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Container Orchestration using Kubernetes

Container Orchestration using Kubernetes

The slide deck was used during the Azure user group meet up on 16th August 2018. It is part of Hands on Lab for learning Azure Kubernetes Service. The talk demonstrated usage of Minikube to test Kubernetes manifest files using a single node cluster. The features covered as part of hands on demo included Namespaces, Pods, Deployment, Service, StatefulSets.

Nilesh Gule

August 16, 2018

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  1. $whoami { “name” : “Nilesh Gule”, “title” : “Architect |

    Microsoft Azure MVP”, “website” : “https://www.HandsOnArchitect.com", “github” : “https://github.com/NileshGule" “twitter” : “@nileshgule”, “linkedin” : “https://www.linkedin.com/in/nileshgule”, “email” : “[email protected]", “likes” : “Technical Evangelism, Cricket” }
  2. AKS learning series - Part 4 - Deploy Multi- container

    apps to managed Kubernetes with Azure kubernetes Service (AKS) - Part 5 - Debugging & Monitoring AKS using OMS - Part 6 - CI CD with Docker & Kubernetes (Bonus) - Part 1 - Getting started with Docker - Part 2 - Stitch Multi-container apps with Docker Compose - Part 3 - Container Orchestration using Kubernetes with Minikube
  3. Need for Orchestration • Deploy Multi-container apps • Scale containerized

    apps • Roll out new versions of apps without downtime • Provide networking, service discovery and storage • Manage resources across multiple containers • Self healing
  4. Kubernetes Open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of

    containerized application across clusters of machines Basic Objects - Namespace - Pod - Volume - Service Controllers - ReplicaSet - Deployment - StatefulSet - DemonSet
  5. Kubernetes - Pod - Smallest unit of deployment - Group

    of one or more containers - Contains specification how to run container along with its related resources (storage / networking)
  6. Kubernetes - Deployment - Desired state definitions for pods and

    replica sets - Defines - version of container images - number of replicas - update strategy - Metadata to interact with resources
  7. Node 2 Kubernetes - Service - Acts as Load Balancers

    for pods - Provides stable IP for consumers Node 1 TechTalksWeb Pod1 TechTalksAPI Pod2 Pod1
  8. Kubernetes - StatefulSet - Use StatefulSets when data loss is

    unacceptable - Useful when replicas are needed for availability or scalability, and the replicas need stable volume mounts across restarts - Often used when deploying database workloads that store their state on external storage providers - With StatefulSets a crash of pod or cluster does not result in data loss
  9. References 1/2 ✴ Demo code - https://github.com/NileshGule/AKS-learning-series ✴ Kubernetes playground

    - https://labs.play-with-k8s.com ✴ Kubernetes objects on Azure - https://azure.microsoft.com/mediahandler/files/resourcefiles/243b3587-a5cd-4937- b52a-dc5bdc8a78e7/Kubernetes-objects-on-Azure.pdf ✴ Kubernetes Theme park analogy - https://danlebrero.com/2018/07/09/kubernetes-explained-in-pictures-the-theme- park-analogy/ ✴ The Illustrated children’s guide to Kubernetes - https://cdn.chrisshort.net/The-Illustrated-Childrens-Guide-to- Kubernetes.pdf ✴ Orchestrators - https://www.exoscale.com/syslog/container-orchestration/ ✴ Twelve Factor App - https://12factor.net ✴ Kubernetes Basics - https://kubernetes.io/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/ ✴ Azure Kubernetes objects - https://msft.social/TIRUaN ✴ Kubernetes secrets - https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/secret/ ✴ Highly scalable apps - https://www.handsonarchitect.com/2018/03/highly-scalable-multi-container-apps.html ✴
  10. References 2/2 ✴ Youtube Part 1 video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQvmGm8Z85E ✴

    engineers.sg - https://engineers.sg/video/azure-container-service-aks-part-1-getting-started-with-docker-by-nilesh- gule--2732 ✴ Youtube Part 2 video - https://youtu.be/crjRSvPVIlE ✴ engineers.sg - https://www.engineers.sg/video/azure-kubernetes-service-aks-2-stitch-multi-container-apps-with- docker-compose--2814 ✴ Slide deck - Speakerdeck - ✴ Slide deck - Slideshare - ✴
  11. Q&A