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Bonus-1: Speed Schedule Session

Bonus-1: Speed Schedule Session


  1. Bonus-1_ Speed Schedule Session Thu, Jul 27, 2023 2:23PM 1:02:18

    SUMMARY KEYWORDS schedule, non negotiables, hours, minute, kids, bedtime, predetermined, work, divider, sketch, section, whiteboard, write, today, pick, morning, school, pm, feel, day SPEAKERS Patricia Sung Patricia Sung 00:02 Welcome. So this video that we're doing this is a live class that they offered for the mamas who are in the White House to sit in. And so they may or may not chime in, it's up to them if they want to or not along the way, but they are here listening. So you're, you're getting a live class, not a fancy pre recorded busness here. And what we're going to do today is go through a speed schedule. So a lot of times when moms get into damage or mastery, they're like, I'm not quite sure what to do, where should I start? This, what we're gonna do in the next, I'm hoping it'll be move as fast as I can without leaving anyone behind. And like under an hour, basically, we're gonna set up like a bare bones framework for what your schedule will look like, just to get you started. Patricia Sung 00:50 So like, today, I am not going to be teaching about a bunch of like, why we're doing this or, you know, the ADHD reason behind things or what helps our brains like, that's why you have the whole course is that gives all that so today really is like speed version. I am not giving like Boku information hurt small teacher hurts sometimes. But look, we're we're tracking them, we're moving. So we're gonna go through the, like bare bones of what you need to get started. But I do want you to keep in mind that like, what we're doing today is we're like sketching your basic outline of we're going to call it your boat, because it's like, we have the you know, the water theme of the course, is this is a sketch, it's an we're not sure being this drawing, we're not carving it out of clay and firing it like, this is a basic starting point. So that you feel like, okay, I know what I'm doing. And from here, I am modifying it to fit what I need. Because a lot of times if he like we need some kind of like, give me the like, let me know what the end result like kind of looks like and then I can make it. But if I'm just moving out, like, I'm not really sure like, what does this look like? What should this be at the end? It can feel a little bit like more unwieldy and not sure. So I'm giving you this basic bare bones version of what your schedule can start as knowing that like this is not meant to be your forever deal. You are going to take this basic and then figure out okay, what needs to change what how does it fit other people in my family like, Ooh, you know what I forgot to write down that my kids still takes a nap like these are the
  2. things that are going to go into it as you

    progress. So this is not meant to be like the final version that you will follow for the next 94 years. This is what you're starting with. And you're going to play with it and figure it out, like what makes sense for you as you go. Patricia Sung 02:35 This is also really helpful if you're in a transition time, like right now that I'm recording this. We're transitioning from school year to summer break. So this might be a time where you're like, I need a new system. Hopefully you what you have can just be adjusted slightly. But sometimes in life, it doesn't look like that this is a great place to start. Or if you're just like I need to walk through the steps real quick to make sure that my old schedule modifies make sense in what I'm doing. Like this is a good zoom through. So we're gonna jump in. And the moms that are listening, go ahead. And like if you have questions, you can either stick them in the chat or like I'll check with on you like every so often to be like, Hey, do you need anything? Let me know. And then for those of you watching this as a recording, at any point, you can pause, do what you're doing, and then hit play again when you're working on it. So you don't feel like this has to be like, Oh, I'm never like, I have to complete the question in the amount given like, if you need extra time to think about something, please do pause. Thanks, Omar. Patricia Sung 03:39 And then continue on. Okay, excuse me. First thing we need is to gather your supplies, depending on what kind of way you work best. You want to grab something to write with, something to write on. And any predetermined info about your schedule that you know you have. So for me, like I'm a pen and paper person, I want to be able to actually draw it out on paper, I'm going to I may use I'm gonna try the Zoom whiteboard today. We'll see how that goes. If it's a disaster, learn something new. Patricia Sung 04:10 If you want to do like if you have an iPad and you have like a sketch tool, if you want to like write everything on post it notes and rearrange them, if you're just a writer and you want to write it out in words, like whatever makes sense for you do that. So need something to keep track of the information on. And then if you have anything in this season that you know is a predetermined schedule. So for example, the school schedule, a work schedule that is fairly similar. Anything that like regularly happens if you need any of that this is the time to go, pause and go grab that stuff. Right? Patricia Sung 04:44 When we start out looking at our schedule, we start out by not actually writing the schedule. I want you to think about the weather. What's the season that you are in right now that your family is in that you're like all your needs? are ones that are going on in this. So for example, if we're looking at this transition from doing like school year to summer, or if you're like, moving locations, and you're talking about like what we did at our old house and now or you know, our
  3. new schedule at the new house, in this new season

