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TRICK2015 Results

TRICK2015 Results

Yusuke Endoh

December 11, 2015

More Decks by Yusuke Endoh

Other Decks in Programming


  1. • A contest for “esoteric” Ruby programming – i.e., a

    Ruby version of IOCCC – TRICK 2015 is the second contest Transcendental /ˌtransɛnˈdɛnt(ə)l/ “relating to a spiritual realm” * 「霊的領域に関する」 「世俗を超越した」「超絶技巧」 Imbroglio /ɪmˈbrəʊlɪəʊ/ “an extremely confused, complicated, or embarrassing situation” * 「極めて混乱した、恥ずかしい事態」 * according to Oxford Dictionaries
  2. !@THEqQUICKbBROWNfFXjJMPSvVLAZYDGgkyz&[%r{¥"}mosx, 4>6]|?'while(putc 3_0-~$.+=9/2^5;)<18*7and:`# eval$C=%q(at_exit{ open("/dev/dsp","wb"){|g|h=[0]*80 $><<"¥s"*18+"eval$C=%q(#$C);S=%:" (S<<m=58).lines{|l|s=[128]*n=20E2 t=0; h.map!{|v|d=?!==l[ t]?1

    :(l[ t]== ?#)? 0*v= 6:03 (v<1 ?[]: 0..n -1). each {|z| s[z] +=2* M.sin(($*[0] ||1) .to_f*M.sin(y= 40*(z+m)*2** (t/12E0)/463)+ y)*(v-z*d/n)}; t+=1;v-d};m+= n;g.flush<<(s. pack"C*"); puts(l)}}};M= Math);S=%: begin with an easy program. you should be able to write a program unless for you, program in ruby language is too difficult. At the end of your journey towards the ultimate program; you must be a part of a programming language. You will end if you != program “Best pangram” by @kinaba This prints each printable ASCII character exactly once. This contains each printable ASCII character exactly once. “Most readable” by @shinh Non-sense poem “Most classic” by @mametter Music-box quine
  3. • Announces the winners of TRICK 2015 – And demonstrates

    each winning entries • The winning entries will be published at: No k! http://github.com/tric /trick2015/
  4. • Write the most Transcendental, Imbroglio Ruby program 現世利益のない、意味不明な Ruby

    プログラムを書く • Illustrate some of the subtleties (and design issues) of Ruby Ruby のある種の神秘性 (と仕様バグ) を明らかにする • Show the robustness and portability of Ruby interpreters Ruby 処理系の意外な堅牢性と移植性を示す • Stabilize the spec of Ruby by the presence of valuable but unmaintainable code メンテナンス不能だが価値あるコードを世に放つことで Ruby の仕様を 安定化する
  5. • IOCCC: International Obfuscated C Code Contest • UCC: Underhanded

    C Contest • OPC: Obfuscated Perl Contest • IORCC: International Obfuscated Ruby Code Contest 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 C Perl Ruby 1985 IOCCC 1984-present UCC 2005-present OPC 1996-2000 IORCC 2005 TRICK 2013, 2015
  6. 1. Your entry must be a complete Ruby program. 2.

    The size of your program must be <= 4096 bytes in length. The number of non-space characters must be <= 2048. The total size of your compressed submission must be less than ten megabyte in size. 3. You can submit multiple entries, and your team may consist of any number of members. 4. The entirety of your entry must be submitted under MIT License. 5. Your entry must bring the judges a surprise, excitement, and/or laughter.
  7. • MRI 2.2 is recommended. – Other implementations like JRuby

    are also allowed. • You can use a gem library. – We expect such entries to be much more interesting. – Abusing gem to get around the size limit is discouraged. • The judges would prefer more stoic, more portable, and/or more funny entries. • You are encouraged to examine the previous winners of TRICK and IOCCC. • Do not include your identity in your program. – The judges will keep all entries anonymous during judgment.
  8. Yusuke Endoh (@mametter) Koichiro Eto (@eto) Shinichiro Hamaji (@shinh) Yutaka

    Hara (@yhara) Yukihiro Matsumoto (@yukihiro_matz) Sun Park (@sunleonid) Hirofumi Watanabe (@eban)
  9. eto – Media Artist. – Chairman at NicoNicoGakkai Beta. shinh

