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class 20

class 20

number theory

Mohammad Mahmoody

November 02, 2017

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  1. Plan + Reminders Today: number theory Deadline: PS8 this Friday

    6:29pm. Tuesday: Review before the exam Next Thursday: 2nd Exam.
  2. Number Theory • A study of integer numbers ℤ =

    … , −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, … and their properties. All numbers in today’s class integers unless said otherwise.. • Main operations: 1. Addition 2. Multiplication 3. Division..?..
  3. More Examples • ∣ , ∣ → ? • ∣

    , ∣ →? ∣ + for all , ?
  4. Primes • > 1 is prime, if its (positive) divisors

    are 1, • Other > 1 are called composite.
  5. Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic • Every positive > 1 can

    be uniquely written as: = 1 ⋅ 2 ⋅ … where 1. ′ are all prime 2. ≤ +1 • or equivalently: = 1 1 ⋅ 2 2 ⋅ … where 1. ′ are all prime 2. < +1 3. ’s are all positive integers
  6. Which one of these is true? 1. Every even number

    > 2 is sum of + for primes , . 2. There are infinitely many primes where + 2 is also prime. 3. For > 2 there are no integers , , where + =
  7. 1. Every even number > 2 is sum of +

    for primes , . Goldbach conjecture. Verified up to ~1019 2. There are infinitely many primes where + 2 is also prime. Twin primes conjecture. Proved: infinite pairs , + 2 ,both *products* of two primes 3. For > 2 there are no integers , , where + = Fermat’s last theorem..
  8. Fermat’s last theorem Pierre de Fermat 1607-1665 French Lawyer (and

    mathematician) Conjectured by Fermat in 1637 in the margin of Arithmetica where he says the proof is too large to fit in the margin
  9. Fermat’s last theorem Conjectured by Fermat in 1637 in the

    margin of Arithmetica where he says the proof is too large to fit in the margin Proved by Andrew Wiles (then Princeton, now Oxford) in 1994 He was 41 when proved this, so could not get Fields medal for that..
  10. Greatest Common Divisor • For , > 1, = gcd(,

    ) if > 1 is the greatest common divisor ∣ , ∣ • Example: what is gcd(, ) if ∣ ? • Example: What is gcd(, ) if = and = for primes , ,
  11. Division Theorem • For all , there are , where

    = ⋅ + and 0 ≤ < || • = (, ) could be positive or negative • = (, ) is always non-negative • Example:
  12. Useful Lemma • gcd , = gcd(, , ) •

    Why true? • Why useful?
  13. Charge • PS8 Due Friday (6:29pm) • Next week: –

    Tuesday: Review for Exam – Thursday: 2nd Exam