    that you're in, or the current season that you're in, what do you need or want? What are the values that you hold important in this season. Patricia Sung 05:27 So for an example, if you are doing like a summer schedule, maybe your values are like, I want my kids to be able to, like, get more sleep than they were getting the school year, or I want them to do more like outside activities. I feel like we've been doing too much screen time. So I want them to be outside more. Or I am trying to juggle work while my kids are home from school. So I need to figure out how can I have like pockets of work time that I can get things done while they're here? What do you need in one in this season? What are your non negotiables and what I'd like you to do is then jot down I'm gonna give you about a minute here, but I want you to answer this question for you first. And then as we go, I'll ask you to also jot down some stuff for the other people in your family. So right now on whatever you are writing on, and if you're a verbal processor, get out your phone and talk to it into a transcription app, like whatever is gonna make this easy for you and say, like, what do you need or want in this season? What are the non negotiables for you? Do you need space for you in the summer chaos? Do you need to work on a certain like there's a certain habit or goal you've been wanting to work on? What are your non negotiables and this is not likeoh what are all the cool things I could do in the center? Like what are the non negotiables What do you need and want that like really has to get done? Patricia Sung 06:49 Okay, so I'm gonna give you about a minute to think about that if you are fashion that you're welcome on the replay to fast forward and I'm going to start my timer so I don't forget the one minute. Okay, that was one minute for you. Now I'd like to also take another minute to think about the other people in your family that are going to be following this schedule. So if you have however many kids if your partner is going to be filing this also including what are the things that they really need? Does your two year old still need a nap? Does your seven year old need some quiet time after they get home from their activities to collect themselves? What are the things that your kids partner whoever else is fine to schedule what do they need them and give you one more minute to jot down the things that they need in the day for them to be successful as well? Patricia Sung 09:50 All right, if you're watching the replay, feel free to pause and think more on that MSU cup All questions kind of get your gears turning in case you didn't think about the sister just like what I don't know, what do they need? Ah, want to think about things like, do they need? Like, is this a time where you want to be at home? Or do you need to be out? And about more? Is this a time where you need to get some help and support in what needs to happen? Is this a time where people need more connection together? Is this a time where people need more quiet time together? Is this a season where you feel like you really need to stick with your bed time and morning routine? Like, like sticking to like the times where there's more flexibility available?
  4. Patricia Sung 10:44 If you have kids who get hangry?

    Do you need to stick more to the meal schedule? Or is this a time where you can be more relaxed in it? There is no wrong answer, and there is no right answer. It's whatever the people in your family need in the season that we're looking at. And I guess I should say don't the season ahead. For you. It might be the schedule for the next month, it might be next three months, it might be a next year. Again, what do you need? When's the time where the schedule is gonna fit you? All right. Next one is what are your staples? What is the framework that's already set for you anything that's predetermined for you. So examples here, like if your work schedule is predetermined when you come and go, if your kids are in school or daycare, and those hours are set for you have one thing start and end if you have a regular appointment every Wednesday at 3pm that needs to go in there activities, lessons, extracurriculars, any other activities. Patricia Sung 11:55 Again, things like meals, sleep naps, if those need to be regular in this time, we're going to gather all those in one spot. So you may have like, Oh, here's the camp schedule. And you don't necessarily need to write it down. But what are the things that you need to account for when you're making this schedule? So I'll give you another minute to plan for, like account for look for gathering in one home there. What are the times that are already set for you that you don't have leeway to change? And and this is including everyone that's following the schedule. Like if you have a teenager who works every Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, gather them up to all that information in one spot. So one more minute. Patricia Sung 13:43 Okay Excuse me. Okay. The next question, I want you to think about what you're looking at, like, what's the weather here? What are your struggles? What are the times of day that are hard? For? When do you first and then for your kids? So what are the times that are hard for you? Is that first waking up in the morning is that by the end of the day, when you're just really tired? Where are you struggling? So I'm gonna give you? Well, then we'll do all month. Okay. Then also thinking about the different people in your family. What is a hard time for them? When are they tired? When are the extra antsy? When are they grumpy? We were being very general here. Again, this is just our sketch of the schedule. It's not the end all be all of all things. Where are the days? Where are the parts of the day that are hard? It may not be a specific time it might be my preschoolers really struggling when I'm doing stuff with the baby. That can be a little any time of the day. Where are the parts of the day that are hard that you see a pattern. So to give you another minute first I want you to think about where it's hard for you and then I Add another minute all that you owe like remind you to then think about everybody else so this first minute is for you what's hard for you what parts of the day are hard? Patricia Sung 16:09 Okay, so you have one more minute to think about where are the other struggle areas for the other people so you can if you haven't done yourself yet you matter to your to you first please. And then you have one more minute to think about also what anyone else in the family a part
  5. And then you have one more minute to think about

