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Formațiuni politice europene

Formațiuni politice europene

Madalin Blidaru

January 27, 2018

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  1. Grupuri politice în Parlamentul European • Grupul Partidului Popular European

    (Cre ș tin-Democrat); • Grupul Alian ț ei Progresiste a Sociali ș tilor ș i Democra ț ilor; • Grupul Conservatorilor ș i Reformi ș tilor Europeni; • Alian ț a Liberalilor ș i Democra ț ilor pentru Europa; • Stânga Unit ă European ă /Stânga Verde Nordic ă ; • Grupul Verzilor/Alian ț a Liber ă European ă ; • Europa Libert ăț ii ș i Democra ț iei Directe; • Europa Na ț iunilor ș i Libert ăț ii.
  2. GUE NGL We are fighting for more and better jobs

    and educational opportunities, for social security and social solidarity, for a respectful way to deal with our earth and its resources, for cultural exchange and diversity, for sustainable economic development and for a consistent and strong peace policy. These must constitute, from our point of view, the ultimate goals of the European integration process. We see it as our mission to make the European Union more human, more transparent and more tangible. We want more direct democracy and active participation by citizens. The European Union must become a project of its people and cannot remain a project of the elites. We want equal rights for women and men, civil rights and liberties and the enforcement of human rights. Anti-Fascism and anti-racism are also a strong part of the tradition of left movements in Europe.