    – The admin of anarchy golf. – IOCCC winner. yhara – The author of Japanese esolang book. matz – The creator of Ruby. leonid – The 1st super Ruby golfer. eban – The 2nd super Ruby golfer. – The world’s No.1 IOCCC player. – Advocate for Transcendental programming. mame
  10. • TRICK 2015 became an international contest? – Thank you

    for all the submitters! JP US BE PL TW JP cf. TRICK 2013 (I’m using 3D pie charts here to obfuscate the precise number of submissions.)
  11. • Evaluated each entry with score 1..10. • Selected 12

    entries. – Top 5 awards: best entries by average score. – 7 Judges’ awards: entries of each judge’s best score • The judges are allowed to submit their works. – Of course, the author does not evaluate his own entry. – In TRICK 2013, the judges won 5 awards out of 10. – Good News: The judges could win just one award in this conest. 5th 4th
  12. • From here, this talk has a lot of spoilers!

    – Exit now if you want to enjoy analyzing the winners. • The winning entries will be published at: No k! http://github.com/tric /trick2015/
  13. eto award eval(%w{require'zlib';eval(Zlib: :Inflate.inflate('eJzNVt9zm0gMf t+/QsfRAVrCYFw7TnrcTWauD/fW5zBch 9jrQGIDweBQ//jfT9Kubey0TqYvvX1Y tJJW+lba/exJ2PtUhqPhVTC8oHnwSS6 TmXkXvlsL8QQ hTOBP8OEvqJJ8YvcduIZSCPMLhCISA BAFLs4GnAwjdt9g7bnK2HbG/8Tsuy+s

    v8L+YrxuF7EQ c2wcueAhsQN9Fz66MHBh6MJlzMZdV+ fYz7lXyaWsFlKIm31bIxihf+xioWgvC yMtBKhRtr5PE TUk1o/Y88qFKxb6WqBoykaAdlsGXp3 N5cKbJ+U6GozIsH1pGGLY3iDe4sGSPT 48mc+HuzkUJK AD0wLYB04DBYcENG4iP2bDpnXh2wai Fj5AgCi+HTn1Xnc6yjLSaMkQ03x4Cgz 6GOB3QLyHAC7 oMD9Mocp+FuQbggxfAKWrY+Z4PQxDi Fv88 qPv+TQcYa5 QY01CCytgT+Bf6 DleXXxd4NJ CDm H1E0 63B/UFKW8P XntuIb15R7qtpQ JHt7Ps7vr6 bzm dJb X0Juprmysn9s pk/Ghbc8v x7hfNHQLyxmnlg mVpUAbFtd 89ryv51GSVtF YY S2W zVdh/chU2U1/ bMgjACifD 8pp8nwC74Ti/K6 MQCAI+240 LS4fqU2GqBkt N8 tKT yThdbzIXHja6 vuY0quKow Ri4nwzeTO b3dRrjvgftU8 GH EHq 02AqZT1QOyTl ceHah5Uzm FLcEQaddl 1edhdEaW++hy HL bMJ ytoB2f7Va3Od pT24EuThnjp9VHoWNHZUbw5hctLzvys5JpUVZZ XoOZ8+H4hnGR g0 vq JHUhCvo3pOn1tU Y1mTfX6G9O1YGVmhPck3pFSGtvXDR5bVut5e CtH8R8sd5jcSwO U KD nBRf9ka6wxUG5g V/HaVKtN+MNWrAx 9hhCdGgtpMb7qOB exUiRY4efSdnUC 3 jk kOainhRN7U1nzS IlxWImZQm+5w9U X6dFBRlkOao8e6 5vAoLrMfYUiaxD A 3s 6AGRjfsj0ik9eL xLoORI4MXfp9Dv mLkvtKOoYyOgMd R7BJCBncL4C5Ii G fg bJK0XpAB2MzgLd /85oJEyJUclfaa f 4r KMMf8FSZAAtBDuh T4KjGp9N1a8rbXv A 68bCc5rNJC7/gMCHzQZK+C2EJ52pKNEtifQ/rFhrSVmUOj/HYubQq1RZ+ztr97p9PBzwbbi1L6LXHz6 IbLNabP8D7Sdt6A=='.unpack('m')[0]))###^^^^--- FOLLOW THE BALL ###trick2015}*"")
  14. • A main program is zlib-compressed and Base64-encoded. eto award

    eval(%w{ require'zlib'; eval( Zlib::Inflate.inflate( '<main code in zlib in base64>'. unpack('m')[0] ) ) }*"")
  15. leonid award p (?¥A-p + ?¥B-p + ?¥C-p + ?¥D-p