    also what anyone else in the family a part of the day that they struggle with, it could be a certain time it could be a certain activity one more minute. Patricia Sung 17:38 Okay, now looking at these struggles? Do you see any patterns? Is there anything that's across the board, everybody in the house is struggling here are most of the people in the house are struggling here. We want to just make a note of that not to say that we're going to have all the answers. But that em as we're making our schedule, we know that like this is an area where we're gonna need to do something a little bit different or interesting or in a new way, not today. But that gets our brain kind of marinating on like, these are the areas that I want to focus on. To have things be a little bit smoother as we're looking at, what do you need the staples, the struggle is we're gonna take one more minute and look through at all the things that you just noted. And, and see if there's anything else that stands out to you, like, oh, I want to make sure that I include this or Wow, this part of the day is really hard. I want to make sure we give yourselves extra time there. So we give you one minute to just look over all the information that you've gathered and be like, is there anything I want to note? Do Differently work on be aware of not even that you have to solve it right now. In fact, we're not seeing me right now. Just that we want to be aware that these are the areas that we want to kind of keep an extra eyeball open. Okay, so one more minutes to look at the patterns overall. Patricia Sung 20:09 All right. So now that we know what the weather is, this is how we can plan our trip appropriately is knowing like, what kind of clothes we're going to need, what kind of things we need to pack, getting ready to, like build our boat, do we need thermal protection? Do we need like extra shade because it's sunny, like, we're gonna make sure that we're going in knowing like, here's what we're looking for. Okay, so we are going to sketch not Sharpie, your boat design. So here's what we are looking for. Um, let me see, I'm going to try this whiteboard thing. And see if this works. Okay, so let me stop sharing and see if I can pull up my whiteboard here. Patricia Sung 20:58 Okay, let's see, doo doo doo. Okay, so the first question we're looking at, oh, my gosh, I can't see my face, hopefully you can see my face, um, is that we're looking at either do you want to focus on a daily schedule or a weekly schedule. Depending on your season, you might be able to create a fairly similar daily schedule that works across all the days. And then like, okay, or it might work out for you that you want to have each day be a little bit different. It just depends on like, where you are in your family. So I'm going to kind of hybrid the two together so you can figure out which one makes sense for you. And we're going to start on that daily calendar. And let me see if I can see my slides to a lot of things for people. Okay. Did you do Okay, we're gonna draw, doodle, right. However, you are accumulating information, the outside frame, so you get out of that. So for me, I already started this one just I was playing with the whiteboard whiteboard to make sure I could work it is that first we want to look at what's your frame look like. So when you're building a boat, the first thing they do is build the frame. When we look at our day, the outside frame is like when you're awake and going to bed. So for most of us, not
  6. all of us, most of us what happens in the

