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Designing in the Open

March 27, 2017

Designing in the Open

Designing in the open is about sharing your work and progress publicly through the course of a design project. I’ll explain how this works, where to start, and why it’s good practice for all designers. We’ll also discuss how you can give back to the WordPress community through design contributions to Core and WordPress.org.


March 27, 2017

More Decks by Mapk

Other Decks in Design


  1. Mark Uraine I’m an interdisciplinary designer dedicated to making the

    web more accessible and human friendly by facilitating the transfer of information through design. I work at Automattic contributing to the open source project, WordPress.
  2. We’re upset at all the questions about things we’ve already

    tried. We’re super excited that the client seems to be interested in our work.
  3. Scientific Method 1.Formulate a question 2.Hypothesis 3.Prediction 4.Testing 5.Analysis Designing

    in the Open 1. Design Thinking 2. Propose a solution 3. Prepare metrics 4. Prototype 5. Feedback & results
  4. “Let me work and get back to you” We design

    and experiment with our process in secret. “Check out these wireframes” We might share specific steps when we feel good about them. “Let’s build it together, right now” We sit down with the client and share our process while formulating ideas and iterating. 1 2 3
  5. Community involvement Diversity of ideas. User insight. Early feedback Early

    feedback means quicker iterations. Help spotting mistakes. Less pressure No BIG REVEAL relieves stress. A confidence in launch. Become a leader Sharing your process and work allows others to learn from you. Accountability Accountability isn’t just to the user or the business.
  6. Uncomfortable It’s difficult to share your unfinished work. Early feedback

    Lots of public feedback, much of which may not be helpful. People stealing ideas (myth) “Ideas are a dime a dozen. People who implement them are priceless.” Time When everything is in the open, there’s a lot to sift through.
  7. Be inclusive Make sure you’re aware of who’s involved in

    your project. Be accessible Make sure your designs are accessible to everyone. Design in steps Make sure your steps are apparent, purposeful, and accessible. Encourage feedback Reach out to everyone for feedback. Recognize others Give props to others who have contributed to the process.
  8. Focus on benefits Share the benefits of designing in the

    open with them. Speak their language Map their goals with the benefits. Sharing process can present them as a “thought leader” in their field. Ease their nerves Let them know you won’t be sharing any legally sensitive material or proprietary information.
  9. Embrace your fear. Be kind. Share your knowledge. Encourage others.

    Be constructive. Recognize the efforts of others. Have fun.
  10. Resources Designing in the Open by Brad Frost http://bradfrost.com/blog/post/designing-in-the- open/

    Designing in the Open by Sean Martell https://www.slideshare.net/AllThingsOpen/designing- in-the-open Fonts Open Sans Condensed Source Code Pro