Process of identifying and detecting an object or a feature in a digital image or video For humans vision seems easy, our brains are incredibly good at understanding images
this is not machine learning (not too much intelligence) Object class recognition, scene understanding/interpretation: hard task, advanced machine learning techniques needed Different levels of difficulty
neuron "...a computing system made up of a number of simple, highly interconnected processing elements, which process information by their dynamic state response to external inputs”1 1. "Neural Network Primer: Part I" by Maureen Caudill, AI Expert, Feb. 1989 TL;DR A Basic Introduction To Neural Networks: TL;DR Conv Nets: A Modular Perspective TL;DR Using neural nets to recognize handwritten digits Deep CNN: Convolutional neural network
zip codes, digits • AlexNet • won the ImageNet ILSVRC challenge in 2012 • top 5 error of 16% • ZF Net • won the ImageNet ILSVRC challenge in 2013 • improvement on AlexNet by tweaking the architecture hyperparameters • GoogLeNet (aka Inception) • won the ImageNet ILSVRC challenge in 2014 • Developed at Google • dramatically reduced the number of parameters in the network (4M, compared to 60M AlexNet ) TL;DR Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition: Justin Johnson Stanford Vision Lab - Andrej Karpathy Research Scientist at OpenAI
computer vision. Inception-v3 reaches 3.46% 1 (top-5 error rate) 1. Rethinking the Inception Architecture for Computer Vision TL;DR Inception in Tensorflow: ImageNet How well do humans do on ImageNet Challenge? Codelabs by Google: Inception Model - convolutional neural network (CNN)
graphs: • Nodes: mathematical operations • Graph edes: data arrays (tensors) communicated between them • Flexible architecture, deploy computation to one or more CPUs or GPUs • APIs for constructing and executing a TensorFlow graph: • Python • C++ • Java • Go • bindings for: C#, Haskell, Julia, Ruby, Rust Tensorflow - machine learning and deep neural network library
on an input JPEG image. It outputs the top 5 predictions along with their accuracy probabilities. Source Code: Image Recognition
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