    morning, until like, like wake up getting ready breakfasty things usually are like not that different, like it's fairly similar. So we can kind of clump them together into one section of the day. Patricia Sung 22:47 Then we've got a like, we're again, I go full detail onto this in the course we're breaking it into sections, so that we know kind of what's going on in each section of the day. So the first section weekend, breakfast, get ready ish stuff tends to be fairly similar. Like maybe you don't do anything in the exact same order, but you're doing mostly the same things every morning, then you have a morning section. And then usually when you have smaller kids, it's divided by lunch, if you're a working person, then maybe your lunch is not really determined by certain time. But if so we're just gonna like pick a time and go with it, or this is our bare bones schedule, we're not trying to like, get things down to the minute, we're not worried if you eat lunch at 1202 or 105, like general ideas here, then you have your section in the afternoon. And so when your afternoon divides to evening, some of this is might be like when the school day is over, or when camp is over. Sometimes that's like when you start cooking dinner, like we're gonna create an imaginary divider in between the day. So we've got the evening time, which again, depends on how old your kids aren't everything. For younger kids tends to be that evening dinner bedtime, again, fairly similar. It's one of the reasons being in in each event was hard. Because the they're all the same scoring. Patricia Sung 24:18 You have this evening section and then your dinnertime bedtime section. So for me, I'm a visual person. So I like to have it all where I can see it. If you're not, you can write it on your paper in a different way. It doesn't matter to me how you draw it out or write it out as long as you understand it. And so our outline is how are we dividing the day into groups. So in the in the course it's the different anchor points. So it may be breakfast lunch, can't pick up dinner, it might be go to work, come home from work. And then you have your eating stuff. So you're gonna divide your day into sections here. Just Patricia Sung 25:00 Based on what you already have determined, so first what's predetermined, we're going to fill that in. So would you on your paper, whatever you're gonna say paper from now on, since everyone would have used something different, you're gonna write down the different times of when these things generally happen. If they are not in a general time, we're just going to make one up for now. You can change it later. There's nothing written in stone. So for our example, here, I'm going to say, mom wakes up at 7am Don't feel bad if you don't wake up at 7am I wish I didn't make kids early birds. And, and we're usually finishing up all of our, like, morning stuff between like, eight 830. So I'm going to stick those on here that's usually about when things are moving on to like, now we have to leave for school or camp or stuff. Actually, school would be a very different time. So I guess I shouldn't say my kids are the hangry type as am I they got that from them. So we generally eat lunch around noon every day because I need food. And afternoon divider, if you already have a school time at camp time, I'm going to say most usually camp ends around three but you're not doing all camps. But just for like, when we're doing this
  7. a lot of times if for ADHD brains were like,

    oh, but this time it was like that. Yes, it wasn't, we're not going to be able to make a schedule that fits every single day perfectly. So that's not our goal. Our goal is a rough estimate of what our life looks like. And if you don't eat lunch at the same time, it's totally fine. Just pick a time for now or good. I'm gonna say are we usually eat by by 5pm are eaten in hitting the bedtime. So lots my divider here to move for a while. I'm just gonna have to do better. Okay. And then my kids are heading to bed by 7pm. Patricia Sung 27:21 So like this isn't really like okay, bear with me this again, is this doesn't have to be perfect or not. We're not winning any awards for our work. Okay. And then I usually trying to get at least ready for bed between nine and 10 left equals nine. So that's the why so I'm usually right now we're at 10pm Okay. Oh, I mean, your that okay? So if I look at my general day, waking up around seven, reading by eight we're usually heading out of the house like 830. We're leavin then that means lunch is usually around noon. I'm gonna say camp is my mid break here. Dinner bad time my bedtime. Patricia Sung 28:17 This is your like what is already set for you. So I'm gonna give you one minute to fill in like what are the times for you where things are already sent. And then once your predetermined times are done then we'll go in and stick the other ones in so first predetermined times then we're making up times if we need to. And then while I do that minute I'm gonna see if I can switch back over to that to the other side I don't know if I can do both at the same time we're gonna find out should it work there we go. Patricia Sung 29:50 Okay, if you need more time, pause the video. Write down your other non negotiable times that exist. And I'm gonna go back Go over to my whiteboard All right, okie dokie. So we have, oh, I didn't know what we were seeing learning new things all the time. Okay. So what we want to look at first is, did we divide up in manageable sections. When we have ADHD, if we have, if we have this whole section was like eight hours, that's way too much time for us to manage at one time. So we want these like smaller chunks, notice how this is like, three hours. So we have hours and other three hours, two hours, bedtime, to kid bedtime, two hours, their bedtime to mind three hours. So we're breaking it into little chunks, because we're going to look at this like a puzzle. And then if this chunk didn't work out, we can move the whole chunk over here. And we can rearrange them like a puzzle, like a slighty thing and be like, well, you know what, the purple piece didn't work here today, we're gonna put it over here today. That's gonna go on Thursday, wait, oh, Thursday did not go as planned, somebody got sick on pick up this piece from Thursday and put it on Friday. So you'll have these sections to move around quickly, instead of feeling like, what do I do now that I need to adjust my day, you have your framework to start with all your set times, fill in the times that you're not sure about. If you I'm going to keep going cuz I don't want this to get too long. Pause if you need to fill in the times. But again, if you don't have an exact divider time.
  8. Patricia Sung 31:38 One you can shoot me know in

