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Reliability of Distributed Systems

Reliability of Distributed Systems

Piyush Verma

June 22, 2019

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  1. Service receives SMS User sends SMS Remind me to buy

    milk at 6:30 PM to 53308 Cron gets Activated when time is right. Call the User 4 Sample Product
  2. Service receives SMS User sends SMS Remind me to buy

    milk at 6:30 PM to 53308 Cron gets Activated when time is right. Call the User 5 Sample Product: Inbound
  3. Cron gets Activated when time is right. Call the User

    6 Sample Product: Outbound Service receives SMS User sends SMS Remind me to buy milk at 6:30 PM to 53308
  4. — Leslie Lamport https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/uploads/prod/2016 /12/Distribution.pdf “A distributed system is one

    in which the failure of a computer you didn’t even know existed can render your own computer unusable” 8
  5. Network is Reliable Intra-LAN latency is ~ Zero Network is

    Homogeneous Network cost is Zero 01 02 03 04 10
  6. At-least one server is online All servers are below 100%

    All servers are responding within x ms. All of the above. 01 02 03 04 12
  7. Cron gets Activated when time is right. Call the User

    35 Sample Product: Outbound Service receives SMS User sends SMS Remind me to buy milk at 6:30 PM to 53308 Part 1
  8. Service receives SMS User sends SMS Remind me to buy

    milk at 6:30 PM to 53308 Cron gets Activated when time is right. Call the User 51 Sample Product