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St. Catharines Rotary Club

July 23, 2012

St. Catharines Rotary Club


July 23, 2012


  1. The$Tourism$Partnership$of$Niagara$ Why is Tourism Important? !  One of the fastest

    growing economic sectors in the world !  Employs people in every community !  Builds a better quality of life for everyone in Niagara !  Niagara’s tourism industry represents !  $1.5 billion in receipts (10% of provincial tourism receipts) !  10 million visitors (42% are international visitors) 2
  2. The$Tourism$Partnership$of$Niagara$ Tourism in Niagara !  A top economic driver unlike

    other regions in the province !  As a result, every investment in tourism generates a significant impact on the local economy !  Tourism investments result in an immediate and multiple return on investment 4
  3. The$Tourism$Partnership$of$Niagara$ We Have What it Takes !  World wide recognition

    !  Wealth of tourism products and experiences !  Geographically convenient to large population !  UNESCO biosphere … a natural wonder 6
  4. The$Tourism$Partnership$of$Niagara$ The Tourism Partnership of Niagara !  Established in 2010

    !  1 of 13 Regional Tourism Organizations (RTOs) established by the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture & Sport !  Representing all 12 municipalities in the Niagara region !  TPN is an independent, industry-led, not-for-profit organization responsible for working with tourism partners to enhance and grow the industry 8
  5. The$Tourism$Partnership$of$Niagara$ •  Package development •  Festivals & events •  Brand

    •  Domestic & International •  Partnerships •  MC&IT •  Workforce training programs •  Governance •  Industry engagement •  Funding Working collabor atively Setting standards for success Investing wisely Reaching out Our Strategic Priorities 10
  6. The$Tourism$Partnership$of$Niagara$ Our Budget !  2012/13 budget $3.5M !  2013/14 budget

    could grow to $4.7M !  $500k base funding !  $3.0M performance-based funding !  Up to $600k in partnership funding if matched by industry, municipal or federal government 12 Marke8ng$$ 61%$ Administra8on$ 16%$ Programs$ 20%$ Communica8ons$ 1%$ Research$ 2%$ 2012/13$Budget$Alloca8on$
  7. The$Tourism$Partnership$of$Niagara$ Brand Strategy 14 Niagara$Canada.$$A$place$of$wonders$…big$and$small.$ Domes8c$ Interna8onal$ Product$ knowledge$$ &$visitor$

    engagement$ Visitors$are$more$familiar$ with$the$variety$of$our$ products.$They$look$to$us$as$ a$regular$des8na8on$for$ quick,$restora8ve$getaways.$ Visitors$to$North$America$make$it$a$ point$to$see$the$wonder$and$beauty$ of$Niagara$Falls,$without$ understanding$that$the$Falls$are$just$ one$part$of$what$makes$this$region$ so$special.$ $ Posi8oning$ “Let’s$get$away”$ “The$Falls$will$amaze$you.$$$ $$Our$other$wonders$will$too.”$
  8. The$Tourism$Partnership$of$Niagara$ Niagara&Brand BRAND&VISION BRAND&PERSONALITY BRAND&ESSENCE VISITOR&PROMISE 15 End$Benefits$$ to$Visitors$ “Let’s$$

    Get$Away”$ If$Brand$$ was$a$Person$ Awe[inspiring$ Natural$ Fun$ Vibrant$ Words$ To$Own$ Wonders$ Big$and$Small$ How$the$Rela8onship$ Will$Develop$ Inspire$ Guide$ Delight$ Domes8c$
  9. The$Tourism$Partnership$of$Niagara$ Niagara&Brand BRAND&VISION BRAND&PERSONALITY BRAND&ESSENCE VISITOR&PROMISE 16 End$Benefits$$ to$Visitors$ If$Brand$$

    was$a$Person$ Awe[inspiring$ Natural$ Fun$ Vibrant$ Words$ To$Own$ Wonders$ Big$and$Small$ How$the$Rela8onship$ Will$Develop$ Inspire$ Guide$ Delight$ “The$Falls$will$$ amaze$you.$ Our$other$ wonders$will$ too.”$ Interna8onal$
  10. The$Tourism$Partnership$of$Niagara$ Niagara. A place of wonders… big and small. 17

