or African American 8.73% identify as Hispanic or Latino Clarkston Chamblee Doraville Lithonia UNINCORPORATED SUPER DISTRICT 7 246,595 INCORPORATED SUPER DISTRICT 7 110,818 Pine Lake Stonecrest Stone Mountain Tucker DISTRICT 7 MUNICIPALITIES
Phillips Constituent Liaison jpphillips@dekalbcountyga.gov Allison M. Slocum District Manager amslocum@dekalbcountyga.gov Super District 7 Commissioner DISTRICT 7 STAFF LCJohnson@dekalbcountyga.gov
change to transform our communities. My priorities reflect the needs and concerns of my constituents and the vision of our 2035 Comprehensive Plan. My priorities goals include: Economic Development Critical Mass Entrepreneurship | Small Business Development Infrastructure Home Ownership | Affordable Housing Education Public Safety Transportation FOCUSED ON POSITIVE CHANGE
focuses on converting vacant, abandoned and tax-delinquent properties to productive use in order to stabilize neighborhoods and promote quality housing, encourage new industry and generate additional jobs. The DeKalb County BOC and CEO approved the intergovernmental agreement that established the DeKalb Regional Land Bank in August 2011. The City of Decatur and DeKalb County are the current partners in the land bank. DEKALB REGIONAL LAND BANK
AFFORDABLE HOUSING 87% of Americans identify home ownership as a part of the American Dream, but following the 2008 Housing Crisis, in the African-American community, home ownership is at its lowest rate since the Great Depression in 1929. CREATING HEALTHY COMMUNITIES Mortgage Loan Applications in $ Mortgage Loans Funded Mortgage Loan Funded in $ ETP Graduates 705,001 11 1,780,678 1 880,101 18 3,106,433 31 PROGRAM RESULTS Q3 YTD* *YTD data includes data entered post-quarter deadlines and any data reconciliation.
to have a significant effect or to achieve a result or maintain a venture. Critical mass through new home construction is an essential component of economic development and will be critical to seeing growth in south and unincorporated DeKalb.
announced the development of the Bransby-Rock Chapel Youth Farm, a place where children can grow healthy fruits and vegetables year-round. Several organizations have teamed up to support this effort, including DeKalb Youth Services, the Cooperative Extension, In Action for Healthy Living (PAHL), and of course District 7. Compost Bee Farming Preserves, Jellies and Jams Organic Salad Dressing Fruits and Vegetables and so much more!
launched the JOIN ME! COVID-19 Awareness Marketing Campaign to raise awareness and provide DeKalb residents with up-to-date information on the coronavirus. The campaign takes a conglomerate approach to engagement through messaging on static and digital billboards, MARTA buses and shelters, and social media. At the core of the campaign is www.DeKalbCOVIDInfo.com, a website that serves as a central portal for all things COVID-19.
Community Food Bank Art Station Clarkston Community Health $200,000 $240,000 $10,000 $50,000 $300,000 Friends of Disabled Adults & Children $40,000 The Hank Stewart Foundation $130,000 Africa's Children Fund, Inc. The Center for Pan Asian Community Services, Inc. Greenforest McCalep Christian Academic Center COVID-19 Awareness $30,000 $80,000 $30,000 $100,000 ENTITY AMOUNT TOTAL $1,423,571.42 DeKalb County School District $198,571.42 Tabitha's House $10,000 District 7 - PPE $5,000 COVID-19 AWARENESS
g 11.9% Code Enforcement 8.7% Sanitation 8.3% Roads & Drainage 8.1% Economic Development 7% Public Safety 5.3% Watershed Management 4.9% Transportatio n 3.2% Health 3% SOCIAL MEDIA @LORRAINE4CHANGE Through Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, I am engaging daily with DeKalb residents. All accounts are gaining new followers each month, with my highest platform yielding from Facebook with over 5,000 Friends, 957 Followers and 822 Likes. Sanitation 39 Transportation 15 Parks 10 Health 14 Public Safety 25 Other 67 Watershed Management 23 General Information & Information Requests 108 Code Enforcement 41 Roads & Drainage 38 Economic Development 33 *Source: District 7 phone calls, emails, and social media contacts with constituents between January 2, 2020 and December 31, 2020. Zoning 56 US 83.9% Others 8.4% Mobile US 4.7% District 7 website content was included in 1,200 organic searches over the past year, and its influence expands beyond the United States to various countries and the United Kingdom. US 83.89% ORGANIC SEARCHES ORGANIC SEARCH: KEYWORDS BY COUNTRY Mobile-US 4.70% Others 8.44% UK 2.97% commissionerlorrainecochranjohnson.com Since the launch of the District 7 website there have been 4,046,957 visitors. I will continue to expand its reach to ensure all of DeKalb has access to pertinent information. 4,046,957 VISITORS WEBSITE VISITORS COMMISSIONERLORRAINECOCHRANJOHNSON.COM
REPORT D E K A L B C O U N T Y D I S T R I C T 7 C O M M I S S I O N E R L O R R A I N E C O C H R A N - J O H N S O N Proudly serving over 350,000 residents.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD) are working together to meet federal and state standards required by consent decree. Understanding the importance quality water and sewer plays in healthy environment and economic development, the CIP will help us eliminate sewage pollution from cooking-related fats, oils, and grease from the County’s rivers and streams, particularly the South River, where treated wastewater is discharged. INFRASTRUCTURE & CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP)
Stone Mountain Park, Arabia Mountain National Heritage Area, David J. Spence CDC Museum, Michael C. Carlos Museum, and the Fernbank Museum of Natural History, DeKalb County has amazing attractions, unique destinations and wonderful trails and restaurants. As a part of my 2020-2021 Strategic Vision, I am providing funding to Discover DeKalb for a feasibility study for the development of a convention center. The presence of a convention center will have an enormous impact on economic development and tourism in DeKalb County.