    + ?¥E-p + …snip… ?¥X-p + ?¥Y-p + ?¥Z-p).b .tr 'A-Z', ('_')/~0 BEGIN{class Object ; def -(o)self end;alias/ -end}
  16. • is a one-character string literal • Do you know

    escape sequences and ? • @leonid’s comment – “Not sure how I would comment on it, since the code by itself is pretty straightforward on what it's supposed to do.” leonid award p "¥C-a" #=> "¥x01” p "¥C-b" #=> "¥x02” p "¥C-c" #=> "¥x03” p "¥M-a" #=> "¥xE1” p "¥M-b" #=> "¥xE2” p "¥M-c" #=> "¥xE3” ¥M-X ¥C-X ?X p ?A #=> "A" p ?¥n #=> "¥n"
  17. eban award Description from Ky. ---------- What if $1 and

    under junk games take over the world. It would makes you crazy. We must fight against the future and will soon launch a new fantastic action game named TRICK!!! Demo ---------- 2020-03-25 Criminal 1 :: There he is! Kill the traitor. Agent 1 :: Cover the man until 006 and 007 rescue us. Agent 2 :: Okay. Come here! Criminal 2 :: You must die if you bother us. How to Get Demo Started if not for path in ENV - The command shows ruby version like this: 1.1 next __LINE__ ruby -v 'ruby 2.2.3p173 (2015-08-18 revision 51636) [x86_64-darwin14]' 1.2 next __LINE__ ruby entry.rb end
  18. • A polyglot of Ruby and Markdown! – Invalid code

    is skipped in various ways. – Similar to the Silver award of the previous contest, but this is more clever. eban award Description from Ky. ---------- What if $1 and under junk games take over the world. … Criminal 1 :: There he is! Kill the traitor. Agent 1 :: Cover the man until 006 and 007 rescue us. 1.1 next __LINE__ ruby -v
  19. mame award 0.times{%w{ 2422-02-10T21:45:38+09:00 2580-06-19T08:53:09+09:00 2233-01-20T02:06:42+09:00 2535-06-28T10:04:32+09:00 2771-09-09T13:46:24+09:00 2478-04-17T02:50:28+09:00 3016-03-29T14:48:18+09:00

    2358-03-06T12:25:34+09:00 2170-05-15T06:46:08+09:00 2365-05-11T19:00:00+09:00 2147-02-15T16:32:03+09:00 2500-02-13T23:15:21+09:00 2833-09-11T08:23:32+09:00 2431-03-03T09:48:37+09:00 2888-05-08T19:48:05+09:00 2098-12-09T19:37:41+09:00 2184-06-23T03:23:35+09:00 2289-12-20T01:21:04+09:00 2420-12-18T11:41:48+09:00 2922-08-26T03:58:58+09:00 2958-10-25T17:14:29+09:00 2260-10-29T11:18:23+09:00 2538-10-08T16:59:30+09:00 2765-03-10T15:17:18+09:00 3048-12-18T20:46:47+09:00 2238-03-12T21:38:38+09:00 2341-10-04T21:21:57+09:00 2136-05-29T03:39:48+09:00 2967-11-11T13:35:58+09:00 2751-11-28T05:17:41+09:00 2463-06-05T08:36:01+09:00 2375-04-30T18:11:29+09:00 2069-06-26T10:44:16+09:00 2876-12-06T18:46:16+09:00 "Back to the future?" }} GC.start require'time';s = []; ObjectSpace.each_object{|u|s<<u} eval s.map{|a|(((t=Time.iso8601(a))>Time.now)? t.to_i: $')rescue nil}.compact.sort.uniq.map{|t|(t&0xff).chr}. join# Quoted from "Back to the Future Part III (1990)" 2136-05-29T03:39:48+09:00 2967-11-11T13:35:58+09:00 2751-11-28T05:17:41+09:00 2463-06-05T08:36:01+09:00 2375-04-30T18:11:29+09:00 2069-06-26T10:44:16+09:00 2876-12-06T18:46:16+09:00 "Back to the future?"
  20. • A message is encoded as a time sequence 1.