    Experience$the$world$wonder$of$Niagara$Falls.$$ Stroll$the$streets$of$the$small$town$wonder$that$is$ Niagara[on[the[Lake.$$Or$discover$our$wonderful$ wineries,$spas,$a`rac8ons,$dining$and$casinos.$$ Whatever$wonders$you$choose,$Niagara$is$your$ getaway$des8na8on$for$family$fun$or$a$couples$ escape.$ visitniagaracanada.com)
  11. The$Tourism$Partnership$of$Niagara$ Our Leadership Role World class marketing !  Lead brand

    marketing domestically and internationally !  Broadcast media !  Magazine lure !  Create packages and itineraries for target consumers !  Website !  Email !  Create common offers “Buy 2, get 3rd night free” !  Advertising !  Website !  Attract blockbuster events 21
  12. The$Tourism$Partnership$of$Niagara$ Magazine Lure 26 •  May 8th •  500k copies

    •  Toronto Star •  Globe & Mail •  Montreal Gazette •  Rochester Democrat & Chronicle •  Our consumer database
  13. The$Tourism$Partnership$of$Niagara$ visitniagaracanada.com !  Stunning images showcasing every part of the

    region !  Friendly navigation with compelling content !  Lead with experiences and packages that will motivate travel !  Listings of events from across the region !  Pages for each municipality including a link !  Links to partners !  Developing: !  Operator listings !  Common offers !  Interactive mapping !  Videos 31
  14. The$Tourism$Partnership$of$Niagara$ Red Bull Crashed Ice Event To be confirmed ! 

    November 29 – December 1 !  “Ice cross downhill” !  Down Murray Hill ending at Queen Victoria Park !  Part of a series that is also held in the Netherlands, Sweden, Minnesota and Quebec City !  Estimated 50,000 visitors !  $6.4 million in visitor spending !  475 million media impressions across 30 countries !  Broad appeal to Canadians (especially Quebecers), Americans and Europeans 52 !"#$%&'()*'+"& GLOBAL MEDIA OUTCOME 2011 2,830 - Number of items 917 - Number of media 475,006,835 -Contacts (Print and TV) CANADIAN OUTCOMES 1,184 pieces of coverage Number of Media Impressions 86,627, 843 !"#$$$$$$"%!&!'!()!**+(
  15. The$Tourism$Partnership$of$Niagara$ GranFondo Event Exploring !  September 2013 !  A long

    distance cycling event that welcomes professional, amateur, and recreational cyclists !  5,000 riders !  Attracts affluent consumers from our target markets in North America !  Promotes our image as a cycling destination !  Region-wide course !  PR magnet for sports and mass media !  Whistler economic impact $2.8M with 10,000 riders 53 PMS 431 / CMYK (11/1/0/64) / RGB (106/115/123) PMS 186 / CMYK (0/100/81/4) / RGB (227/25/55) The Proposed Route ! TOIT Events Inc. | 1827 Victoria Diversion | Vancouver BC | V5N 2K2 | CANADA! PMS 431 / CMYK (11/1/0/64) / RGB (106/115/123) PMS 186 / CMYK (0/100/81/4) / RGB (227/25/55)
  16. The$Tourism$Partnership$of$Niagara$ The World Garden Event Bid !  May to October

    2017 !  150-days celebrating Canada’s 150th birthday !  Region-wide expo featuring gardens, gardening, culinary, wine, music, culture and the arts !  2.3 million visitors !  $240 million in visitor spending !  World comes to compete !  Broad appeal to Ontario, Canada, US, and target overseas markets !  Permanent enhancements to the host sites, including Niagara Parks Commission !  Rejuvenated parks and green spaces across the region !  New and enhanced pathways and bikeways !  Growth for the region’s horticultural industries 54
  17. The$Tourism$Partnership$of$Niagara$ What you can do 1.  Visitniagaracanada.com to become familiar

    with experiences in your own backyard 2.  Share your favourite tourism experiences – be a Niagara ambassador! 3.  Support your local tourism businesses and festivals & events 58