of TYPO3 Association Content Team ★ Member of TYPO3.org Team ★ Managing iTUG - India TYPO3 User Group ★ Love Travelling, Reading and Playing Cricket ★ Member of TYPO3 Dashboard Initiative
(and in-progress) 150+ Tickets resolved by supporting and maintaining 20000+ Downloaded and Installed 1500+ Hours spent for the development and maintenance 500+ Chai and Samosas
composer require nitsan/ns-news-comments ❏ Composer - The dependencies manager for PHP ❏ Install and Upgrade TYPO3 core and extensions through Composer ❏ Add composer.json at your root of your TYPO3 extension ❏ TYPO3 community appeal to setup project through Composer.json
the: ❏ MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes ❏ MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner ❏ PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes ❏ Read more at https://semver.org/