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Barbarian Art

April 04, 2013

Barbarian Art


April 04, 2013


  1. Trends  in  “Barbarian”  Art   Reading   Stokstad,    428-­‐444

        Range   500-­‐1000  CE   Anglo-­‐Saxon,  Frankish,  Visigoth,   Norse     Terms/Concepts   barbarian,    torque,  cloisonné,   niello,  garnet,  Merovingian,   animal  style,     Monument  List     15-­‐4,  Hinged  Clasp,  SuHon   Hoo,  England,  7th  century  CE.     Not  in  Book,  Gold  Belt   Buckle,  SuHon  Hoo,  Mound   1,  Anglo-­‐Saxon,  7th  century   CE.     15-­‐2,  Jewelry  of  Queen   Arnegunde,  excavated  from   her  tomb  at  St.  Denis,  Paris,   580-­‐590  CE.     15-­‐12,  Ship,    Oseberg  Ship   Burial,  Osberg,  Norway,   815-­‐820  CE.  
  2. The  Fall  of  the  Western  Empire   395  CE  

    Theodosius  divides  the  Roman  Empire   into  Eastern  and  Western  regions.     *By  476,  all  of  Italy  was  under  the  control  of  the  Ostrogoths.   Byzan_ne  Empire   410   418   402   476  
  3. Byzan_ne  Empire   “An  able  Goth  wants  to  be  like

     a  Roman;  only  a   poor  Roman  would  want  to  be  like  a  Goth.”    –Theodoric,  King  of  the  Visigoths  
  4. EUROPE AD 300-600 30 30 40 20 10 0 30

    Paris Troyes Trier Córdoba Cologne Genova Pisae Narbonne Bordeaux Saragossa Tarragona Cádiz Toledo Marseille Mediolanum Caralis Lyon Lisbon Besançon Leptis Magna Memphis Cyrene Sinope London York St Albans Arles Geneva Aquileia Ravenna Rome Naples Ephesus Antioch St Catherine’s Monastery Carthage Sabratha Nicopolis Athens Alexandria Philippi Thessalonica Trapezus Damascus Caesarea Bethlehem Jerusalem Mosul Constantinople Nicomedia S L A V S P I C T S C E L T S BASQUES B E R B E R S F I N N O - U G R I A N S S L A V S IRISH BRITONS IRISH A F R I C A SCANDINAVIA BRITAIN I B E R I A ITALY GREECE E G Y P T GAUL ASIA MINOR CORSICA SARDINIA SICILY CRETE CYPRUS BA LEARIC IS A L P S A T L A S M T S PYRENEES CAUCASUS S A H A R A ARABIAN DESERT Mt Sinai Dnieper D niester Rhône Loire Tagus Elbe Oder N ile Danube N O R T H S E A BALTIC SEA M E D I T E R R A N E A N S E A ENGLISH CHA N N EL A T L A N T I C O C E A N B L A C K S E A RED S EA 370 376 455 410 439 418 406 452 N 0 0 300 miles 450 kms 1 The Disintegration of the Roman Empire important churches Huns Vandals, Alans, Sueves Visigoths Burgundians Ostrogoths Angles, Saxons, Jutes Lombards Franks Empire of Justinian, AD 565 successor kingdoms: East Roman Empire Kingdom of the Vandals Kingdom of the Visigoths Burgundian Kingdom Kingdom of the Ostrogoths Sasanian Empire Kingdom of the Sueves Frankish Kingdom 1 THREATENED BY BARBARIANS through the fourth century and especially in the fifth century, the western empire collapsed, though many elements of its culture survived. The eastern empire was eventually able to deflect its enemies. Mainly of Germanic origin, the barbarians were forced westwards by pressure from the nomads of central Asia. The  Conquest  of  the  West   Byzan_ne  Empire   “An  able  Goth  wants  to  be  like  a  Roman;  only  a   poor  Roman  would  want  to  be  like  a  Goth.”    –Theodoric,  King  of  the  Visigoths  
  5. “They  laid  their  dear  lord,  the   giver  of  rings,

     deep  within  the   ship  by  the  mast  in  majesty;   many  treasures  and  adornments   from  far  and  wide  were  gathered   there.    I  have  never  heard  of  a   ship  equipped  more  handsomely   with  weapons  and  war-­‐gear,   swords  and  corselets;  on  his   breast  lay  countless  treasures   that  were  to  travel  far  with  him   into  the  waves’  domain.”  
  6. Detail:  Snakes  intertwining  and  bi_ng   “They  came  to  another

     island  and  a   wall  of  stone  around  it.  And  when   they  came  near,  a  great  beast  leaped   up  and  went  racing  about  the  island,   and  it  seemed  to  Maelduin  to  be   going  quicker  than  the  wind.    And  it   went  then  to  the  high  part  of  the   island,  and  it  did  the  straightening-­‐of-­‐ the-­‐body  feat,  that  is,  its  head  below,   its  feet  above…it  turned  in  its  skin,   the  flesh  and  the  bones  going  around   the  skin  outside  without  moving.    And   at  another  _me  the  skin  outside   would  turn  like  a  mill,  and  the  flesh   and  the  bones  not  s_rring.”  
  7. Cri_cal  Thinking  Ques_ons   1.  How  did  the  Romans  represent

     the  so-­‐called   “barbarians”?    How  did  these  people  represent   themselves?   2.  How  did  these  people  interact  with  the  classical   world?    How  did  they  interact  with  each  other?   3.  How  did  the  “barbarians”  represent  the  natural   world?   4.  How  was  material  significant  in  the  art  of  this   northern  tradi_on?