    Sorts the time sequence 2. Converts each time to an integer as UNIX time 3. Prints the integers as ASCII characters • This program is a nice demonstration that Ruby doesn’t suffer from “the Year 2038 problem.” mame award
  21. matz award '(#|'.b;module Scheme;T,R,I,C,K=Struct.new(:a,:d,:o){include Enumerable# |#)#| def initialize x,y=(),o=0.!;super c(x),c(y),o;K.empty?&&(R.delete

    a;R.delete d R<<self)end;def-@;T[:-,self]end;alias == equal?;def call i;Scheme.t self,i end def to_a;[T[:*,self]]end;def c o;Array===o ?Scheme.l(o):o end;def each&b;b.(a) d&&d.each(&b)end},[],e=Struct.new(:t,:u){def[]=k,v;t[k]=v end;def[]i;t.fetch(i ){u[i]}end},e[_h={}],[];def Object.const_missing i;i end;refine(Fixnum){def[]i T[self,T[i],1];end};module A; def -@;T[:-,T[self]];end;def call *a;a. empty?? T[self]:Scheme.t(self ,a[0])end;end;refine(Array){def call a T[self,T===a&&a.o ? a:T[a],1] end}; refine(Symbol){include A;def *i T[self,T[:*,T[i]]]end; def-i; Symbol===i ? :"#{self}-#{i}":T[self, T[:-,T[i]]]end;};at_exit{R.drop(K[ 0]=$0==__FILE__ ?0: 2).each{|l|v l}} refine(String){include A;}; refine( Object){def method_missing i,*s;a,= s;s.empty?? i:T[i,T===a&&a.o ? a:T[ a]]end};class<<self;def t s,i;T[s, Array===i ?T[i[0]]:T===i&&i.o ? i: T[i],1]end;def e f,n;f.map{|i|v i, n}[-1]end;def r x,f,n;->*a{e x.d. d,I[f ? Hash[f.zip a]:{},n]};end def l v;v.reverse.inject(()){|a, i|T[i,a]};end;def v x,n=C;case x when T;case x.a when :LAMBDA;r x,x.d.a,n when :LET; e={}; x.d. a.each{|i|e[i.a]=v i.d.a,n};e x.d.d,I[e,n];when :IF;v(v(x.d. a,n)?x.d.d.a: (y=x.d.d.d)?y. a : (),n);when :COND; while x=x.d break e x.a.d,n if:ELSE==x. a.a || v(x.a.a,n); end;when :DEFINE Symbol===(u=x.d.a) ?(n[u]= v x.d.d. a,n):(n[u.a]=r x,u.d,n);when :QUOTE;d=x.d.a;d==true ? :TRUE:(d== false)?:FALSE:d else f,*r=x.map{|i|v i,n};f. call(*r) end when Symbol;n[x]else x;end;end;end;%w(PAIR? o T===o NOT o 0.!.==o SET-CDR! p,o p.d=o LIST *s l(s) CAR p p.a NUMBER? o Numeric===o SET-CAR! p,o p.a=o ERROR *s fail(s*"¥s") READ * t="using(Scheme);"*1;begin;gets&&eval(¥ t<<($_!=$/?$_:x),TOPLEVEL_BINDING);rescue(Object);retry;end NULL? o o==() CONS a,b T[a,b] APPLY f,*n,s f.(*(n+(s||[]).map.to_a)) EOF-OBJECT? o o==() LENGTH l l.to_a.size SYMBOL? o Symbol===o EQ? a,b a.equal?b DISPLAY o puts(o) CDR p p.d * *s s.inject:* - *s s.inject:- MAP p,l l(l.map(&p)) STRING? o o.is_a?(String) MIN *s s.min).each_slice(3){|t|eval'_h[:"%s"]=->%s{%s}'%t}end;using Scheme# |# (DEFINE (FACT N) . ( (IF (EQ? N . (1)) . ( 1 [* N . ((FACT (- N . (1))))])))) (DISPLAY (FACT 6)) (DEFINE (FACT N) . ( (IF (EQ? N . (1)) . ( 1 [* N . ((FACT (- N . (1))))])))) (DISPLAY (FACT 6))
  22. • A polyglot of Ruby and Scheme matz award '(#|'.b;module