    the Facebook group. For those of you who are in the, you know that first, like time that you're here, you get that memberships included. So go shoot me a note there. If you're stuck, don't stay stuck, send me a note, ask questions. Okay. So we've got our times, let me go back up over and make sure I didn't forget something on my notes. Okay. Okeydoke. So, we've got our different sections here. So when we think about our day, as a mom, usually, this beginning section is the getting ready section is all fairly similar. So in this one look, we're not going to add any more things in here. It's just whatever is the usual getting out the door process. You got morning, afternoon, evening times, and then your dinner bedtime group tends to also not change a whole lot. As you get bigger kids Yes, there'll be more like we have a baseball game. We have this going on. We have fencing club, we have theater club, like those things will come in. But But generally speaking, like we're doing the same thing. So feeding our kids and homework getting too bad in that evening, Chuck. Patricia Sung 33:05 So what we want to look at is we have how much space in the morning. So if I consider that e 30 is when we leave the house. We're going to see if I can anyone can type or if it's gonna, Hey, there we go. Okay, so II 30 is the time that what's going on? We're leaving, we have to drive somewhere. So Dr. Park, Enter. And then I gotta leave again. Oops. Sorry, yeah, and leave again. So that means that really, I don't have a full three and a half hours here. I have a shorter amount of time. So before I can calculate how much space is in this chunk, that is like my free decidable time need to look at all the parts that are like already decided for me. So we're going to leave that be because if you want to do a morning routine we got we got them I got a class for that. We won't do that today. If I do all of this, leave Dr. Park and to read a bit about the time that I'm actually going to be home or can go run errands is probably close to like 915. So that means now I have free time. Or and then when I say free time, I mean like I get to choose the thing that goes next. When I think about lunch at noon, I actually needed to probably like start making lunch at 1130 So we're gonna say 1130 make lunch and then we got to eat it and clean up. So really, we're probably finishing all that depending on how fast your Kids are going to be generous and say 1pm is when they can actually do something different besides luxury things. Patricia Sung 35:09 If you have like if your kid goes down for a nap or for that like a calculator and like, what are all the things that are happening and put them drop them in here at 3pm If I'm picking up people, that means I need to leave. Oops. I'm really leaving about 230 to go over there. 3pm Pick up that takes probably about 15 minutes drive back home. That means I'm really getting back home probably about, let's just say, I'm just gonna keep my mouth simple 4pm Probably doesn't actually take that long, but okay, dinner Do you start cooking at like four or 430? Oh, look, these pieces just so all of a sudden they're next to each other? We're gonna prepared for that. Okay, 430 Cook. 530 eat clean up. By the time we're done. It's probably 6pm. All right. That means we've got maybe an hour here to do stuff. Okay. So what you're looking at is all these non negotiable times, what are the things that are buffered up against that? That included in that time lock, where it's not like lunch just magically happens at noon, we eat for one minute. And by 1201 We're doing something else, what do we need to account for in these breaks so that's what I'm going to give you a chance to do right now. Because I'm trying to
  9. keep this to under an hour you're not going to

