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Presentation Help Workshop: Writing the Talk: C...

Presentation Help Workshop: Writing the Talk: Content to Slides

Sources from this talk:
IBM Developer Template: https://ibm.ent.box.com/v/IBM-Developer-Brand-System/folder/55588246905
Slides Carnival Templates: https://www.slidescarnival.com/
Rands in Repose, “Fix Your Boring Slides”: http://randsinrepose.com/links/2013/11/15/fix-your-boring-slides/
Flickr Creative Commons: https://www.flickr.com/creativecommons/
Adobe Stock Photos: https://en.fotolia.com/
Women of Color in Tech Stock Photos: https://www.wocintechchat.com/
IBM Logo Guidelines: https://www.ibm.com/innovate/brand/ibm-logo/
Slideshare “How to Use Colors in Presentations” https://blog.slideshare.net/2014/03/17/how-to-use-colors-in-presentations
Publish Your Slides Publicly: https://speakerdeck.com/
IBM’s USB Stick Exemption Request Form: https://ciso-approvals.w3bmix.ibm.com/portable-storage-request.html

Maureen McElaney

February 28, 2019

More Decks by Maureen McElaney

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  1. Today we’ll go over: 1 - Make a Plan The

    importance of starting with an outline. 2 - Write Your Content Before starting your slides you should know what you want to say. 3 - Slide Construction Slide templates and imagery. 4 - Slide Content Tips for building impactful slides and accessible. 5 - Practice Makes Perfect Where to find feedback and what to do with it once you have it. 6 - Back It Up Back up your slides. BACK. UP. YOUR. SLIDES. 2
  2. I am Maureen McElaney I am here because I love

    our team! I’m endlessly impressed with the talent I witness at IBM and want to help YOU to speak at (more) meetups and conferences. You can find me at @Mo_Mack Welcome! 4
  3. 5

  4. “ 6 Feel free to stop me if you have

    questions or want to add anything!
  5. 10 Outline Tips ◉ Reread your abstract. ◉ Handwritten works!

    So does markdown. ◉ Focus on your takeaways.
  6. A blog post will put your outline into action and

    help you build a narrative. 12
  7. 13 Collect Your Sources As you write your talk be

    sure to collect your sources into a document. Tweets, quotes, imagery, etc will come in handy as you build your slides.
  8. 17 Common Resources for Images ◉ Unsplash ◉ Flickr Creative

    Commons ◉ Adobe Stock (formerly Fotolia) images for commercial use ◉ Google Image search including advanced search filters using copyright terms ◉ Free stock photos of women of color in tech from #WOCinTech ◉ Or just take your own photos!
  9. 20 Basic Things to Note ◉ Check that your fonts

    are big/visible enough ◉ Avoid text on the top/bottom of your slides ◉ Utilize your the sources you’ve collected to credit them on your slides. ◉ Include your Twitter handle on your slides
  10. 23

  11. 26 Practice tips ◉ Record yourself giving the talk. ◉

    Utilize a timer to track length. ◉ Practice in front of a live audience! ◦ Schedule a practice session at Presentation Help! ◦ Your coworker(s) ◦ Your roomate/partner ◦ Your dog/cat ◉ Take notes directly after you finish.
  12. 27 Taking Notes ◉ Write down your own observations. ◦

    Did you go too fast or take too long? ◦ Was there a slide that tripped you up that needs more practice? ◉ Write down the observations from your audience. ◦ Slide typos, too much text, color, etc. ◦ Elaborate more on a certain concept. ◦ Introduce a concept earlier in the talk for better clarity.
  13. 30 Back Up Your Slides!!! ◉ Print your speaker notes

    ◉ Save your slides as a PDF on your laptop ◦ Back them up via the cloud somewhere so you can access using your cell phone ◉ Another bonus to sharing your slides online: Automatic back up (But no notes…) ◉ Save your slides on a portable device.
  14. “ IBM recently changed its policy around USB sticks. If

    you want to be able to still use a USB stick then you need to fill out an exemption request form. https://ciso-approvals.w3bmix.ibm.com/portable-storage-r equest.html 31
  15. 33 Links and Sources: IBM Developer Template: https://ibm.ent.box.com/v/IBM-Developer-Brand-System/folder/55588246905 Slides Carnival

    Templates: https://www.slidescarnival.com/ Rands in Repose, “Fix Your Boring Slides”: http://randsinrepose.com/links/2013/11/15/fix-your-boring-slides/ Flickr Creative Commons: https://www.flickr.com/creativecommons/ Adobe Stock Photos: https://en.fotolia.com/ Women of Color in Tech Stock Photos: https://www.wocintechchat.com/ IBM Logo Guidelines: https://www.ibm.com/innovate/brand/ibm-logo/ Slideshare “How to Use Colors in Presentations” https://blog.slideshare.net/2014/03/17/how-to-use-colors-in-presentations Publish Your Slides Publicly: https://speakerdeck.com/ IBM’s USB Stick Exemption Request Form: https://ciso-approvals.w3bmix.ibm.com/portable-storage-request.html