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Living A life Free Of Worry (2)

January 03, 2021

Living A life Free Of Worry (2)


January 03, 2021


  1. 22 “Leave all your cares and anxieties at the feet

    of the Lord, and measureless grace will strengthen you.” PSALMS 55:22 TPT
  2. 4 “Listen to my testimony: I cried to God in

    my distress and He answered me…” PSALMS 34:4 TPT
  3. God promised in the Bible that He will take our

    fears and David testifies that God delivered him from all his fears.
  4. If God promised to take away human fear, If God

    has done that to the people in the Bible, He can as well do it for us.
  5. God wants us to give our burdens to Him, but

    often we continue to bear them ourselves even when we say we are trusting in Him.
  6. Our mind has a great capacity to think, we think

    one way this moment and the other way the very next moment.
  7. Our mind has a great capacity to think, we think

    one way this moment and the other way the very next moment.
  8. Many people today are living depressed, defeated, and tormented lives

    all because they never know how to guard their mind and control their thought life.
  9. Let your worry fade away as you ponder the love

    and power and wisdom of God, and let your worry be replaced by faith.
  10. Let your worry fade away as you ponder the love

    and power and wisdom of God, and let your worry be replaced by faith.
  11. 9 “But the Lord God called to Adam, and said

    to Him, “Where are you?” GENESIS 3:9AMP
  12. 10 “He said, “I heard the sound of You [walking]

    in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid myself.” GENESIS 3:10 AMP
  13. We need to expose every thought that causes and try

    to understand what is the root cause of worry?
  14. God created man and woman and placed in a perfect

    environment called Garden of Eden.
  15. This was a time of complete innocence, complete joy, there

    was no worry, no fear, no stress, no anxiety, everything was peaceful and calm.
  16. Do you see here, in an environment of perfect peace

    fear/worry came in for the very first time?
  17. Fear and worries came in because man did something- he

    disobeyed God, in simple words man sinned against God which resulted in fear.
  18. Adam and Eve hid from God when they heard Him

    approaching, fear made them hid from Him.
  19. God wanted to be with them, but because of their

    sin, they were afraid to show themselves.
  20. 25 “Anxious fear brings depression, but a life-giving word of

    encouragement can do wonders to restore joy to the heart.” PROVERBS 12:25 TPT
  21. But understanding that He loves us, regardless of our faults,

    can help us remove that fear and worry.
  22. 6 “If you bow low in God’s awesome presence, He

    will eventually exalt you as you leave the timing in His hands.” 1 PETER 5:6 TPT
  23. 7 “Pour out all your worries and stress upon Him

    and leave them there,” 1 PETER 5:7 TPT
  24. The reasons we worry is because we try to figure

    out everything in our thinking.
  25. All this only leads to frustration and confusion and we

    end up trying to carry our load by ourselves.
  26. This has never been God’s plan, we got to quit

    trying to figure out everything on our own and we need to realize that we need God’s help.
  27. This has never been God’s plan, we got to quit

    trying to figure out everything on our own and we need to realize that we need God’s help.
  28. We need God’s strength and power. We need to tell

    God, I can’t do this all by myself.
  29. He knows it is not easy for us to have

    all problems and not worry.
  30. I WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU; “You lead a worry-free

    life and see how I Am going to lead you.”
  31. He is the God that closes the mouth of the

    lions, God who parted the Red Sea for Israel.
  32. He is the God that closes the mouth of the

    lions, God who parted the Red Sea for Israel.
  33. He is the God that closes the mouth of the

    lions, God who parted the Red Sea for Israel.
  34. What God did for all of them in the Bible

    He can do for every one of us today.
  35. It’s time to stop worrying and be joyful and lift

    up your head and walk, make the decision to cast your cares on the Lord.
  36. Casting the whole of your care, all your anxieties, all

    your worries, all your concerns, once and for all on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully.
  37. 15 “He said, “Listen carefully, all [you people of] Judah,

    and you inhabitants of Jerusalem, and King Jehoshaphat.” 2 CHRONICLES 20:15 AMP
  38. 15 “The Lordsays this to you: ‘Be not afraid or

    dismayed at this great multitude, for the battle is not yours, but God’s.” 2 CHRONICLES 20:15 AMP
  39. 19 “The Levites, from the sons of the Kohathites and

    the sons of the Korahites, stood up to praise the Lord God of Israel, with a very loud voice.” 2 CHRONICLES 20:19 AMP
  40. Worrying allows the enemy to work in your life, but

    if you worship it allows God to work in your life.
  41. The Bible speaks of a King of Judah, Jehoshaphat, he

    and his people were surrounded by three major armies and they were getting close to them.
  42. The Bible speaks of a King of Judah, Jehoshaphat, he

    and his people were surrounded by three major armies and they were getting close to them.
  43. 12 “O our God, won’t you stop them? We are

    powerless against this mighty army that is about to attack us.” 2 CHRONICLES 20:12 NLT
  44. 12 “We do not know what to do, but we

    are looking to you for help.” 2 CHRONICLES 20:12 NLT
  45. The Bible speaks of a King of Judah, Jehoshaphat, he

    and his people were surrounded by three major armies and they were getting close to them.
  46. In simple words God told to worship Him, notice they

    are not worrying, they were worshipping.
  47. When the enemy armies heard all that noise of worship

    they got confused and fought among themselves.
  48. When the enemy armies heard all that noise of worship

    they got confused and fought among themselves.
  49. When it was all over, not one of the enemies

    was alive the people of Judah were victorious and plundered the enemy.
  50. 4 “Let joy overflow, for you are united with the

    Anointed One!” PHILIPPIANS 4:4 TPT
  51. In this powerful passage Paul gives us a clear strategy

    on how to defeat worry and anxiety.
  52. 27 “Can all your worries add a single moment to

    your life?” MATTHEW 6:27 NLT
  53. What is really so sad about worrying is that most

    of the things we worry about usually do not come to pass.
  54. Some of you here are carrying a very heavy load.

    You do not have to; God wants you to be free.