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3-6 Too Many Notifications, Feeling Alone, Task...

3-6 Too Many Notifications, Feeling Alone, Task Initiation, & Changing Seasons [5 mins]

More Decks by Patricia Sung | Motherhood in ADHD


  1. 3-6 Too Many Notifications, Fe...n, & Changing Seasons [5 mins]

    Wed, Apr 27, 2022 9:33AM 4:55 SUMMARY KEYWORDS obstacle, motherhood, adhd, notifications, changing, starting, recommit, talk, instagram, bundle, schools, phone, happen, season, calendar, golf, adjust, change, planner, noise SPEAKERS Patricia Sung Patricia Sung 00:00 Hello, there, we are still in module three of talking about our ADHD obstacles. And this is part six. Our next one is having too many notifications on our digital planner. Well, this comes in when we have too many notifications on our phone as a whole. Patricia Sung 00:15 I would love to see you take off any notifications on your phone that are not like dire need important for me, I only have notifications for the phone ringing, text messages. And the calendar alerts. Those are the three things that make noise on my phone, there's no alerts for Instagram, or Facebook, or any kind of other like messaging system. Any other like apps at all, like they're all turned off, because I want to be aware when my phone tells me something important is happening. And when all that other noises coming in, I'm never going to be able to filter that out. Patricia Sung 00:50 So highly recommend taking all those notifications that are not pertinent to your existence off because here's, let's be honest, I'm not gonna forget to check Instagram, I like Instagram, I'm gonna go on there. So I don't have to worry about missing something because I'm going to because it's fun. What I need the notification for is the important things like going to my daughter's women's and it will talk about like, reminder increments later on. So go into that. Patricia Sung 01:21 Okay, next obstacle feeling alone in the struggle while you're here, high five. A community and knowing that you're not alone is half the battle in like doing well with your ADHD. So if you need some support, you can enjoy, you can join the motherhood and ADHD Facebook group, if
  2. need some support, you can enjoy, you can join the

    motherhood and ADHD Facebook group, if you're a Facebook person, and you've got the other students in this class to connect with like, there are ways to connect and feel like you found your people. There are literally millions of us ADHD moms on the planet. So you are not alone. We are all dealing with quite a few these obstacles if not all of them. Patricia Sung 02:00 Okay, next obstacle is task initiation. This is a big one for us with our executive function. So we want to bundle our actions together so that they are paired with something that we're already doing, because we can get stuck and it's hard to get started. And that's just how our brain works. So what are you already doing that you can pair these things with. So if I asked you to do something every day, like check your calendar every evening before the next day, that I want you to put that with something that you already do. Like if you're really good about brushing your teeth, put it with brushing your teeth, if you're really good about like starting the dishwasher, do started it like whatever it is that you are good about getting done. Patricia Sung 02:42 Do it then if you're really good at watching Netflix every night, put the planner on the couch before he put the kids to bed, then oh yay. Oh, like what later? I want to look at that. What doesn't matter how crazy it sounds or like whatever works for you. But bundle was something you're already doing. Don't reinvent the wheel. We're going to take it step by step. All right, oh, come on. There we go. Patricia Sung 03:12 Alright, the next obstacle we run into is the changing of seasons. This is just an inevitable, inevitable part of motherhood is that you know, our kids get older, they change schools, maybe you have shared households, there's a lot of change that goes on and is going to happen. But we can prepare for that. Again, we don't need to reinvent the wheel, but we can adjust slightly to fit that new season. So we're gonna talk more about this in, in our other modules, but basically, when you're in a time where you see like things are changing, like schools letting out and we're going to summer or summer is ending and we're going into school, those times where you have transition when you're starting daycare, or you're starting work or you're changing your work schedule or whatever that is. If we take a moment beforehand and look ahead and say okay, I know that things are going to be changing. Patricia Sung 04:08 Where are some things that I know I can adjust ahead of time, your creative brain is going to look and start seeing the shifting happen because you're going to have that skill built of understanding what works for you. Sometimes things the changing season means we just need to recommit ourselves and say, hey, hey, what was that? Why why did I say I'm doing this? Oh, right. Because of that, and I'm going to recommit of okay, this is what I'm going to do. There's
  3. always going to be change but we can adapt to

    those changes as we go. When we have a plan in place. It makes it a lot easier so that we're not again doing it like chickens with Head Golf. Alright, let's pause there for the next section.