norms can protect against violence but can also perpetuate violence. • Failure to stick to the rules can result in severe punishments, which includes social inclusion, extreme violence, and even death.
  31. Menti.com. As the following words come up, write down Male

    or Female Dolls Cleaning Army Sports Jewelry Guns Fishing Bravery Cooking Fixing Things Secretary Crying Shopping Gossip Secretary President Bubble Bath Nurse Tools Monster Trucks
  32. Examples of Social Norms Gender norms • Men are dominant

    and strong • Crying for men is a sign of weakness • women are strong and cannot be victims • It's the role of the man to dominate • Anger and rage is a natural part of masculinity Dating • Women should be passive • “Ladies in the streets and freaks in the bed” • Expecting sex after expensive date • Women should always look respectable • Men are players when dating many women. • Women are sluts when dating many men.
  33. Examples of Social Norms Raising children • Physical punishment is

    acceptable • Children are seen, not heard • Children not snitching or tattletaling • Children are told, “someone hits you at you school, hit them back." Marriage/Family • Men are providers in the family • Women are caretakers • Women should be obedient to men • Men don't hit women • Women can hit men • Men are always in control • Partners should always be ready for sex • Anger and rage are natural to men • Violence is part of a relationship
  34. Social Norms & Violence Tony Porter, founder of A Call

    to Men, refers to this socialization process as the “Man Box.”
  35. Real World Implications • Participants watched either romantic comedies or

    psychological thrillers that feature a man persistently pursuing a woman • Hypothesis: • “Movies portraying persistent romantic pursuit of a female character can influence viewers’ beliefs about stalking.” “I Did It Because I Never Stopped Loving You: The Effects of Media Portrayals of Persistent Pursuit on Beliefs About Stalking” Lippman.
  36. Real World Implications • Half Watched Romantic Comedy: • .88

    times more likely to believe in harmful stalking myths • Half Watched Psychological Thriller: • 1.13 times less likely to believe in harmful stalking myths “The experiment reported here demonstrates that media depictions of these romanticized pursuit behaviors can in fact have a clear and negative impact, in that they can lead people to see stalking as a less serious crime than they otherwise would.” “I Did It Because I Never Stopped Loving You: The Effects of Media Portrayals of Persistent Pursuit on Beliefs About Stalking” Lippman.
  37. • Cockblock • Netflix & Chill • Stealthing • Run

    a train • Smash • GNOC • Body Count • Face beat • Face rape • I’m dead • Savage • Slay The Code
  38. Language of Consensual Acts Using the language of consensual sex

    to describe assaultive acts Bavelas & Coates, 2001 © 2015 Claudia J. Bayliff “Raped or Seduced? How Language Helps Share Our Response to Sexual Violence” Eroticized/Romanticized 1. “He fondled her breasts.” 2. “She kissed, hugged, and caressed her.” 3. “They had intercourse.” 4. “She performed felatio.” 5. “She put her hands on him” Accurate 1. “He groped her breasts.” 2. “She forced herself upon her.” 3. “He raped her.” 4. “He forced her to perform oral sex on him.” 5. “She beat him”
  39. Menti.com. What kinds of messages are we sending to folks

    in the language that we speak, and the types of media we consume?
  40. What is Domestic Violence? A pattern of abusive behavior in

    any relationship that is used by one partner to gain and maintain power and control over another intimate partner. -Office on Violence Against Women (OVW)
  41. Violence Against Women Act VAWA - 1994 The cornerstone of

    our nation’s response to domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking. • Reauthorized in 2000, 2005, 2013, 2019 Resulted in: • Yearly domestic violence rates dropped dramatically by 64% from 1993 to 2010 • In the first six years, an estimated $14.8 billion in net averted social costs. • 51% increase in reporting of domestic violence and 18% increase in National Domestic Violence Hotline calls each year. • Increased collaboration between nonprofits, government agencies and criminal justice system
  42. VAWA Reauthorization • Maintaining vital protections for all survivors; •

