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自分のためだけの OSM Planetを 持ち歩きたい人の ためのUNVT Portable ...

自分のためだけの OSM Planetを 持ち歩きたい人の ためのUNVT Portable | SotM Japan 2025-02-15

SotM Japan 2025-02-15

© mapconcierge, CC BY-SA 4.0


February 15, 2025

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  1. Offline Web Mapping Server 
 UNVT Portable Shogo Hirasawa @Shogo_Hirasawa

    Taichi Furuhashi @mapconcierge University of Tokyo Aoyama Gakuin University
  2. UNVT Portable is a package for RaspberryPi that functions as

    a map hosting server and can be freely accessed from a web browser
  3. Build datasets based on OpenStreetMap, pre-installed with other tiled datasets,

    drone aerial data, shelter and hazard map data Web maps can be viewed in an offline environment during a disaster.
  4. Hosting using open software such as Nginx. Wi-Fi access point

    controlled by NetworkManager. Web Map Library based on MapLibre GL JS. Everything is composed of open source.
  5. By scanning the QR code with your phone's camera, you

    can view a web map even in an offline environment. No special skills or tools are required
  6. Uses RaspberryPi, so it can be mass-produced in preparation for

    natural disasters. Low cost and high performance
  7. If I can bring my UNVT Portable at Venue, you

    can connect .. But, I’m joining as virtual connection now.. sorry SSID: UNVTportable Password: UNVTportable
  8. If I can bring my UNVT Portable at Venue, you

    can connect .. sorry http://unvtportable.local
  9. # Future Issues ֤छϑΝΠϧ໊ɾϑΥϧμ໊΍֨ೲ৔ॴͷ࠶ݕ౼ 
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    ̏࣍ݩۭؒ*%1-"5&"6౳  ΑΓखܰͳσʔλ௥Ճํ๏ͷཱ֬ 64#ϝϞϦࣗಈϚ΢ϯτ౳  ࠃ࿈ۀ຿Ͱ࢖͑ΔηΩϡϦςΟϨϕϧ ࣮༻తͳ.BQ-JCSF(-+4ϕʔεͷ6*69όϯυϧ FY0QFO)JOBUB౳