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Statewide Comprehensive IPV Training Round Two ...

Statewide Comprehensive IPV Training Round Two Day 2

This Statewide Comprehensive Training provides professionals with in-depth information about working in the field of domestic violence. The training emphasizes victim safety, victim empowerment, abuser accountability, and a comprehensive system’s response to intimate partner violence. MNADV emphasizes partnering with local domestic violence programs and utilizes local experts to present throughout the training. MNADV developed this training for professionals from a variety of different fields who encounter domestic violence in their work.

lucane lafortune

April 30, 2021

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  1. MNADV’s 5-Day Comprehensive Intimate Partner Violence Training Day 2: Oppression,

    Coordinated Community Response, AIPs, Engaging Men and Boys, Predominate Aggressor, Intersection of IPV & SA
  2. Meet the Team Angel Campbell Training & Technical Assistant Darrell

    Holly LAP Administrator Jenn Pollitt Hill Interim Executive Director K-Tony Korol Evans Statewide Trainer Lucane LaFortune Deputy Director Chimere Jackson Communications Specialist Mariesa Robinson Prevention Coordinator Melanie Shapiro Policy Director Renee Wells Operations Manager
  3. Housekeeping • Certificates and CEUs • Cancellations • Attendance •

    Accessing Materials • All attendees will be MUTED except during breakout sessions. • Use the chat box to ask questions or engage in dialogue • Evaluations
  4. Review/Debrief of Day 1 Oppression BREAK Oppression Continued LUNCH Coordinated

    Community Response Abuse Intervention Programs BREAK Engaging Men and Boys BREAK Predominant Aggressor Self Care Evaluations
  5. Our Workshop Agreements • Active listening • Be open •

    Be present: silence that internal chatter • Push through growing edge • Respectfully challenge each other • Continue to have these conversations • Remember why we’re all here
  6. Day 2 Review and Debrief • What were your overall

    thoughts on the day? • What did you learn? • What surprised you? • What do you want to learn more about? • How will you do your work differently?
  7. Power & Control Wheels for Marginalized Groups • Add Mentimeter

    • Name some of the ways power and control shows up differently for marginalized groups. What were some of the different tactics used by the abusers?
  8. Objectives • Examine how systemic oppression complicates abuse for survivors,

    impacts our work culture and influences the anti-violence movement • Explore how recognizing our own privilege can help us better serve clients and grow as individuals • Discuss the importance of an intersectional approach when working with marginalized communities and domestic violence survivors • Examine the ways in which an anti-oppression framework can be incorporated into your work
  9. What is Oppression? The systematic subjugation of one social group

    by a more powerful social group for the social, economic, and political benefit of the more powerful social group. Rita Hardiman and Bailey Jackson state that oppression exists when the following 4 conditions are found:
  10. Rita Hardiman and Bailey Jackson state that oppression exists when

    the following 4 conditions are found: 1 The oppressor group has the power to define reality for themselves and others, 2 the target groups take in and internalize the negative messages about them and end up cooperating with the oppressors (thinking and acting like them), 3 genocide, harassment, and discrimination are systematic and institutionalized, so that individuals are not necessary to keep it going, and 4 members of both the oppressor and target groups are socialized to play their roles as normal and correct.
  11. Types of Oppressions (Menti) • “Isms” is a shorthand way

    of categorizing the systemic mistreatment of people according to one of their many identities, biological or cultural. • Ablism • Ageism • Classism • Heterosexism • Racism • Sexism
  12. How Discrimination shows up in Domestic Violence Programs Breakout Group

    Questions: • How might you use your role in your domestic violence program to best deal with each of the following situations? • If the situation involves clear discrimination, what does the law require? • What does fairness require? • What are some of the challenges in implementing either? • How can we create a welcoming environment and a better understanding of the role of oppression & discrimination in our domestic abuse programs?
  13. How do You Work from an Anti-Oppression Lens or Framework?