    be able to do every single one in the live version. But on the home version I'm going to have you pause and fill these in like you just watched me do so I'm going to leave you one minute here in the live version. If you need more time at home hit pause and go ahead and fill in what are the things that actually go around here like what's our buffer that's needed on these anchors? Patricia Sung 38:16 Okay, so now that you have gone in and you got your dividers, you've got the stuff that goes on the dividers, this is when we talked about the amount of like chain link that you have on your anchors Christianorum watch module, let us handle sudden, here we are. So that module covers all this if you need more space. But it will know like, when we're making this basic one, we're not going to worry about like how much wiggle room we have. That's one of the nuance things that you do, but know that that is covered in in one of the modules. So don't worry, we're not saying like, you have to start exactly 1130. Okay. So you have these breaks in time, you know what goes around them. So now you know how much wiggle room you have in between, it's like, this is actual time where I can choose what we're doing. So whereas I already know that breakfast and waking up and getting dressed and all that stuff, leaving dropping them off. Or, you know, if you're going to like a play date, or you're going somewhere like all that's going to take this much time. Really I have about two hours here to do something, excuse me to do something different. So what we're going to do right now is tell ourselves, like calculate out roughly how much time do I have in these in between spaces that are not already predetermined for me. So in this one, if I'm saying 915 to 1130, that for me, it's about two hours. Technically, it's charging 15 minutes, but my brain doesn't need to know about 15 minutes because I'll use it anyway. So let's just say two hours and make those green and that's kind of hard to read. Right? Okay, right. It's a little bit easier to read. Patricia Sung 39:59 Okey doke. So in the morning, by the time I get everybody out the door where they need to be, I've got about two hours before we need to start making lunch. Okay, next one. By the time we clean up and eat lunch, we got one before we need to leave and pick up my kids. It's 130. That means I have an hour and a half. Free. Change that to read to. Okay, so I've got about an hour and a half in the afternoon. In the evening. I've only got 30 minutes. Normally if man, okay. 30 minutes. Okay. If depending on how old your kids are, you may also have space down here between dinner and bedtime. If you have little ones most likely you don't. But I'll just say just know, you may have space here if you have bigger cuts. So I'll just go ahead and add one interesting case. People do have little kids, I mean, because good to do. Let's say they don't go to bed. If they go to bed like at 8pm. Maybe they have like you have two hours of the kid. Free time. Before Bed. All right. So this tells us that we have two hours here about an hour and a half in about 30 minutes here. That gives you a rough schedule of the day. Let me double check my notes and make sure that if I'm ready to go to part two, don't forget anything. Nope. Let me go back over here. Okay. So I'll close my whiteboard. And go back to my notes here for a second screen share screen share your screen, okay. So you have here, we sketch out our outer frame, what time you're getting up getting to sleep for you and kids, the sections of the boat, we divided that frame into sections, we started with our non negotiables. Then we added in the times that were you know, we kind of just decided once it's going to be a noon.
  10. Patricia Sung 42:22 Now we need to do double check.

    I'm gonna go back to that one. Okay. Do you have enough? Let me just run through the slide the questions for you. So do you what do you have? Do you need more crossbar? So that's I'm saying what I was saying like if you have a really large chunk of time, and it's too much, you may need to cut it down into two small pieces. That's what that question is. Okay. Let me go back here to rest and play in scheduled activities. So that's going to be in our weekly one that we're about to do. Okay, what did you forget to pack? Let's go do this one. So what did you forget to pack? Is there anything that you missed? That you didn't account for it? Like when we go back to our whiteboard? When we look at it, we went through and like noted how much time things are going to take a send me like what Patricia? You didn't write down anything about bedtime? Like is 7pm Like when we're walking upstairs? There we go walk upstairs, bath. Or we wouldn't have it upstairs. Okay. Go to room, bath. PJs, story excetera. Maybe that's going to take us while doing all that is going to be like an hour. That means like, the kids aren't actually getting in bed until eight. Is that okay? Where you are? Maybe it's fine. Like for me during the summer, that's fine. But in school year, that'd be too late because they get up super early for school. So here's the time you go through and be like, Did we miss anything? You know what we accounted for the fact that like, when I went through all my values, the pattern I saw was bad times really hard for everyone. Did I give them enough time for bedtime? Do they give enough time for me to feel like I was going to be a patient mom? Or did I think I was going to magically get bedtime done in 20 minutes. And that's totally unrealistic. Maybe that happened one time three years ago, but that's not happening today. So this is a time to go through and just eyeball and be like does this make sense? Is that really realistic? You may not know until you try it out. It may be after day one that you're like, Oh wow, that was not enough time to make dinner. I can't make dinner in 30 minutes unless I'm just microwaving something. But I'm the one who loves to make home Sheffy meal so 330 minutes was enough. You may not know till later if that's okay. But this is you're going to be like Patricia Sung 44:53 Okay, once we've done that, the next thing on the list was talking about rest in play. Here we have these are all doing all the things on here are you doing stuff making lunch driving here picking up, where's the place where you're going to rest, we don't have the luxury of no rest. No rest is a luxury. We need some space, some downtime, you may be fitting it in some kind of crevasse somewhere. And you want to have space for more downtime later. But we do need to have some space for downtime. So if it means that like when your kid takes a nap in the afternoon, you're also using part of that time to rest we will make up for that. If you're a very sociable person, do you want to have you know space for playdates? is two hours enough to go hang out with your friend at the park? It may not be? Well then that means Hey, why don't we pack the picnic lunch and take it with us? We can stay through lunchtime? Did we make space for rest and play and relaxing to? Patricia Sung 45:58 Okay, next step to do dance. Okay, so here, we're gonna go to scheduled activities, and that's going to be in our weekly plan. Okay, next fear. What works? Well, for a lot of folks, it may not work for you, if it doesn't school, is when we look at our weekly schedule is we're making kind
  11. of this like, rough theme of a plan to know

