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Androidアプリ開発研修【MIXI 23新卒技術研修】

Androidアプリ開発研修【MIXI 23新卒技術研修】






April 26, 2023


Other Decks in Technology


  1. ©MIXI Android 9 API (SDK ) 2008.09 1.0 1 Base

    ... 2017.08 8.0 26 Oreo 2017.12 8.1 27 Oreo MR1 2018.08 9 28 Pie 2019.09 10 29 Q 2020.09 11 30 R 2021.10 12 31 S 2022.03 12L 32 S v2 2022.08 13 33 Tiramisu - 14 34 Upside Down Cake API ( )
  2. ©MIXI 13 Android Studio AAB (Android App Bundle) Google Play

    : : xxhdpi CPU: arm : : hdpi CPU: x86 APK
  3. ©MIXI 14 Android Studio AAB (Android App Bundle) Google Play

    l l : : xxhdpi CPU: arm : : hdpi CPU: x86
  4. ©MIXI Kotlin Android (2017 ) Java 15 Kotlin l :

    l Null : l Java : Kotlin Java Java Kotlin
  5. ©MIXI Kotlin Android (2017 ) Java 16 Kotlin l :

    l Null : l Java : Kotlin Java Java Kotlin NullPointerException var count: Int // null var count: Int? // null
  6. ©MIXI Kotlin Android, iOS, Web https://kotlinlang.org/docs/multiplatform.html 17 Kotlin Multiplatform Kotlin

    UI ( ) https://developer.android.com/jetpack/compose?hl=ja Jetpack Compose
  7. ©MIXI Wear OS, ChromeOS, Android TV, Android Auto API :

    Android 13 API 33, Tiramisu APK : AAB : Google Play APK : , Null , Java Kotlin : Kotlin Multiplatform, Jetpack Compose 18 Android Kotlin
  8. 2

  9. ©MIXI ( ) 1. Android 11 PC 2. https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options?hl=ja#enable 3.

    Android Studio Pair Devices Using Wi-Fi 4. ON 5. Android Studio 6. Android Studio 26 2. Wi-Fi
  10. ©MIXI : 1. Android Studio Get from VCS 28 2.

    URL git@github.com:mixigroup/2023AndroidTraining.git git clone OK 3. app.ui 1
  11. ©MIXI Jetpack l l 29 app Android 13 Android 12

    Android 11 if else if else ... app Android 13 Android 12 Android 11 Jetpack
  12. ©MIXI Jetpack Compose Jetpack Kotlin UI 2021 UI ( )

    https://developer.android.com/jetpack/compose?hl=ja 30
  13. ©MIXI 31 View : UI Compose : UI val textView

    = TextView(context) textView.setText("Hello") textView.setTextColor(Color.BLUE) Text( text = "Hello", color = Color.Blue ) View UI View Composable UI Composable
  14. ©MIXI 32 View : UI Compose : UI val textView

    = TextView(context) textView.setText("Hello") textView.setTextColor(Color.BLUE) Text( text = "Hello", color = Color.Blue ) Composable UI Composable UI Recompose
  15. ©MIXI Composable 33 @Composable fun RedText( text: String, modifier: Modifier

    = Modifier ) { Text( text = text, modifier = modifier, color = Color.Red ) } RedText( text = "Red text" ) RedText( text = "Red text with blue background", modifier = Modifier.background(Color.Blue) )
  16. ©MIXI Composable 34 @Composable fun RedText( text: String, modifier: Modifier

    = Modifier ) { Text( text = text, modifier = modifier, color = Color.Red ) } Composable Compose Composable l ProfileScreen l LoginButton l HeaderImage
  17. ©MIXI Composable 35 // modifier RedText( text = "Red text"

    ) // modifier RedText( text = "Red text with blue background", modifier = Modifier.background(Color.Blue) ) text = modifier API
  18. ©MIXI Composable 37 @Composable fun Button( ... content: @Composable ()

