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Digital to Analog: Explorations in non-traditio...

Digital to Analog: Explorations in non-traditional media

Matt Dooley, University of Wisconsin-River Falls

Using non-traditional media in cartography provides exciting possibilities for engaging map readers. In this presentation, I explore the use of alternative media, namely clay and gun powder, to portray river systems in parts of the Great Plains and Upper Midwest. While not a replacement for standard cartography, I argue that the physicality of tangible media offers unique possibilities that cannot be achieved in the digital realm. These techniques might also provide new opportunities to engage a different kind of map reader, and perhaps, challenge them to see the world differently.

NACIS 2014

Nathaniel V. KELSO

October 10, 2014

More Decks by Nathaniel V. KELSO

Other Decks in Design


  1. in·∙ves·∙'·∙gate    \in-­‐ˈves-­‐tə-­‐ˌgāt\:   to  try  to  get  informa'on  about

     (someone  who  may  have   done  something  illegal)   Investigate
  2. ges·∙tur·∙al    \ˈjes-­‐chə-­‐rəl,  ˈjesh-­‐\   of,  related  to,  or  consis'ng

     of  gestures  or  characterized  by   vigorous  applica'on  of  paint  and  expressive  brushwork.   Gestural
  3. juxt·∙a·∙pose    \ˈjək-­‐stə-­‐ˌpōz\:   To  place  different  things  together  in

     order  to  create  an   effect  or  to  show  how  they  are  the  same  or  different.   Juxtapose
  4. mull·∙ite    \ˈmə-­‐ˌlīt\:   a  mineral  that  is  an  orthorhombic

     silicate  of  aluminum   which  is  resistant  to  corrosion  and  heat.   Mullite
  5. •  Making Process iterative pace •  Intention deliberate vs. unconsidered

    serendipity •  Craft Traditions technical skill function vs. form •  Critique Learning how to talk about art and maps M. Dooley, 2014 (11.5 x 11.5 x 18”)
  6. 1.  Clay 11 Drainage tiles 2. Mixed media 21 Shoebox

    3. Gunpowder 27 Desiccate Digital to Analog: explorations in non-traditional media……………
  7. •  scale/format drainage tiles gunpowder maps •  interzone image transfer

    mixed media •  printmaking gunpowder traditional Directions
  8. Thanks UWRF Art & Geography Randy Johnston, Rhonda Willers, Carson

    Giblette Nat Case mattdooleycartography.blogspot.com!