    that like, Okay, we have over here. On mornings, we have about two hours. Like, I don't know if I can copy paste this over. But let's see. So am we have two hours, afternoon, we got an hour and a half oops. And then the evening, we've only got about 30 minutes. And I'll leave the big cat time there for now. Keep it simple. Okay. Patricia Sung 46:59 When you look at your week, I labeled these as day one through seven so that you know if you're, if you're on like an unusual schedule or anything, maybe you don't start on Monday, maybe you start on Sunday, maybe you start your work schedule is Thursday through the weekend, like you can change it to be what you want. Also, it doesn't have to necessarily be a certain day. So I'm gonna use like, some various examples from clients here, as we're talking, but we're working to look at is what are all the things that have to get done in the week? So the things that like, yes, we have, we said we have two hours on Monday morning, or on every morning to do stuff. But what if, like, on Wednesdays, you always go volunteer somewhere or on Thursdays is the day that your kid has OT. So we want to fill those in. So for you. If you want to look at whatever days you want to label sad, I'll just say Monday here. So if I say okay, on for me, Wednesday is the day that we do storytime at the library. So that is the thing that takes up our mornings I can do this. Can I move? Oh, yes. Okay, let's add our blocks. Okay, so am afternoon, Bob was what, one and a half hours and then we've got 30 minutes. Leaving. Okay, how much? Two hours? All right. So what I want you to do right now, is you're gonna fill in anything that is regularly occurring throughout the week. So I go to storytime on Wednesday mornings, or my kid has piano kid three. And kid three goes to piano on Tuesday afternoon. So bear with me. This is a chart. If you're not a chart person, apologies. You can make it look different for your brain. You're going to put your regularly occurring things that happened through the week. Write them down you can use a chart like this or you can just write them on a piece of paper in a row. I don't care. It's for you. Not for me. Okay, I'm gonna give you one minute to write down anything that's recurring. That's not every day on your paper somehow Patricia Sung 50:49 Now that you put down the things that are already predetermined to start there, the next one we're going to look at is, like, if this was a school your schedule, if you homeschool, like you need to put your homeschool blocks and if you are, if you're working like your am and pm blocks made all the work, and you only have an evening block to work with, everybody's gonna be different there. But what we want to look at next is, what are the other things that need to happen. So we've got rest, like, or some kind of play, like something fun that needs to be in our plan. Don't feel bad about that one. We may need loops might be we might have a block for cleaning. I'm just gonna make a couple of these for an example here and then we'll move them around and we need to run errands one day. And the next block is going to be well we'll just do a do home school. Okay, so now we're looking at okay, day one in the morning. You might be like you know what, Monday is really hard day for me. We do a lot of stuff on the weekends. I really want to do like resting play fun activities. On Monday morning. Maybe because you're already out running around on a Wednesday you're like Wednesday is going to be our errands day so we had a storytime with the library and then we run errands. homeschool we home if you homeschool maybe you do homeschool in the afternoons on Friday, Thursday and Monday. Patricia Sung 52:35
  12. Patricia Sung 52:35 Okay, we also got to clean the