    -> Unit ) Button(content = { Text(text = "Hello") }) Button() { Text(text = "Hello") } Button { Text(text = "Hello") } ( ) -> () -> Unit { -> } () ()
  19. ©MIXI Modifier.padding(all = 8.dp) Modifier.padding(horizontal = 8.dp, vertical = 4.dp)

    Modifier.padding(start = 8.dp, top = 4.dp, end = 8.dp, bottom = 16.dp) Modifier 38 // 96 x 48 dp Modifier.width(96.dp).height(48.dp) // 48 x 48 dp Modifier.size(48.dp) // Modifier.fillMaxWidth().wrapContentHeight() // Modifier.fillMaxSize() dp
  20. ©MIXI Composable 43 Column( horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally, verticalArrangement = Arrangement.spacedBy(8.dp)

    ) { Text(text = "Top") Text(text = "Center") Text(text = "Bottom") } Composable (36 )
  21. ©MIXI Composable Spacer 44 Column(horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally) { Text(text =

    "Top") Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(8.dp)) Text(text = "Center") Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(8.dp)) Text(text = "Bottom") }
  22. ©MIXI 45 Column(modifier = modifier.height(160.dp)) { Text(text = "Top", modifier

    = Modifier.weight(1f)) Text(text = "Center") Text(text = "Bottom") } Column(modifier = modifier.height(160.dp)) { Text(text = "Top", modifier = Modifier.weight(1f)) Text(text = "Center", modifier = Modifier.weight(2f)) Text(text = "Bottom", modifier = Modifier.weight(3f)) } 1:2:3 ⾒
  23. ©MIXI Composable 46 Row( horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.spacedBy(8.dp), verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically

    ) { Text(text = "Left") Text(text = "Center") Text(text = "Right") } Row : Column
  24. ©MIXI : LazyColumn Compose 47 Column LazyColumn Compose Item 1

    Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5 Item 6 Item 7 Item 8 Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5 Item 6 Item 7 Item 8 Compose
  25. ©MIXI LazyColumn LazyRow 48 LazyColumn( horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally, verticalArrangement =

    Arrangement.spacedBy(8.dp) ) { // 1 item { Text(text = "Header") } // items(listOf("1", "2", "3")) { text -> Text(text = text) } }
  26. ©MIXI 3.1 app.ui BookItem Android Studio Tips 50 16 dp

    8 dp 8 dp 4 dp 18 sp, 16 sp 16 dp title author
  27. ©MIXI UI 53 Jetpack UI Kotlin Jetpack Compose Composable UI

    Modifier Composable Column , Row , LazyColumn / LazyRow DP , SP
  28. 4

  29. ©MIXI Android 55 ( ) l String resource l Drawable

    resource l Raw resource src/main/res/
  30. ©MIXI res/values/strings.xml 56 <resources> <string name="login"> </string> <string name="settings"> </string>

    ... </resources> Text(text = stringResource(id = R.string.login)) Text(text = stringResource(id = R.string.settings)) UI
  31. ©MIXI Icon( painter = painterResource(id = R.drawable.ramen), contentDescription = stringResource(R.string.ramen),

    tint = Color.Red ) 62 Image( painter = painterResource(id = R.drawable.ramen), contentDescription = stringResource(R.string.ramen) ) Icon
  32. ©MIXI Modifier 63 Image( ... modifier = Modifier.clip(CircleShape) ) Image(

    ... modifier = Modifier.clip(RoundedCornerShape(size = 8.dp)) )
  33. ©MIXI 8dp padding 4.2 BookItem 65 16 dp 16 dp

    48 x 48 dp l Android Studio l Modifier (33 ) l Modifier : https://developer.android.com/jetpack/compose/modifiers?hl=ja#order-modifier-matters
  34. 5

  35. ©MIXI 1 : 71 var count = 0 Button(onClick =

    { count++ }) { Text(text = count.toString()) } count Recompose val : var : 0 0
  36. ©MIXI 1 : 72 var count by remember { mutableStateOf(0)

