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Fractional Derivative!

Fractional Derivative!

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  1. 1 I saw a video on the Youtube about ʻHalf

    Derivative’ It seems like I have also consider this possibility when I was in college. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= 2dwQUUDt5Is&t=501s
  2. 2 Recap of Calculus • Meaning of derivative ◦ Slope

    of a curve ◦ Speed of changing • Meaning of Integral ◦ Area • Integral cancel out derivative. => Fundamental theorem of calculus ◦ Derivative and Integral cancel each other
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  13. 21 The properties and applications of fractional derivatives • Fractional

    derivatives is ʻnon-local’ ◦ A normal derivative depends only on the points around the place we would like to calculate slope ◦ Fractional derivatives use the integration as intermediate steps and hence inherit this properties. • Systems involving dissipation ◦ Fractional Schrödinger equation in quantum theory