    • Being conscious and active in the process of learning and recognizing that systemic oppression and discrimination is at play. • Actively working to acknowledge and shift power towards inclusiveness, accessibility, equity and social justice. • Ensuring that anti-oppression is embedded in everything that you do by examining attitudes and actions as well as policies and procedures. • Creating a space where people are safe, but can also be challenged.
  14. Ethical Dilemmas Breakout Group Questions: • What are some of

    the ethical dilemmas or organizational challenges that you see in the scenarios? • What are some of the barriers or challenges in addressing the issues you identified? How can we break through some of those barriers? • Describe some of the oppressions you identify. • Describe some similarities or differences in these scenarios with what happens (or could happen) in your own organization. • It is difficult, and some would argue unethical, for white people to undertake this discussion before dealing with white privilege. How do you feel about this? Can an organization support both discussions?
  15. What is Privilege? • Unearned social power accorded by the

    formal and informal institutions of society to ALL members of a dominant group (e.g. white privilege, male privilege, etc.). • Privilege is usually invisible to those who have it because we’re taught not to see it, but nevertheless it puts them at an advantage over those who do not have it. • All people are both privileged and non-privileged in certain aspects of their life. And privilege exists in all communities.
  16. Understanding Intersectionality • What does intersectionality mean? • What does

    it mean to have intersectional identities? • What privilege and power exists within those intersections? • Why is important to recognize these multiple layers of identity?
  17. Overarching Questions • What is a coordinated response? • What

    does one really look like? • What impact does a solid coordinated response have on the lives of survivors and their families?
  18. Guiding Principles of CCR • Requires coordination and partnership from

    many agencies and stakeholders • Domestic violence programs should be the driving force • Balance of diplomacy and assertive advocacy
  19. Good Collaborators • Have empathy and understanding towards others’ perspectives

    • Articulate their own needs clearly • Are patient and thorough with explanations • Actively listen • Advocate strongly for survivors
  20. The Interfaith Community Train clergy and lay leaders: • Emphasize

    empowerment advocacy and referral • Include screening for domestic violence in pastoral counseling • Stay connected: Outreach materials, thank you notes, personal invitations • Targeted donation drives (“adopt the shelter,” etc.) • Encourage them to sign up for MNADV newsletter • Collaborate with faith-based organizations to sponsor domestic violence awareness events
  21. The Health Care System • Cross-train staff • Identify, screen,

    and assess • Mandated reporting • Referrals and resources • Encourage protocols and procedures for patients to be screened, assessed, and referred alone • Outreach materials • Maryland Health Care Coalition Against Domestic Violence • Futures Without Violence • MNADV • Encourage utilization of hospital-based DV programs
  22. The Department of Social Services (DSS) • Cross-train staff •

    Develop screening and referral protocols • Identify loopholes and procedures that allow survivors to receive services promptly. • Safety plan around appointments • Advocate for the survivor to obtain needs such as purchase of care (daycare) vouchers, transportation • Attend and advocate at systems-level meetings
  23. Mental Health & Substance Use Programs • Cross-train staff •

    Referral protocols for survivors and abusive partners • Encourage discussion around: • Psychiatric diagnosis • Trauma and mental distress • Common mental health disorders of survivors and abusive partners • Coping strategies (healthy and unhealthy) • Stages of change • Harm reduction strategies • Program restrictions and practices REMEMBER! • Mental health disorders/ substance use do not cause DV • Both the survivor and the abusive partner may be struggling • Mental health disorders/substance use are often used as a way to blame the victim while excusing the abusive partner’s behavior • A victim’s perception of their situation and the potential danger they are in can be impacted by their mental health disorder and/or substance use
  24. Legislators • Participate in legislative committees and lobby days •

    Attend hearings on issues that will impact survivors • Send hand-written letters and/or call legislators to advocate for survivors’ rights and needs https://whoismyrepresentative.com/ https://www.house.gov/representatives/find- your-representative http://mgaleg.maryland.gov/ • Invite legislators to speak and/or participate in awareness-raising activities
  25. Law Enforcement • Cross-train • Domestic violence dynamics • Confidentiality

    requirements • Stages of change • Identify a main contact • Outreach materials • Follow-up • Collaboration impacts safety planning!
  26. Military • Join our new CCR focusing on improving responses

    for military service members, veterans, and their families. • Service members, veterans, and their families form almost 8% of Maryland’s population. • Learn who your military counterparts are. • Participate in events on military installations and invite your military and veteran counterparts to participate in your organization’s events. • Next meeting is from 9:30-11am Thursday, April 29, 2021.
  27. Anger Management • Anger is primary problem. • Focus is