    } Button(onClick = { count++ }) { Text(text = count.toString()) } MutableState Compose Recompose (UI )
  37. ©MIXI 1 : 73 var count by remember { mutableStateOf(0)

    } Button(onClick = { count++ }) { Text(text = count.toString()) } Delegated property MutableState<Int> Int remember Recompose API : https://developer.android.com/jetpack/compose/state#state-in-composables
  38. ©MIXI 1 : 74 var count by remember { mutableStateOf(0)

    } Button(onClick = { count++ }) { Text(text = count.toString()) } 0 1
  39. ©MIXI var text by remember { mutableStateOf("") } TextField( value

    = text, onValueChange = { value -> text = value } ) 2 : 75
  40. ©MIXI 78 Composable (Recompose) UI MutableState Recompose var state by

    remember { mutableStateOf( ) } UI Composable onClick onValueChange e.g. Button, TextField, Switch UI UI
  41. 6

  42. ©MIXI 84 Log.v(TAG, " ") Log.d(TAG, " ") Log.i(TAG, "

    ") Log.w(TAG, " ") Log.e(TAG, " ") ( )
  43. 7

  44. ©MIXI UI 90 UI UI Compose l UI l UI

    ViewModel l UI l UI UI
  45. ©MIXI : ver. 93 Column(...) { var result by remember

    { mutableStateOf("") } Text(text = result) Button(onClick = { result = listOf(" ", " ", ...).random() }) { Text(text = stringResource(R.string.pick_omikuji)) } }
  46. ©MIXI ( ) 95 class OmikujiRepository { fun getResult(): String

    { return listOf(" 規", "規", ...).random() } }
  47. ©MIXI ViewModel 98 class OmikujiViewModel( private val repository: OmikujiRepository =

    OmikujiRepository() ) : ViewModel() { ... } (DI) Hilt DI
  48. ©MIXI UiState MutableState 99 class OmikujiViewModel(...) : ViewModel() { var

    uiState by mutableStateOf(OmikujiUiState()) private set } MutableStateFlow l MutableState Compose API l MutableStateFlow Kotlin API
  49. ©MIXI UiState ViewModel 100 class OmikujiViewModel(...) : ViewModel() { ...

    fun pick() { val result = repository.getResult() uiState = uiState.copy(result = result) } } UiState UI
  50. ©MIXI UI ViewModel 101 val viewModel: OmikujiViewModel = viewModel() val

    uiState = viewModel.uiState Text(text = uiState.result) var result by remember { mutableStateOf("") } Text(text = result) Before After Compose ViewModel
  51. ©MIXI Button(onClick = viewModel::pick) UI ViewModel 102 Button(onClick = {

    viewModel.pick() }) Button(onClick = { result = listOf(" ", " ", ...).random() }) Before After OK
  52. 8

  53. ©MIXI ViewModel 111 class OmikujiViewModelTest { private val viewModel =

    OmikujiViewModel() @Test fun testPick() { assertEquals("", viewModel.uiState.result) viewModel.pick() assertNotEquals("", viewModel.uiState.result) } }
  54. ©MIXI ViewModel 112 class OmikujiViewModelTest { private val viewModel =

    OmikujiViewModel() @Test fun testPick() { assertEquals("", viewModel.uiState.result) viewModel.pick() assertNotEquals("", viewModel.uiState.result) } } JUnit 4 (Java ) API
  55. ©MIXI ViewModel 113 class OmikujiViewModelTest { private val viewModel =

    OmikujiViewModel() @Test fun testPick() { assertEquals("", viewModel.uiState.result) viewModel.pick() assertNotEquals("", viewModel.uiState.result) } } uiState
  56. ©MIXI ViewModel 114 class OmikujiViewModelTest { private val viewModel =

    OmikujiViewModel() @Test fun testPick() { assertEquals("", viewModel.uiState.result) viewModel.pick() assertEquals(" ", viewModel.uiState.result) } }
  57. ©MIXI 115 class OmikujiViewModel( private val repository: OmikujiRepository ) :

