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DeKalb Coronavirus Economic Relief Bill Town Hall

DeKalb Coronavirus Economic Relief Bill Town Hall

The DeKalb County Coronavirus Economic Relief Bill Town Hall took place on February 4, 2021, and provided critical information on the $900 Billion Coronavirus Relief Bill and how DeKalb residents can access the resources provided in the legislation. Featured panelists include Terri L. Denison (U.S. Small Business Administration), Fariz Morani (Access Loans & Financing) and Angela J. Riccetti (Atlanta Legal Aid Society, Inc.). In addition, featured topics included: Non-Affected Homeowners, Apartment Renters, Lost Jobs & No Income, Small Business Relief, Unemployment Compensation, Direct Payment To Individuals – Stimulus Checks, the Paycheck Protection Program, and the EIDL Loan Program. Important links -- www.atlantalegalaid.org, www.sba.gov and www.alfloans.com

DeKalb County District 7

February 08, 2021

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    Business Administration FARIZ MORANI Access Loan & Financing ANGELA J. RICCETTI Atlanta Legal Aid Society, Inc. CORONAVIRUS ECONOMIC RELIEF BILL TOWN HALL FEBRUARY 4, 2021 | 6PM Welcome
  2. $600 Stimulus Checks $300/Week Unemployment and Enhanced Jobless Benefits -

    Jan. 2, 2021 - March 13, 2021 $325 Billion Small Business Relief | PPP $69 Billion In Vaccine Distribution and Testing $82 Billion for Schools $25 Billion Renters $900 BILLION STIMULUS PACKAGE
  3. Under the CARES Act responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, all

    states provided 13 additional weeks of federally funded Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Assistance (PEUC) benefits to people who exhausted their regular state benefits, followed by additional weeks of federally funded EB in states with high unemployment (up to 13 or 20 weeks depending on state laws). UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION Under the Act, some people who exhausted all these benefits, and many others who have lost their jobs for reasons arising from the pandemic but who were not normally eligible for UI in their state, were eligible for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA). COVID relief legislation enacted in December 2020 extended the availability of PUA and PEUC from the week ending December 26, 2020 to the week ending March 14, 2021 (with people receiving benefits on March 14 eligible to continue receiving any remaining benefits until April 5, 2021). The maximum number of weeks that could be paid were increased to 24 for PEUC and 50 for PUA.
  4. “Millions of Americans are at risk of eviction or foreclosure

    because of the COVID-19 pandemic and corresponding economic crisis, and the Biden Administration is pursuing a comprehensive strategy to prevent widespread housing loss. Consequently, executive actions are a critical first step to ensure that families hit hard by the economic crisis will not be forced from their homes during their time of need. EVICTION MORATORIUM “Specifically, HUD has extended the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) eviction and foreclosure moratorium until March 31, 2021 and extended the Public and Indian Housing (PIH) eviction and foreclosure moratorium until March 31, 2021. Failing to prevent widespread evictions and foreclosures would lead to untold hardship for families and to overwhelmed emergency shelter capacity, increasing the likelihood of COVID-19 spread in our communities. The Biden Administration is committed to using the tools at its disposal and to working with Congress to help struggling households keep a roof over their heads. These agency actions support the Administration’s broader strategy by immediately extending nationwide restrictions on evictions and foreclosures.”
  5. ACCESS LOANS & FINANCING www.alfloans.com 404.662.3322 ATLANTA LEGAL AID SOCIETY

    www.atlantalegalaid.org 404.377.0701 U.S. SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION www.sba.gov (Paycheck Protection Program & COVID-19 Economic Injury Disaster Loans) 404.331.0100