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Class 21

Class 21


Mohammad Mahmoody

November 07, 2017

More Decks by Mohammad Mahmoody

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  1. Plan Today: review! • State Machine and Invariance  Program

    correctness and Termination • Recursive Defenitions  Structural Induction • Infinite Sets and Cardinalities
  2. State Machine and Invariants • State Machine: M = ,

    ⊆ × , 0 ∈ • is a preserved invariant if ∀ ∈ . ∧ ( → ) ∈ ⟹ () • Invariant Principle: If is preserved invariant and (0 ) is true  it is true for all reachable states.
  3. Program Correctness • To prove a program P outputs “correctly”

    : 1. Model it as a state machine M 2. Show it eventually terminates 3. Show partial correctness (if it ends  it is correct) a) Find a “good” preserved invariant P for M b) Show ()=true for final state q implies correct output c) Show 0 =true for start state
  4. Recursive Data Types • To define recursive data type –

    Base case(s) that specify some elements are in – Constructor case(s) that specify how to construct new data element ∈ from previously constructed 1 , 2 , … ∈ • To define (new) operators on we again use base and constructor cases!
  5. Structural Induction Goal: To prove for all elements in data

    type 1. Prove for all base cases ∈ 2. Prove 1 ∧ (2 ) ⇒ for all constructable from 1 , 2 15
  6. Infinite Sets and Cardinalities A set is countably infinite iff

    there is a bijection between and ℕ. is infinite, if there is no bijection between and any ℕ . Equivalent : ℕ ≤ || : there is a surjective function from to ℕ is Countable : ≤ |ℕ| : there is a surjective function from ℕ to . A set is uncountable iff it is not countable.
  7. Infinite Sets and Cardinalities • Set of all English words…

    is finite. • Set of all words using English letters… is an infinite set. It includes all the finite sequences of a,b, which by interpreting = 0, = 1 we get all the natural numbers written in binary (and a lot more). So there is a surjective function from this set to ℕ.
  8. Infinite Sets and Cardinalities • We know (ℕ) is uncountable

    (Cantor’s theorem) and that ℕ = 0,1 = |ℝ| • To show is uncountable, prove that ≥ || for an uncountable set. • Example: 0,2 , 1,2 , .