176 178 190 (Z, 2) 200 233 c (Q, 2) (Q, 1) PK ref (R, 2) (R, 1) (R, 3) (Z, 1) (M, 3) (M, 1) index_on_c M 1 117 M 2 43 M 3 178 Q 1 79 Q 2 48 R 1 176 R 2 200 R 3 190 R 4 89 Z 1 233 Z 2 77 a b c d aaaa bbbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii rrrr zzzz table_pk_a_b SELECT a, b, c, d FROM table WHERE c > 70 AND c < 150 Secondary Index for each Row maching “there will be a lookup“ on the primary key Database Indexing Clustered Index Non-Clustered Index