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Whoops! Where Did My Architecture Go?

Whoops! Where Did My Architecture Go?

Slides of my talk at 33degree conference, Warszaw in March 2013

Oliver Drotbohm

March 15, 2013

More Decks by Oliver Drotbohm

Other Decks in Programming


  1. @Component public class MyComponentImpl implements TransferService { private List<MyPlugin> plugins;

    @Autowired public MyComponentImpl(List<MyPlugin> plugins) { this.plugins = plugins; } … } public interface MyPlugin { void doSomething(); }
  2. @Component public class MyComponentImpl implements TransferService { private List<MyPlugin> plugins;

    @Autowired public MyComponentImpl(List<MyPlugin> plugins) { this.plugins = plugins; } … } public interface MyPlugin { void doSomething(); }
  3. @Component public class MyComponentImpl implements TransferService { // Constructor omitted

    public Result myMethod(SomeParameter parameter) { // Select the first one to match to invoke? // Select multiple ones to invoke? // Select and fallback to one if none found? // Select and throw an exception if none found? } }
  4. public interface Plugin<T> { public boolean supports(T delimiter ); }

    public interface PluginRegistry<S extends Plugin<T>, T> { T getPluginFor(S delimiter); T getPluginFor(S delimiter, T default); <E extends Exception> T getPluginFor(S del, E e) throws E; List<T> getPluginsFor(S delimiter); … }
  5. @Component public class MyComponentImpl implements TransferService { private PluginRegistry<MyPlugin, String>

    plugins; @Autowired public MyComponentImpl( PluginRegistry<MyPlugin, String> plugins) { this.plugins = plugins; } } public interface MyPlugin extends Plugin<String> { void doSomething(); }
  6. @Component public class MyComponentImpl implements TransferService { private final MyPlugin

    defaultPlugin = new MyDefaultPlugin(); public Result myMethod(String parameter) { // Select the first one to match to invoke? … = plugins.getPluginFor(parameter); // Select multiple ones to invoke? … = plugins.getPluginsFor(parameter); // Select and fallback to one if none found? … = plugins.getPluginFor(parameter, defaultPlugin); // Select and throw an exception if none found? … = plugins.getPluginsFor(parameter, new RuntimeException()); } }
  7. <bean class="….FirstSamplePlugin" /> <bean class="….SecondSamplePlugin" /> <int:channel id="input" /> <int:channel

    id="output" /> <int-plugin:dynamic-service-activator input-channel="input" outputChannel="output" plugin-type= "….MyPlugin" method= "myBusinessMethod" delimiter="payload" invocation-arguments= "payload" />
  8. Thanks & credits Eoin Woods - Talk @ InfoQ Uwe

    Friedrichsen - Slides @ Slideshare