    managing the emotion. • Abuse is seen as loss of control. • Intervention is short term. • Generally, no identified victim. • No addressing of empathy for the victim. • Non-confrontational. • Little or no attention to accountability. • Viewed as personal mental health issue. • Abuse and control is primary problem. • Focus on changing beliefs & behavior. • Abuse is seen as taking control. • Intervention is long term. • There are identified victim(s). • Empathy building is common. • Confrontational. • Accountability is paramount. • Viewed a social, societal issue. Abuse Intervention Differences between Anger Management and AIP
  28. Maryland AIP Certification • All Abuse Intervention Programs (AIPs) in

    Maryland must be certified by the Governor’s Office of Crime Control and Prevention (GOCCP) • Each May, the Family Violence Council (FVC) (under GOCCP) accepts applications for re-certification of current programs and for new programs http://goccp.maryland.gov/victims/family- violence-council/abuse-intervention/
  29. AIP Guidelines • Purposes: • Ensure safety and well-being of

    all programs, abusers, and victims; • Strengthen programs; • Quality assurance; • Ensure an accountability response; • Best practices are recommendations, not requirements. Keep in mind: Even with the guidelines, of the 45 states with standards or guidelines for abuse intervention work, Maryland still has the least restrictive standards. Comprehensive list of other state standards: www.biscmi.org
  30. Minimum qualifications of AIPs • Program response to survivors and

    courts • Focus on accountability and stopping the abuse • Connection with local comprehensive program
  31. Guidelines: Definition of abusive behavior In the Maryland AIP guidelines,

    abusive behavior is defined as: Any criminal offense where the offender and the victim are, or have been, married; in an intimate relationship, including dating and same sex relationships; or have a child together. • Pattern of coercive control • “Physical or emotional harm or intimidating to control the victim’s thoughts, feelings, or actions.” • Abusive behavior results in a culture of fear
  32. Guidelines: Types of abuse • Physical • Verbal and emotional

    • Economic • Sexual abuse • Social isolation • Stalking • Forced Imprisonment • Failure to comply with immigration requirements
  33. Guidelines: Responsibility of abusive behavior • Abuser “bears sole responsibility”

    for their actions. • Substance use nor “emotional problems” will be tolerated as excuses
  34. Operating Standards Must comply with victim confidentiality laws Intake process:

    • Court or self-referral • AIP alerts the courts if program is not suitable • Take history of violence • Confidentiality waiver for abusive partner • Contract signed by AIP and abusive partner • Duration of the program • Fees • No new violence of any form • Refrain from drugs and alcohol • If cannot do the above, considered noncompliance of the program
  35. Program Format • Intimate partner violence only • Same-gender groups

    • Timeline is at least 20 weeks (32 hours) for group and 12 weeks (16 hours) for individual • AIP notifies court monitors and victim of completion or discharge • No guarantee of safety for victim, even if completed • Discharge occurs if a new violent incident occurs
  36. Contact with Victim AIP Facilitators contact victim to: • Offer

    resources • Take history of violence • Provide info on AIPs • Inform them of abusive partner’s attendance, if desired AIP screens for abuser’s lethality and warns victim if needed and/or contacts law enforcement if there is a direct threat
  37. Best Practice Recommendations • Follow-up interviews with victims at 3,

    6, 9, 12 months • AIP contacts all current partners • Separation of services to victims and services to abusive partners ▪ Waiting rooms ▪ Limit contact on-site ▪ Couples counseling
  38. Best Practice Recommendations • Include related topics (parenting, substance use)

    • AIP maintains relationship with abusive partner’s probation/parole agent • 10-12 people per group • Groups preferred over individual counseling • Male and female co-facilitators
  39. Community Collaboration • Victim services • Mental health • Substance

    abuse • Domestic Violence Coordinating Council (county-wide) • Parole and probation Other organizations to connect with: • Maryland Abuse Intervention Collaborative (MAIC) • The Governor’s Family Violence Council (FVC) • The Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence (MNADV) • Community resources • Employment assistance • Parenting classes • Housing assistance, support groups
  40. Maryland Abuser Intervention Collaborative (MAIC) Purpose and Mission: to ensure