    Scheme;T,R,I,C,K=Struct.new(:a,:d,:o){include Enumerable# |#)#| def initialize x,y=(),o=0.!;super c(x),c(y),o;K.empty?&&(R.delete a;R.delete d R<<self)end;def-@;T[:-,self]end;alias == equal?;def call i;Scheme.t self,i end def to_a;[T[:*,self]]end;def c o;Array===o ?Scheme.l(o):o end;def each&b;b.(a) d&&d.each(&b)end},[],e=Struct.new(:t,:u){def[]=k,v;t[k]=v end;def[]i;t.fetch(i ){u[i]}end},e[_h={}],[];def Object.const_missing i;i end;refine(Fixnum){def[]i T[self,T[i],1];end};module A; def -@;T[:-,T[self]];end;def call *a;a. empty?? T[self]:Scheme.t(self ,a[0])end;end;refine(Array){def call a T[self,T===a&&a.o ? a:T[a],1] end}; refine(Symbol){include A;def *i T[self,T[:*,T[i]]]end; def-i; Symbol===i ? :"#{self}-#{i}":T[self, T[:-,T[i]]]end;};at_exit{R.drop(K[ 0]=$0==__FILE__ ?0: 2).each{|l|v l}} refine(String){include A;}; refine( Object){def method_missing i,*s;a,= s;s.empty?? i:T[i,T===a&&a.o ? a:T[ a]]end};class<<self;def t s,i;T[s, Array===i ?T[i[0]]:T===i&&i.o ? i: T[i],1]end;def e f,n;f.map{|i|v i, n}[-1]end;def r x,f,n;->*a{e x.d. d,I[f ? Hash[f.zip a]:{},n]};end def l v;v.reverse.inject(()){|a, i|T[i,a]};end;def v x,n=C;case x when T;case x.a when :LAMBDA;r x,x.d.a,n when :LET; e={}; x.d. a.each{|i|e[i.a]=v i.d.a,n};e x.d.d,I[e,n];when :IF;v(v(x.d. a,n)?x.d.d.a: (y=x.d.d.d)?y. a : (),n);when :COND; while x=x.d break e x.a.d,n if:ELSE==x. a.a || v(x.a.a,n); end;when :DEFINE Symbol===(u=x.d.a) ?(n[u]= v x.d.d. a,n):(n[u.a]=r x,u.d,n);when :QUOTE;d=x.d.a;d==true ? :TRUE:(d== false)?:FALSE:d else f,*r=x.map{|i|v i,n};f. call(*r) end when Symbol;n[x]else x;end;end;end;%w(PAIR? o T===o NOT o 0.!.==o SET-CDR! p,o p.d=o LIST *s l(s) CAR p p.a NUMBER? o Numeric===o SET-CAR! p,o p.a=o ERROR *s fail(s*"¥s") READ * t="using(Scheme);"*1;begin;gets&&eval(¥ t<<($_!=$/?$_:x),TOPLEVEL_BINDING);rescue(Object);retry;end NULL? o o==() CONS a,b T[a,b] APPLY f,*n,s f.(*(n+(s||[]).map.to_a)) EOF-OBJECT? o o==() LENGTH l l.to_a.size SYMBOL? o Symbol===o EQ? a,b a.equal?b DISPLAY o puts(o) CDR p p.d * *s s.inject:* - *s s.inject:- MAP p,l l(l.map(&p)) STRING? o o.is_a?(String) MIN *s s.min).each_slice(3){|t|eval'_h[:"%s"]=->%s{%s}'%t}end;using Scheme# |# (DEFINE (FACT N) . ( (IF (EQ? N . (1)) . ( 1 [* N . ((FACT (- N . (1))))])))) (DISPLAY (FACT 6)) '(#|'.b;module Scheme;T,R,I,C,K=Struct.new(:a,:d,:o){include Enumerable# |#)#| def initialize x,y=(),o=0.!;super c(x),c(y),o;K.empty?