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Creating Crazy Robotic Librarians

Creating Crazy Robotic Librarians

Marwan Alsabbagh

May 26, 2019

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  1. Crickit API >>> from adafruit_crickit import crickit >>> # DC

    motor 1 full speed, half speed, off, reverse >>> crickit.dc_motor_1.throttle = 1 >>> crickit.dc_motor_1.throttle = 0.5 >>> crickit.dc_motor_1.throttle = 0 >>> crickit.dc_motor_1.throttle = -1 >>> # servo configure, set angle to 0 and 90 degrees >>> crickit.servo_1.actuation_range = 140 >>> crickit.servo_1.angle = 0 >>> crickit.servo_1.angle = 90 >>> # check state of capacitive touch >>> crickit.touch_1.value False
  2. Teach API >>> from teach import r >>> # DC

    motor 1 full speed, half speed, off, reverse >>> r.wheel = 1 >>> r.wheel = 0.5 >>> r.wheel = 0 >>> r.wheel = -1 >>> # servo set angle to 0 and 90 degrees >>> r.arm = 0 >>> r.arm = 90 >>> # check state of capacitive touch >>> r.touch False
  3. Kid’s REPL Session >>> r.wheel =1 >>> r.wheel =0 >>>

    1+1 2 >>> 365*7 2555 >>> 365*41 14965 >>> r.arm =0 >>> r.arm =30 >>> r.arm =90 >>> r.arm =140 >>> r.wheel =-1 >>> r.wheel =0.5 >>> r.touch False >>> r.touch True (robo) pi@raspberrypi:~/tmp $ date Fri 17 May 09:20:01 BST 2019 (robo) pi@raspberrypi:~/tmp $ whoami pi (robo) pi@raspberrypi:~/tmp $ poweroff Connection to robopi closed by remote host. Connection to robopi closed.
  4. Setup • Install Raspbian on Raspberry Pi • Enable ssh

    and I2C in Raspbian • pip install adafruit-circuitpython-crickit tornado
  5. Remote Control 1. Forward 2. Backward 3. Stop 4. Right

    5. Left 6. Raise Hand 7. Lower Hand
  6. App Structure ├── conf.py ├── motors.py ├── server.py ├── static

    │ ├── main.css │ └── remote.jpg └── templates └── main.html
  7. main.html <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>Robot Remote</title> <link rel="stylesheet"

    href="{{ static_url('main.css') }}"> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"> </head> <body> <h1>Robot Remote</h1> <div class="container"> <img src="{{ static_url('remote.jpg') }}" alt="ui"> <form method=post> <input type=submit name=action value=forward> <input type=submit name=action value=right> <input type=submit name=action value=left> <input type=submit name=action value=back> <input type=submit name=action value=stop> <input type=submit name=action value=raise> <input type=submit name=action value=lower> </form> </div> </body> </html>
  8. main.css h1 { margin: 0px; color: white; text-align:center; padding: 20px;

    width: 600px; background: linear-gradient(MediumTurquoise, BlueViolet); } .container { position: relative; } input { position: absolute; opacity: 0.0; } input[value="forward"] { left: 240px; top: 0px; width:150px; height:220px; }
  9. conf.py from os.path import dirname import os PORT = 8080

    APP_SETTINGS = dict( debug=bool(os.environ.get('APP_DEBUG')), static_path=(dirname(__file__) + '/static'), template_path=(dirname(__file__) + '/templates'), ) SERVO_MAX_ANGLE = 140 DC_SPEED = 1.0 TURN_DURATION = 0.2 DIRECTION = dict( forward=[1, 1], right=[1, 0], left=[0, 1], back=[-1, -1], stop=[0, 0], ) ANGLES = {} ANGLES['raise'] = SERVO_MAX_ANGLE ANGLES['lower'] = SERVO_MAX_ANGLE – 90
  10. server.py from tornado.web import RequestHandler, Application from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop

    from tornado.log import enable_pretty_logging from .conf import PORT, APP_SETTINGS from .motors import move, init_servo class MainHandler(RequestHandler): def get(self): self.render('main.html') def post(self): move(self.get_body_argument('action')) self.redirect('/') def main(): init_servo() enable_pretty_logging() app = Application([('/', MainHandler)], **APP_SETTINGS) app.listen(PORT) IOLoop.current().start() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
  11. motors.py from adafruit_crickit import crickit import time from .conf import

    SERVO_MAX_ANGLE, DC_SPEED, TURN_DURATION, DIRECTION, ANGLES def move_servo(action): crickit.servo_1.angle = ANGLES[action] def move_dc(action): direction = DIRECTION[action] crickit.dc_motor_1.throttle = direction[0] * DC_SPEED crickit.dc_motor_2.throttle = direction[1] * DC_SPEED if action in ['right', 'left']: time.sleep(TURN_DURATION) crickit.dc_motor_1.throttle = 0 crickit.dc_motor_2.throttle = 0 def move(action): if action in ['raise', 'lower']: move_servo(action) else: move_dc(action) def init_servo(): crickit.servo_1.actuation_range = SERVO_MAX_ANGLE
  12. conf.py from os.path import dirname, expanduser import os PORT =

    8080 APP_SETTINGS = dict( debug=bool(os.environ.get('APP_DEBUG')), static_path=expanduser('~/bookpusher_images'), template_path=(dirname(__file__) + '/templates'), ) BOOKS = list(range(1, 7)) DC = dict( speed=0.8, step_duration=0.38, forward=1, back=-1, ) SERVO_MAX_ANGLE = 140 HAND = dict( up=SERVO_MAX_ANGLE, down=SERVO_MAX_ANGLE - 90, delay=0.7, )
  13. server.py import random from tornado.web import RequestHandler, Application from tornado.ioloop

    import IOLoop from .conf import PORT, APP_SETTINGS, BOOKS from .push import init_servo, push_book, push_all class MainHandler(RequestHandler): def get(self): self.render('main.html', books=BOOKS) def post(self): book = self.get_body_argument('book') if book == 'all': push_all() else: book = random.choice(BOOKS) if book == 'random' else book push_book(int(book)) self.redirect('/') def main(): init_servo() app = Application([('/', MainHandler)], **APP_SETTINGS) app.listen(PORT) IOLoop.current().start()
  14. from adafruit_crickit import crickit import time, random from .conf import

    BOOKS, DC, SERVO_MAX_ANGLE, HAND def move_dc(direction, steps): crickit.dc_motor_1.throttle = direction * DC['speed'] crickit.dc_motor_2.throttle = direction * DC['speed'] time.sleep(DC['step_duration'] * steps) crickit.dc_motor_1.throttle = 0 crickit.dc_motor_2.throttle = 0 def swipe_hand(): crickit.servo_1.angle = HAND['down'] time.sleep(HAND['delay']) crickit.servo_1.angle = HAND['up'] time.sleep(HAND['delay']) def push_book(position): if position > 1: move_dc(DC['forward'], position - 1) swipe_hand() move_dc(DC['back'], position) def push_all(): books = list(BOOKS) random.shuffle(books) for book in books: push_book(book) def init_servo(): crickit.servo_1.actuation_range = SERVO_MAX_ANGLE push.py
  15. main.html <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>Robotic Librarian</title> <meta charset="UTF-8">

    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"> </head> <body> <h1>Robotic Librarian</h1> <form method=post> <button type=submit name=book value=random>Random</button> <button type=submit name=book value=all>All Books(Crazy Mode)</button><br/><br/> {% for book in books %} <button type=submit name=book value={{ book }}> <img src="{{ static_url('book%s.jpg' % book) }}" alt="book{{ book }}"> </button> {% end %} </form> </body> </html>