    that there are quality and effective abuse intervention programs throughout Maryland. Our mission is to improve victim safety, hold abusers accountable and eliminate intimate partner violence and abuse. Who We Are: a statewide network of experienced professionals committed to eradicating intimate partner violence. Current participation includes representation from the Governor’s Office of Crime Control & Prevention (GOCCP), the Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence (MNADV), Division of Parole and Probation (DPP), Department of Social Services (DSS), substance abuse programs, certified abuse intervention programs and abuse intervention programs seeking certification. Scope of Work: The Collaborative discusses coordinated community responses, promotes evidence-based best practices, conducts research, offers peer support and advocates for quality abuse intervention programs by educating, providing technical assistance to and collaborating with service providers and criminal justice professionals. To join MAIC’s listserv or to get more information about becoming a member of MAIC, please send an email to [email protected]. For a list of current certified abuse intervention programs and information on becoming a certified program, please visit the GOCCP website at http://goccp.maryland.gov/victims/family-violence-council/abuse-intervention/ or the MNADV website at https://mnadv.org/get-help/intervention/.
  41. Resources MAIC Co-Chairs: [email protected] • LaTisha Carter, My Covenant Place

    • Angelique Green-Manning, House of Ruth Maryland More information on AIPs in Maryland: http://goccp.maryland.gov/victims/family-violence- council/abuse-intervention/ • Operational guidelines • Application • List of certified programs • Complaint report form
  42. “ There are many effects of the abuse that are

    particular to males. Men are not supposed to be victims. Society tells us: men don’t get depressed, men don’t seek help, men don’t need therapy…” – Male Survivor
  43. What does the data show? • About 1 in 17

    men in the U.S. were victims of stalking at some point in their lifetime. • In the U.S., about 1 in 3 men experienced contact sexual violence, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner during their lifetime • Over one-third of men experienced psychological aggression by an intimate partner during their lifetime.
  44. What does the data show… • Nearly 1 in 10

    men in the U.S. experienced contact sexual violence, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner during their lifetime and reported some form of IPV-related impact • 31.0% experienced physical violence ;14.9% experienced severe physical violence. • About 1 in 20 men in the U.S. experienced contact sexual violence, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner during the 12 months preceding the survey.
  45. Consequences of not being seen as a victim • Not

    taken seriously as the victim by the Police thereafter • Losing care of children • Becoming even more isolated • Feeling there is no alternative but to use violence and/or weapons to protect self and/or children, increasing risk to everyone. • Increased use of self-medication to cope, which presents additional risks to self and to children.
  46. Consequences of not being seen as a victim • Psychological

    impact of not being believed ✓shutting down emotionally ✓minimizing to self and others the nature and effects of the violence ✓More difficult for agencies to respond • Being referred to a perpetrator program ✓a waste of resources ✓Inappropriate or unsafe for survivor ✓Increased depression or anger ✓More control by the real perpetrator
  47. Change Agents • If you know somebody who is abusive

    toward their partner tell them their behavior is not okay and they need to get help to stop. • Speak out against domestic violence. This can have a powerful effect in helping change attitudes and social norms that support and perpetuate abuse. • Take on a leadership role in your community, e.g. sports club, university, neighborhood association or church group, and use this opportunity to speak out against violence in the home.
  48. Change Agents • Understand how your own attitudes and actions

    may perpetuate sexism and violence. • Confront sexist, racist, homophobic and all other prejudiced remarks or jokes. • Reach out and show support to someone you know is experiencing domestic violence. Gently ask if you can help. Never put the blame on the victim of domestic violence.
  49. Change Agents • Become active bystanders including naming and stopping

    situations that could lead to violence before it happens and stepping in during an incident. • Recognize that the tradition of referring to men who choose to walk away from a fight as “punks” is connected to negative ideas about what is masculine.
  50. Resources • A Call to Men • Men Can Stop

    Rape • National Organization for Men Against Sexism (NOMAS) • Men Stopping Violence • Men’s Initiative for Jane Doe Inc. • Mentors in Violence Prevention • ReThink • Walk a Mile in Their Shoes
  51. • Domestic violence • Dual Arrests • The law •

    Self–Defense • Primary/Predominant Aggressor What we will do today:
  52. • S/he hit me too! • S/he attacked me first!