    house so I'm gonna put that on Thursday mornings is cleanup day. Um apologies this like little crampy but me do what are the other things that need to happen in you in your day? Do you need Oh can't see that. Do you actually need two days to clean maybe cleaning is Thursday and Saturdays. I'm gonna go in and put the things in that you'd like to see. happen your groups, cleaning homeschool errands. If you have like I usually have a day that's like just my home I call it my home day but it's like the stuff I do all the stuff around the house like if I need to you know, make phone calls or like have the exterminator calm and you know do laundry on for like a big load or like whatever you're like stuff that needs to go on it had the house and you got these different groups you put them in here if you know like I want to have this predetermined you can say okay on every Monday is going to be like rest morning and every Tuesday is going to be played a with fear busty and have that all predetermined. Or you can say these are all my buckets and they need to go in somewhere during the week and I'm going to decide to decide a week ahead of time you won't just decide the day of I feel like cleaning and homeschooling today.Fear warning some people do really well with picking the same day and some people get very overwhelmed so I don't usually recommend that one if this you know like I can pick and run and go for it. Usually I say have us decide the day before like before you go to bed with the things are happening. If not like kind of plan your week out. Patricia Sung 54:48 Again, in the course we will go through like what are all the things that go in cleaning what are all the things that go in homeschooling and you might realize like oh three home schools wasn't enough. We really need four sections of homeschooling or like Oops, I wasn't thinking about like, we really need two days of cleaning or we really need, like I need to. I'm an extrovert I need more hanging out with people days. You can rearrange this later this is not set in stone. Okay? So go ahead, take a moment. Again, I'm gonna give you one minute which apologies for people lie, that's not enough time to really figure it out. But for those of you watching the replay, you can hit pause, and once you go ahead and drop in, what are the things that you want to happen in those general clumps maybe one minute. Alright, while you're working, I added some lines to make it a little bit. I'm trying to make this a little bit easier to read. Oops. There we go. Okay. Okey doke. Um, yeah, full Bayesian. Okay, like, I'm better. Alright, so you have these different groups here, where you can move things around. And so if on one day, you're like, I just didn't feel like doing homeschool, I'm gonna stick that over here. Instead, I just did some stuff around the house, and you have the freedom to move all these things around. And you'll get the hang of like, okay, I need more of these. I need less of these. I really don't like doing this in the morning. I like doing this in the afternoon. In this evening, one, you may want to leave this open and just like this is my ketchup time of whatever didn't get down earlier that I will do that there. 30 minutes isn't a whole lot of time to play and stuff. Especially with our brains. Okay. Um, let me pause this and go back to my No, it's because we are almost finished. Okay, oops, screenshare. Okay, so we have gone through and added in our rest in our play or scheduled activities after we arrange all my slides. And then define the different rooms of your boat. Where's the fun Gonna go? Where's the homeschool gonna go? Where's the work gonna go? Patricia Sung 58:33 Now what you got is you have a basic vote that's sketched out. So you're gonna take it for a
  13. Now what you got is you have a basic vote

    that's sketched out. So you're gonna take it for a spin, give it a try? Find out? Did it float? Yes or no? Did it work? What's working? What do you like about it? And then, so there's something that didn't go well? Do you need to erase that part and redraw it? Do you need to say like, Hey, there's no way we're going to launch a new one. Like it really needs to be like, 132 at a time or hungry? Or is it just something like that just needs a little patching, like, well, maybe 12 was a little ambitious, maybe like 1230 would be fine. And then you have your upgrades of actually going through the, you know, in your course explains why we do certain things, the way we do them, what do we need help with and working in all that so that you're not just dealing with your basic raft here, but instead creating this system that's going to really work for you. It all boils down to every time you make decisions ahead of time, you're not trying to make them in the moment. And that is a lot of energy for us so we can decide ahead of time. These are the things that are gonna go on this week and you're just putting them in a home as opposed to trying to come up with a schedule from scratch or come up with a whole plan from scratch. That's a way more effort on our brains and if we have a plan already, and we're just moving some things around and making it work for us. So we may not pick up like right right in our I think here is you have the basics of what do you need? Let me go back over. What's the weather? What's the overall picture doesn't make sense for where you are, what you need, what's going on, where things are hard. sketching out your design, we did that in under an hour here of like, Do you have a basic outside frame? Then you created the sections that you're going to kind of divide your day by, you have, you know, looking through and being like, Did I miss anything? Did I account for the fact that actually have to cook dinner instead of just I wrote dinner on there like, oh, right cooking? need that? You know, did you given yourself enough time to sleep? Because you said I'm gonna wake up at you know, 430 in the morning and do all this stuff. But then you didn't go to bed till 11pm. And you can't function on five hours of sleep. But did you notice what you needed to pack? And if you didn't, that's what the the follow up part is about. We've defined our rooms, so the different sections of what's going to happen, and you can rearrange those anytime. And then we go through and say, Okay, what's working, what didn't work? What adjustments we need to make, you know, and then giving a really good upgrade is by going through the course and working through all the sections not all that you have to have them but like working through the sections to figure out okay, I'm really struggling a bad time to like, it's not coming together. What do I need? Go to the obstacles module, figure out? Where are you getting stuck? What would help you get through those obstacles? Is it that somehow like, you keep ending up? Oh, man, I'm late every time I need to pick up my kid. Okay, let's go through our anchors is module and figure out what do you need more length on your anchor? Like, do you need more like space to move around? Or is it like, No, I have to stop what I'm doing at this time. I need to like set every alarm. Sound the trumpets, get, you know, my smart speaker on board and do 17 things to get me out the door. Exactly. You know 442 In order to get to daycare pick up on time. That's what this will allow you to do. So, good luck. When I start tech. Let me know what questions you have you