syntheticsConfiguration = synthetics.getConfiguration(); const flowBuilderBlueprint = async function () { const url = process.env.URL; syntheticsConfiguration.setConfig({ includeRequestHeaders: true, includeResponseHeaders: true, restrictedHeaders: [], restrictedUrlParameters: [], }) let page = await synthetics.getPage() // Navigate to the initial url await synthetics.executeStep('navigateToUrl', async function (timeoutInMillis = 30000) { await page.goto(url, { waitUntil: ['load', 'networkidle0'], timeout: timeoutInMillis }); }); // Execute customer steps const userid = 'dummy@classmethod'; await synthetics.executeStep('input', async function () { await page.type("[type='userid']", userid); }); await synthetics.executeStep('input', async function () { await page.type("[type='password']", cmppassword); }); await synthetics.executeStep('click', async function () { await page.waitForSelector("[type='submit']", { timeout: 30000 }); await"[type='submit']"); }); await synthetics.executeStep('verifyText', async function () { await page.waitForXPath("//h1[contains(text(), 'はじめに')]", { timeout: 30000 }); }); }; exports.handler = async () => { return await flowBuilderBlueprint(); } 監視 28 CloudWatch Syntheticsでログインページを伴うサイトの死活監視 Synthetics GUIワークフロービルダーで ログインページの認証からCCGのコンテンツまで確認