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Fully asynchronous queue solution with Kafka

Fully asynchronous queue solution with Kafka

Ondrej Vesely at Kiwi.com Brno-Moscow Python Meetup

"Showcase: Let's say we want to have an API endpoint which saves data stream with very variable flow to Postgresql. We'll use Kafka queue and various async modules like asyncio, aiokafka and aiopg with Python 3.6 syntax sugar. Based on real-case scenario"

Video: http://www.moscowpython.ru/meetup/1/fully-asynchronous-queue-solution-with-kafka/

Moscow Python Meetup

March 23, 2017

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  1. Problem: store JSON to database Just a few records per

    second. But • Slow database • Unreliable database • Increasing traffic (20x)
  2. def save_data(conn, cur, ts, data): cur.execute( """INSERT INTO data (timestamp,

    data) VALUES (%s,%s) """, (ts, ujson.dumps(data))) conn.commit() @app.route('/store', method=['PUT', 'POST']) def logstash_route(): data = ujson.load(request.body) conn = psycopg2.connect(**config.pg_logs) t = datetime.now() with conn.cursor(cursor_factory=DictCursor) as cur: for d in data: save_data(conn, cur, t, d) conn.close() Old code
  3. Asyncio, example import asyncio async def factorial(name, number): f =

    1 for i in range(2, number+1): print("Task %s: Compute factorial(%s)..." % (name, i)) await asyncio.sleep(1) f *= i print("Task %s: factorial(%s) = %s" % (name, number, f)) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop () tasks = [ asyncio.ensure_future(factorial("A", 2)), asyncio.ensure_future(factorial("B", 3)), asyncio.ensure_future(factorial("C", 4))] loop.run_until_complete (asyncio.gather(*tasks)) loop.close() Task A: Compute factorial( 2)... Task B: Compute factorial( 2)... Task C: Compute factorial( 2)... Task A: factorial( 2) = 2 Task B: Compute factorial( 3)... Task C: Compute factorial( 3)... Task B: factorial( 3) = 6 Task C: Compute factorial( 4)... Task C: factorial( 4) = 24
  4. What we used Apache Kafka Not ujson Concurrency - doing

    lots of slow things at once. No processes, no threads. Producer from aiohttp import web import json Consumer import asyncio import json from aiokafka import AIOKafkaConsumer import aiopg
  5. Producer #1 async def kafka_send(kafka_producer , data, topic): message =

    { 'data': data, 'received': str(arrow.utcnow()) } message_json_bytes = bytes(json.dumps(message), 'utf-8') await kafka_producer .send_and_wait(topic, message_json_bytes ) async def handle(request): post_data = await request .json() try: await kafka_send (request.app['kafka_p'], post_data, topic=settings.topic) except: slog.exception("Kafka Error") await destroy_all () return web.Response(status=200) app = web.Application() app.router.add_route('POST', '/store', handle)
  6. Destroying the loop async def destroy_all(): loop = asyncio.get_event_loop ()

    for task in asyncio.Task.all_tasks(): task.cancel() await loop .stop() await loop .close() slog.debug("Exiting.") sys.exit() def get_kafka_producer (): loop = asyncio.get_event_loop () producer = AIOKafkaProducer ( loop=loop, bootstrap_servers =settings.queues_urls, request_timeout_ms =settings.kafka_timeout, retry_backoff_ms =1000) loop.run_until_complete (producer.start()) return producer Getting producer Producer #2
  7. Consume … time to resurrect consumer ... DB connected 1.

    Receive data record from Kafka 2. Put it to the queue start yes no Flush queue full enough or data old enough Store data from queue to DB yes no Connect to DB start asyncio.Queue() Consumer #1
  8. def main(): dbs_connected = asyncio.Future() batch = asyncio.Queue(maxsize=settings.batch_max_size ) asyncio.ensure_future(consume(batch,

    dbs_connected )) asyncio.ensure_future(start_flushing (batch, dbs_connected )) loop.run_forever() async def consume(queue, dbs_connected ): await asyncio .wait_for(dbs_connected, timeout=settings.wait_for_databases ) consumer = AIOKafkaConsumer ( settings .topic, loop=loop, bootstrap_servers =settings.queues_urls, group_id ='consumers' ) await consumer .start() async for msg in consumer: message = json.loads(msg.value.decode("utf-8")) await queue .put((message.get('received'), message.get('data'))) await consumer .stop() Consumer #2
  9. async def start_flushing(queue, dbs_connected): db_logg = await aiopg.create_pool(settings.logs_db_url) while True:

    async with db_logg.acquire() as logg_conn, logg_conn.cursor() as logg_cur: await keep_flushing (dbs_connected, logg_cur, queue) await asyncio .sleep(2) async def keep_flushing(dbs_connected, logg_cur, queue): dbs_connected.set_result(True) last_stored_time = time.time() while True: if not queue.empty() and (queue.qsize() > settings.batch_flush_size or time .time() - last_stored_time > settings.batch_max_time): to_store = [] while not queue.empty(): to_store .append(await queue.get()) try: await store_bulk (logg_cur, to_store) except: break # DB down, breaking to reconnect last_stored_time = time.time() await asyncio .sleep(settings.batch_sleep) Consumer #3
  10. Code is public on gitlab https://gitlab.skypicker.com/ondrej/faqstorer www.orwen.org ← this is

    me code.kiwi.com ← devs community around Kiwi.com Check graphs...