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  1. 1-3 Activity_ What's your motivation_ - TMM Module 1 Mon,

    2/28 4:47PM 1:41 SUMMARY KEYWORDS motivation, talk, routine, ehh, pickup line, transcribe, dig, carpool, optional, mama, motivated, folding, buy, laundry, group, recorder, sentence, module, answer, dump SPEAKERS Patricia Sung Patricia Sung 00:00 Hey there Successful Mama, welcome back to module one, we're talking about your motivation. And specifically our activity today is, what is your motivation? Patricia Sung 00:08 I would love for you to find a couple minutes where you're rocking a baby to sleep, or sitting in the carpool pickup line, or folding laundry, where you have just a few minutes to think about, why are you doing this? Right? Patricia Sung 00:22 You know, this might look like a journal, you could do a mind map, you can brain dump, you can talk into a recorder app, and it will transcribe it for you. And you can just talk it out with a friend or your spouse or another mama in this group. Patricia Sung 00:35 And think about how are these routines and rhythms going to help you? How is your life gonna look different? When you have these systems in place? Why do you want a routine? Patricia Sung 00:46 I really want you to dig in there to why you want to do this, like into the root of it to find your motivation, not just like, I want to be more organized. Like that's not why I want you to dig into like the deep why of why you're doing this.
  2. Patricia Sung 00:59 Because when we are motivated, and we

    are truly bought into something, we are brilliant. We keep going when we're not motivated, and we don't have buy in, that's when things are like ehh, whatever. Patricia Sung 01:14 So I really want you to know what the answer of this question because this is what you'll fall back on. When you're like I just don't want to do this today. I want you to remind yourself of why is it you're doing this class. Patricia Sung 01:26 Now if you're willing, totally optional. If you would share your why sentence in the post in the group but the community where it says what's your motivation. Patricia Sung 01:34 And of course make a plan for when you will watch your next video. I'll talk to you soon Successful Mama