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ChatGPT-3: Missing manual for common people - p...

ChatGPT-3: Missing manual for common people - part 1

ChatGPT-3 will disrupt workplaces in the same way desktop computers and the internet did in their time. It's important to be prepared.
I've put together a quick guide for everyday usage for "common people" to help start the "AI transformation" that is coming.

Marc-Alexandre Cartiant

January 20, 2023

More Decks by Marc-Alexandre Cartiant

Other Decks in Business


  1. •Redact anything that could lead to identifying a company or

    an individual. OpenAI is very clear about this: other people will read your correspondence. •Tip: replace •”names” with [NAME1], •"companies" with [COMPANY NAME 1], •"numbers" (ex: money) with [$$$ 1] where "1" is just a way to di ff erentiate among multiple names, companies, fi gures..etc… 1.Watch-out
  2. •Ask ChatGPT to rewrite your content without spelling mistakes or

    non-natural sentences. •Tip:Review the content before using it, as ChatGPT-3 may not always understand the intended meaning or style" 2.Correction
  3. •Ask ChatGPT where the issues were, what they were, and

    how they were fi xed •Tip: Keep in mind that ChatGPT may make changes proactively, such as changing a verb. 3.Detailed Change log
  4. •Ask ChatGPT to make the content you created more engaging

    by adding elements of fun, politeness, or persuasion. •Tip: Mix variations to create contrast and maintain the audience's interest." 4. Variations
  5. •Ask ChatGPT for feedback on the content as it o

    ff ers a fresh and “unbiased” perspective. •Tip: Be speci fi c about the type of feedback you are seeking: structure, tone, and level of understanding 5.Feedback
  6. •Ask ChatGPT to simplify specialized content into regular English. This

    may include legal language from contracts, technical language from scienti fi c articles, or overly complex content. •Tip: works both ways, that is, for you to understand complex content or to help you express complex situations in a simpler way. 6.Simplify
  7. •Ask ChatGPT to summarize key ideas in bullet points. •Tip:

    Request that ChatGPT provide an output that is both simpli fi ed and summarized in bullet points. 7.Wrap-up
  8. •Ask ChatGPT to explain a technical concept, clearly specifying that

    the answer should be presented using simple sentences and bullet points •Tip: This is another example of how you can control the output of ChatGPT to make it less complex and easier to understand. 8.Step by Step explanation