&&(R.delete a;R.delete d R<<self)end;def-@;T[:-,self]end;alias == equal?;def call i;Scheme.t self,i end def to_a;[T[:*,self]]end;def c o;Array===o ?Scheme.l(o):o end;def each&b;b.(a) d&&d.each(&b)end},[],e=Struct.new(:t,:u){def[]=k,v;t[k]=v end;def[]i;t.fetch(i ){u[i]}end},e[_h={}],[];def Object.const_missing i;i end;refine(Fixnum){def[]i T[self,T[i],1];end};module A; def -@;T[:-,T[self]];end;def call *a;a. empty?? T[self]:Scheme.t(self ,a[0])end;end;refine(Array){def call a T[self,T===a&&a.o ? a:T[a],1] end}; refine(Symbol){include A;def *i T[self,T[:*,T[i]]]end; def-i; Symbol===i ? :"#{self}-#{i}":T[self, T[:-,T[i]]]end;};at_exit{R.drop(K[ 0]=$0==__FILE__ ?0: 2).each{|l|v l}} refine(String){include A;}; refine( Object){def method_missing i,*s;a,= s;s.empty?? i:T[i,T===a&&a.o ? a:T[ a]]end};class<<self;def t s,i;T[s, Array===i ?T[i[0]]:T===i&&i.o ? i: T[i],1]end;def e f,n;f.map{|i|v i, n}[-1]end;def r x,f,n;->*a{e x.d. d,I[f ? Hash[f.zip a]:{},n]};end def l v;v.reverse.inject(()){|a, i|T[i,a]};end;def v x,n=C;case x when T;case x.a when :LAMBDA;r x,x.d.a,n when :LET; e={}; x.d. a.each{|i|e[i.a]=v i.d.a,n};e x.d.d,I[e,n];when :IF;v(v(x.d. a,n)?x.d.d.a: (y=x.d.d.d)?y. a : (),n);when :COND; while x=x.d break e x.a.d,n if:ELSE==x. a.a || v(x.a.a,n); end;when :DEFINE Symbol===(u=x.d.a) ?(n[u]= v x.d.d. a,n):(n[u.a]=r x,u.d,n);when :QUOTE;d=x.d.a;d==true ? :TRUE:(d== false)?:FALSE:d else f,*r=x.map{|i|v i,n};f. call(*r) end when Symbol;n[x]else x;end;end;end;%w(PAIR? o T===o NOT o 0.!.==o SET-CDR! p,o p.d=o LIST *s l(s) CAR p p.a NUMBER? o Numeric===o SET-CAR! p,o p.a=o ERROR *s fail(s*"¥s") READ * t="using(Scheme);"*1;begin;gets&&eval(¥ t<<($_!=$/?$_:x),TOPLEVEL_BINDING);rescue(Object);retry;end NULL? o o==() CONS a,b T[a,b] APPLY f,*n,s f.(*(n+(s||[]).map.to_a)) EOF-OBJECT? o o==() LENGTH l l.to_a.size SYMBOL? o Symbol===o EQ? a,b a.equal?b DISPLAY o puts(o) CDR p p.d * *s s.inject:* - *s s.inject:- MAP p,l l(l.map(&p)) STRING? o o.is_a?(String) MIN *s s.min).each_slice(3){|t|eval'_h[:"%s"]=->%s{%s}'%t}end;using Scheme# |# (DEFINE (FACT N) . ( (IF (EQ? N . (1)) . ( 1 [* N . ((FACT (- N . (1))))])))) (DISPLAY (FACT 6)) DSL interpreter A comment ignored Scheme-like Ruby DSL Normal Scheme code As Ruby As Scheme
  23. shinh award lines = Array.new open(__FILE__) do |fl| fl.each_line{|line| lines.push(line)