    Investing in prevention; • Ensuring victim service providers can use VAWA funding to help victims experiencing a range of domestic violence behaviors, not just physical abuse; • Ending impunity for non-Native perpetrators of sexual assault, child abuse co-occurring with domestic violence, stalking, sex trafficking, and assaults on tribal law enforcement officers on tribal lands; • Improving access to safe housing and economic independence; • Protecting dating violence from abusers with firearms; • Improving the healthcare systems and workplace responses to the four crimes; and • Improving enforcement of court-ordered firearm relinquishment.
  43. VAWA Violence Against Women Act Prevention Intervention CDC Center for

    Disease Control HHS Health & Human Services DOJ Department of Justice OVW Office on Violence Against Women
  44. MNADV Services • Training • Technical Assistance • Prevention &

    Education • Policy, Legislation & Media • Statewide Domestic Violence Fatality Review Team Coordination • Statewide Lethality Assessment Program – Maryland Model (LAP) Coordination • National LAP Coordination
  45. What is Technical Assistance? General Advocacy • We have a

    trans woman coming to stay in our shelter. What can we do to make sure she’s welcomed? Outreach • There are a lot of Spanish-speaking immigrants in my service area, what are some ways I can do outreach to this community about domestic violence? Management • I’m a new supervisor and I’m noticing some signs of vicarious trauma in my staff. What can I do to help them? Compliance/Accessibility • How do I make sure that my shelter is ADA compliant and accessible to survivors with physical disabilities? Have a question? Reach out to us!
  46. Some Major Legislative Accomplishments 1980 Battered Spouse Program Protection from

    Domestic Violence 1985 Protective Orders - Abuse by Household Members 1991 Child Custody and Visitation 1994 Domestic Violence Act of 1994 1996 The Governor’s Gun Violence Act of 1996 2002 Interim Domestic Violence Protective Orders and Interim Peace Orders 2009 Protective Orders to include Surrender of Firearms 2010 Rental Housing Protection for Victims of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault 2012 Trafficking of Minors Deemed Child Abuse – Mandated Reporting 2014 Burden of Proof for Peace Orders and Protective Orders and DV Committed in Presence of a Minor - Enhanced penalties 2017 Health Care Decisions Act – Advance Directives and Surrogate Decision Making
  47. Comprehensive DV Programs These programs provide: • 24 hour hotline,

    • Shelter, • Counseling, and • Advocacy Many also provide legal advocacy or representation
  48. Culturally-Specific Programs Adelante Familia at House of Ruth Maryland Hispanic/Latino

    Services – Baltimore area CHANA Jewish Victim Services – Statewide SAFE: Stop Abuse of Elders at CHANA – Baltimore area Asian/Pacific Islander DV Resource Project – Statewide ElderSAFE Center, Charles E. Smith Life Communities Older Adult - Montgomery County Jewish Coalition Against Domestic Violence – Statewide
  49. Maryland is Awesome! • Hospital-based Programs • Abuse Intervention Programs

    (AIPs) • County-wide Domestic Violence Fatality Review Teams (DVFRTs) • Domestic Violence Coordinating Councils (DVCCs) • Lethality Assessment Program – Maryland Model (LAP) • Family Justice Centers (Harford, Montgomery, and Prince George’s)
  50. Speed Networking • Who is already in your network? •

    What are the culturally specific or specialized programs in your county and what services do they offer? • What are the successes your county has made? • What can be improved? How would you do this?
  51. We tend to think of nourishment only as what we

    take in through our mouths, but what we consume with our eyes, our ears, our noses, our tongues, and our bodies is also food. The conversations going on around us, and those we participate in, are also food. Are we consuming and creating the kind of food that is healthy for us and helps us grow? -Thich Nhat Hanh
  52. Evaluations Questions to think about: • What did you learn

    that you’re going to take with you back to your work? • Is there something you wanted to learn about that wasn’t addressed, or wanted more time spent on it? • Was there something that can be improved for next time? https://md.coalitionmanager.org/formmanager/formsubmission/create?formId=119