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Stupid Graphite Tips

Jason Dixon
November 04, 2013

Stupid Graphite Tips

My Ignite talk from DevOpsDays Portland on November 4, 2013.

Jason Dixon

November 04, 2013

More Decks by Jason Dixon

Other Decks in Technology


  1. require 'socket' require ‘time’ conn = TCPSocket.new 'graphite.example.com', 2003 conn.puts

    "foo #{value} #{Time.now.to_i}\n" conn.close metric key value timestamp $ echo "test.foo.bar 1 `date +%s`" | nc graphite.example.com 2003 metric key value timestamp Sending metrics to Carbon
  2. Organizing metrics • Prefix with your collector/agent/app source • Keep

    test/development stuff in check • Automatically purge test & release metrics • Avoid the urge to include your username
  3. Adjusting Rate scale(nonNegativeDerivative(snmp.IF-MIB::ifInOctets.7),0.133333333) doesn’t scale! ... because as soon as

    you hit a new resolution, your math is wrong. scaleToSeconds(nonNegativeDerivative(snmp.IF-MIB::ifInOctets.7),1)
  4. Renaming Keys on-the-fly Ever wanted to redefine your metric key

    in the middle of a query because the wildcard wasn’t quite in the right spot? aliasSub(hosts.web-01-pdx-prod-example- com.metric,”-(\w+)-prod”, ”.\1.prod”)
  5. Listing metrics $ curl -s http://graphite/metrics/index.json | json_pp | tail

    "graphite-1.processes.ps_state-blocked.value", "graphite-1.processes.ps_state-paging.value", "graphite-1.processes.ps_state-running.value", "graphite-1.processes.ps_state-sleeping.value", "graphite-1.processes.ps_state-stopped.value", "graphite-1.processes.ps_state-zombies.value", "graphite-1.users.users.users", "test.bar", "test.foo" ]
  6. Grokking Whisper $ whisper-info.py foo.wsp maxRetention: 31536000 xFilesFactor: 0.0 aggregationMethod:

    average fileSize: 1262932 Archive 0 retention: 86400 secondsPerPoint: 1 points: 86400 size: 1036800 offset: 52 $ whisper-fetch.py foo.wsp | tail 1383585660! None 1383585720! 29.529000 1383585780! 87.016000 1383585840! 33.416000 1383585900! 29.012000 1383585960! 31.164000 1383586020! None 1383586080! 29.702000 1383586140! 29.299000 1383586200! None
  7. Repairing Data $ whisper-fetch.py foo.wsp | grep -v None 1376066700

    1.000000 1376066760 226.000000 1376066820 215.000000 1376066880 266.000000 1376066940 237.000000 1376072760 5.000000 1376074560 1.000000 1376075280 2.000000 $ for i in 1376066760 1376066820 1376066880 1376066940; \ do whisper-update.py foo.wsp ${i}:0"; done
  8. Tagged Events $ curl -X POST http://graphite/events/ \ -d '{"what":

    "Something Interesting", "tags" : "wtf", "data" : "foo bar"}' events(“wtf”) events(“wtf”,”zomg”) events(“*”)
  9. Dat Spark $ brew install spark $ curl -H 'Accept:

    application/json' -s "http://graphite/ render/?target=foo&format=json&from=-30min" | json_pp | grep ',' | grep -v '\]' | grep -v target | spark ▂▂▁▂▂▂▂▂▁▃▁▂▂▂▄▃▂▂█▇▃█▂▃▂▃▁▂▄▂