    } m=15+15 n=62 $e = lines. map do|ln| sz = ln.size ; (sz<5?sz+m:sz+n). chr().swapcase end.join $e eval "#$e" end
  24. • Another Ruby program is hidden in “line lengths” –

    Even changing the indent breaks this program! – BTW: We kind of knew the author was a committer since it works only on ruby trunk. shinh award lines = Array.new open(__FILE__) do |fl| fl.each_line{|line| lines.push(line) 18 23 22 21 puts"……" p +62 u +62 t +62 s +62
  25. yhara award -> ( &_ ) { _ [ _

    , ?e + ?v + ?a + ?l , q = ?e + ?v + ?a + ?l + ?( + ?d + ?[ + ?1 + ?9 + ?, + ?9 + ?9 + ?9 + ?] + ?* + ?" + ?" + ?) ] }[ &(s , *d = %I{ #{ ?s + ?e + ?n + ?d } -> ( &_ ) { _ [ _ , ?e + ?v + ?a + ?l , q = a= d[ 0, 19 ]; ;b =q .c ha rs .m ap {| _| b& &a << ?+ ;a << ?? +_ ;b |= 1} ;a += %q !] X} [X &( sX ,X *d X= X% I{ X# {X ?s X+ X? e X +X ?n X+ X? dX }X !. sp li t( ?X )+ d+ "} X) X[ X0 X] X] ". sp li t( ?X ); pu ts (a .m ap (& :t o_ s) .p ac k( "A 6" *a .s iz e) .u np ac k" A6 1" *1 9) #T RI CK } ) [ 0 ] ]
  26. • Problem: no room to write “eval”! • Key idea

    to solve – Abuse of symbol array literal • Detailed solution – This margin is too narrow to explain. – Read Chapter 6 of mame’s book! • shinh discovered the same technique independently  yhara award p %I{ foo bar } #=> [:foo, :bar]
  27. • SAT solver in 194 bytes! Finds an assignment to

    satisfy a given Boolean formula* • Implementation trick – Converts a given formula to Regexp matching problem s.t. the matching is possible iff the formula is satisfiable. x and !y x=true, y=false x and !x UNSATISFIABLE input output * must be in conjunctive normal form
  28. class String;def[]*a;$*<<a;b;end;end; _=0;z="C=Fiber;s=$*;a=*0..8;l=C.new{e xit},*a.product(a).select{|r,c|s[r][c ]==0}."[1,9,_, _,_,8, _,_,5]+"map{|r, c|C.ne"[_,_,2, _,5,_, _,8,9]+"w{o=s[r

    ][c];l"[8,_,6, 7,4,_, _,_,_]+"oop{(1. .9).map{|n|C.yield(s[r][c]=n)if a.non e?{|k|"[_,_,_, _,_,4, _,9,2]+"s[r][k] ==n||s"[_,2,3, _,7,_, 8,1,_]+"[k][c]= =n||s["[5,6,_, 8,_,_, _,_,_]+"r-r%3+k %3][c-c%3+k/3]==n}};s[r][c]=o;C.yield }}},C."[_,_,_, _,2,7, 9,_,3]+"new{loo p{puts"[9,3,_, _,8,_, 1,_,_]+" s.map{ |r|r*'"[2,_,_, 5,_,_, _,4,8]+" '}<<'' ;C.yield}};c=l[i=1];loop{c=l[i+=c.res ume ? 1:-1]}";eval z.tr ?¥n,'' class String;def[]*a;$*<<a;b;end;end; _=0;z="C=Fiber;s=$*;a=*0..8;l=C.new{e xit},*a.product(a).select{|r,c|s[r][c ]==0}."[1,9,_, _,_,8, _,_,5]+"map{|r, c|C.ne"[_,_,2, _,5,_, _,8,9]+"w{o=s[r ][c];l"[8,_,6, 7,4,_, _,_,_]+"oop{(1. .9).map{|n|C.yield(s[r][c]=n)if a.non e?{|k|"[_,_,_, _,_,4, _,9,2]+"s[r][k] ==n||s"[_,2,3, _,7,_, 8,1,_]+"[k][c]= =n||s["[5,6,_, 8,_,_, _,_,_]+"r-r%3+k %3][c-c%3+k/3]==n}};s[r][c]=o;C.yield }}},C."[_,_,_, _,2,7, 9,_,3]+"new{loo p{puts"[9,3,_, _,8,_, 1,_,_]+" s.map{ |r|r*'"[2,_,_, 5,_,_, _,4,8]+" '}<<'' ;C.yield}};c=l[i=1];loop{c=l[i+=c.res ume ? 1:-1]}";eval z.tr ?¥n,''
  29. • All-solution Sudoku solver • A magic for mixing data

    and code • Nicely demonstrates a use case of Fiber – Elegant and hard to understand, at the same time! class String;def[]*a;$*<<a;b;end code="pri"[1, 2, 3]+"nt 1" code="print 1" $*=[[1, 2, 3]] String#b ≒ self
  30. ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;;eval$s =%q[i=1#