    ViewModel() DefaultOmikujiRepository FakeOmikujiRepository
  58. ©MIXI 116 interface OmikujiRepository { fun getResult(): String } class

    DefaultOmikujiRepository : OmikujiRepository { override fun getResult(): String { return listOf(" ", " ", ...).random() } } class FakeOmikujiRepository : OmikujiRepository { override fun getResult(): String { return " " } }
  59. ©MIXI 117 class OmikujiViewModelTest { private val viewModel = OmikujiViewModel(FakeOmikujiRepository())

    @Test fun testPick() { assertEquals("", viewModel.uiState.result) viewModel.pick() assertEquals(" ", viewModel.uiState.result) } }
  60. 9

  61. ©MIXI 124 data class WeatherUiState( val weather: String = "",

    val isLoading: Boolean = false ) fun getWeather() { // uiState = uiState.copy(isLoading = true) // val weather = repository.getWeather() // uiState = uiState.copy(weather = weather, isLoading = false) } ViewModel
  62. ©MIXI 125 data class WeatherUiState( val weather: String = "",

    val isLoading: Boolean = false ) fun getWeather() { // uiState = uiState.copy(isLoading = true) // val weather = repository.getWeather() // uiState = uiState.copy(weather = weather, isLoading = false) } ViewModel (UI )
  63. ©MIXI Kotlin 126 viewModelScope.launch { uiState = uiState.copy(isLoading = true)

    val weather = repository.getWeather() uiState = uiState.copy(weather = weather, isLoading = false) } uiState = uiState.copy(isLoading = true) val weather = repository.getWeather() uiState = uiState.copy(weather = weather, isLoading = false)
  64. ©MIXI Kotlin 127 viewModelScope.launch { uiState = uiState.copy(isLoading = true)

    val weather = repository.getWeather() uiState = uiState.copy(weather = weather, isLoading = false) } getWeather()
  65. ©MIXI suspend 130 Kotlin API delay(timeMillis = 2000) 2 Ktor

    (HTTP ) API val response = client.request(urlString = "https://...") DB Jetpack Room (SQLite ) API val user = dao.getUser(userId = ...)
  66. ©MIXI 132 UI l l suspend l suspend l suspend

    l suspend suspend e.g. , DB
  67. 10

  68. ©MIXI 135 data class WeatherUiState( val weather: String = "",

    val isLoading: Boolean = false, val isError: Boolean = false ) sealed class WeatherUiState { data class Success(val weather: String) : WeatherUiState() object Loading : WeatherUiState() object Error : WeatherUiState() } OK UiState
  69. ©MIXI 136 sealed class WeatherUiState { data class Success(val weather:

    String) : WeatherUiState() object Loading : WeatherUiState() object Error : WeatherUiState() } sealed class WeatherUiState WeatherUiState
  70. ©MIXI try-catch 137 fun getWeather() { viewModelScope.launch { uiState =

    WeatherUiState.Loading try { val weather = repository.getWeather() uiState = WeatherUiState.Success(weather = weather) } catch (error: SomeException) { uiState = WeatherUiState.Error } } }
  71. ©MIXI try-catch 138 fun getWeather() { viewModelScope.launch { uiState =

    WeatherUiState.Loading try { val weather = repository.getWeather() uiState = WeatherUiState.Success(weather = weather) } catch (error: SomeException) { uiState = WeatherUiState.Error } } } catch Exception catch throw ( )
  72. ©MIXI UI when app.weather 139 @Composable fun WeatherScreen(...) { val

    uiState = viewModel.uiState when (uiState) { is WeatherUiState.Success -> SuccessScreen(...) is WeatherUiState.Loading -> LoadingScreen(...) is WeatherUiState.Error -> ErrorScreen(...) } }
  73. ©MIXI Compose, , , , https://github.com/android/nowinandroid 146 https://github.com/android/architecture-samples Compose UI

    https://github.com/android/compose-samples Now in Android App Android Architecture Samples Jetpack Compose Samples