    • I was just trying to get him/her off of me! Common themes:
  53. Domestic violence is a pattern of behavior in which one

    person attempts to control an intimate partner through threats or actual use of physical violence, sexual assault, verbal and psychological abuse and/or economic coercion. Domestic Violence
  54. ▪ Dual arrest rates are higher for cases of simple

    assault that involve IP ▪ Mandatory arrest laws increase the likelihood that police will arrest both parties ▪ Dual arrest was more common in intimate partner cases if the primary offender was a female age 21 or older ▪ Dual arrest rates for same-sex couples were 10 times the rate observed in cases with male victims and female offenders and 30 times the rate in cases with female victims and male offenders Dual Arrests:
  55. ▪ Both parties are arrested. ▪ If both parties have

    injuries, often one party has acted in self-defense. ▪ In inappropriate dual arrests: ▪ Lessens ability to prosecute – often causing dismissal. ▪ Victims are further victimized. ▪ Decreases chances the victim will seek further help. ▪ Possible eventual homicide by offender. ▪ Increases liability. ▪ Abuser wins! 80 Dual Arrest:
  56. ▪ Md. Criminal Procedure, 2-204: ▪ If a police officer

    has probable cause to believe a mutual battery occurred and arrest is necessary ▪ The police officer shall consider whether one of the persons acted in self-defense when determining whether to arrest the person whom the police officer believes to be the primary aggressor. Maryland's Primary Aggressor
  57. ▪ Requires all of the following three factors: 1. The

    person actually believe that she/he was in immediate danger of bodily harm 2. Their belief was reasonable 3. They used no more force than what was reasonably necessary to defend themselves in light of the threatened or actual harm Maryland Self-Defense
  58. ▪ Both men and woman can be victims ▪ Abuse

    may appear mutual But abusers routinely: ▪ Accuse their partner of being equally abusive ▪ Claim to be the victim ▪ Use a pattern of coercive control BEST PRACTICE: When it appears a couple is mutually abusive, KEEP ASSESSING and asking questions about the relationship to determine the pattern of power and control!!! Determining Primary Aggressor
  59. ▪ Primary/Predominant aggressor is NOT who struck who first. ▪

    Rather, the predominant aggressor is the party who is the most significant aggressor: the party who poses the most serious threat and who has the greatest ability and inclination to inflict physical injury. Primary Aggressor
  60. ▪ They’re ready for you; ▪ Are you ready for

    them? Intimate Partner Criminals
  61. • Abuser is prepared • He said, she said –

    conflicting stories • Conflicting injuries • Conflicting demeanor Difficulties:
  62. ▪ 911* ▪ Witness Accounts ▪ Officer’s observations ▪ Physical

    evidence ▪ Prior history ▪ Criminal history of prior abuse? ▪ Prior history of protective orders? ▪ Prior calls for service? ▪ Demeanor and body language ▪ Physical size of the parties ▪ Offensive/Defensive Wounds Gathering Context:
  63. ▪ Who is demonstrating power and control? ▪ Following from

    room to room ▪ Does all the talking ▪ Keeps interrupting ▪ Threats ▪ Minimizing, denying and blaming Gathering Context:
  64. Victims Often: ▪ Fear their partner ▪ Fear retribution if

    they leave ▪ May attempt to explain their partner’s behavior ▪ May analyze their contribution to the violence ▪ Want to change the relationship ▪ Can see the relationship from their partner’s perspective ▪ Don’t exhibit genuine fear of partner ▪ Don’t fear retribution if they leave ▪ Criticize and blame their partner ▪ Keep the focus on their partner’s behavior ▪ Want to prove their point and complain about their partner ▪ Are unable or unwilling to see the relationship from their partner’s perspective Who’s The Victim? Abusers Often:
  65. • Who is fearful of whom? • Who poses the

    most danger to the other? • Who is seeking to stop the violence? • Who has the motive to lie or retaliate? • Is there corroboration? • Whose story makes the most sense? Questions to ask:
  66. Evaluations Questions to think about: • What did you learn

    that you’re going to take with you back to your work? • Is there something you wanted to learn about that wasn’t addressed, or wanted more time spent on it? • Was there something that can be improved for next time? https://md.coalitionmanager.org/formmanager/formsubmission/create?formId=119