    eval(%q[ xxxxxxxx xx xxxx xx xx xxxx xx xx xxxx xx xx xxxx xx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xx xx xxxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxx j, t, p=0,[?;]," ev al$s=%qx [#$s]".split*"";i,j,t=i-j,i+j,(x [b=?¥s]*j.abs+t).map{|s|r=t.shix ft ||b;r.gsub!(?;){p.slice!0}if $x f| |=p>p=p.center(i*i+j*j,?;);r ,x s=[s,r]if(i*j<0);(b*i.abs+s).ljx ust(r.size).gsub(b){r[$`.size]|x |b}}unti l$ f;puts(t)# xx xx xxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxx xx xx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xx xxxx xx xx xxxx xx xx xxxx xx xx xxxx xx xxxxxxxx x].gsub¥ /x.*|¥s/ ,"")#];; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;;
  31. • The author’s remarks: • Amphisbaena(アンフィスバエナ) – “A mythical serpent

    with a head at each end” * > geminum caput amphisbaenae, hoc est et a cauda, > tamquam parum esset uno ore fundi venenum. > aliis squamas esse, aliis picturas, omnibus exitiale virus. > > — GAIUS PLINIUS SECUNDUS, Naturalis Historia 8.85.1 * according to Oxford Dictionaries
  32. • Cute string construction • @shinh’s comment: – “The code

    seems concise.” • @yhara’s favorite piece of code if $f ||= p > p = p.center(i*i+j*j,";") ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;;;; ;;;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;; ;; ;;;; ;; ;; ;;;; ;; ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; ;;
  33. • One liner with a lot of percents %%%while eval

    '_=%%r%%(.).. .¥1=%%=~[%%%%,,,,,%%%s ?=] *%%%%%%#"]*%%%%3x+1?%%'.% % %",%*p(_||=eval($**%%%))
  34. • Collatz sequence calculator – if n is even, n

    = n / 2 – if n is odd, n = 3n+1 • Example: starting with n = 3 Collatz conjecture: Any n will eventually boil down to 1. • How is the program great? – It uses no integer arithmetic, no branch. ALU: Arithmetic Logic Unit 算術論理演算装置 10 3 5 16 8 4 2 1
  35. • Example: How to branch if N is even or

    not – Note: This is more simplified than the original code. – Integer arithmetic is even more complicated. [ ", ", ", ", ]; …even… #"]; …odd… ", ×N [ ", ", ", ]; …even… #"]; …odd… String Comment String
  36. big, temp = Array 100000000**0x04e2 srand big alias $curTerm $initTerm

    Numeric Interrupt big += big printout _pi_ finish if $never init ||= big $counter ||= 02 …snip…
  37. • Piphilology(円周率覚え歌) – A sentence to memorize the first digits

    of π – A famous example • The program does the same by using Ruby tokens – Note: lexical tokens ≠ space-separated units Yes I have a number 3 1 4 1 6 . ≈ π big , temp = Array 100000000 ** 0x04e2 3 1 4 1 5 . 9 2 6
  38. • Abuse “alias” of global variables – to access the

    same value from token of different length • “ ” is a storage! – It returns the previous seed. – It can be used as a latch. – An assignment always requires one-length token “=”. alias $curTerm $initTerm srand 1 p srand 2 #=> 1 p srand 3 #=> 2 p srand 4 #=> 3 srand
  39. • 77 tokens are essential. • 165 tokens are just

    no-op fillers. • The blowup ratio: Enumerable Fixnum Bignum Math Complex Comparable TrueClass Dir Encoding Data An example of fillers 165+77 77 ≈ 3.14
  40. • The winners who are here, come to the stage.

    – You have a right to earn applause • 受賞者でご臨席の方は、前に集まってください – 拍手喝采をどうぞ
  41. • yhara award: “Most beautiful pattern”–Shinichiro Hamaji • shinh award:

    “Most fragile” – NAKAMURA Usaku • matz award: “Matz Lisp award” – Kazuki Tsujimoto • mame award: “Most timely” – Koichi Sasada • eban award: “Best document” – yoshi-taka • eto award: “Most illusionistic” – Don Yang • leonid award: “Most inconsistent” – Koichi Sasada
  42. “Best piphilology” – kinaba “Most unreadable ALU” – Keisuke Nakano

    “Doubling amphisbaena award” – monae “Least general solver” – Benoit Daloze “Most general solver” – Keisuke Nakano 4th 5th
  43. • Dishonor: the title of “insane” • Top five entries

    will be checked into the Ruby official repository in “sample” directory – Ruby 2.3.0 will have them (perhaps)
  44. • The winning entries will be published soon at: •

    Thank you for all participants! • See you in the next TRICK 201X! No k! http://github.com/tric /trick2015/