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Quello che nessuno ti ha detto su OpenStack

October 15, 2015

Quello che nessuno ti ha detto su OpenStack

Si parla tanto di OpenStack, soprattutto da quando quasi tutti i vendor si sono “buttati” sul progetto. Ma qual’e’ la verita'? E’ veramente la panacea dell’IT? Quali sono le “best practices” che funzionano veramente? Come si integra con quello che ho in azienda? E come con lo sviluppo e la sicurezza? Questo talk vuole fare chiarezza su questi aspetti, fornendo esempi di casi reali. Ampio spazio verra’ dedicato alle domande e risposte del pubblico da parte del relatore - Giuseppe Paternò #RoadToOpsCon #OpsConPisa


October 15, 2015

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  1. @gpaterno Giuseppe Paternò What nobody tells you about OpenStack Giuseppe

    Paternò European OpenStack expert gpaterno@garl.ch Twitter: @gpaterno Web: www.gpaterno.com
  2. @gpaterno Giuseppe Paternò Service Provider Compute KVM Compute KVM Compute

    KVM Ceph Ceph Ceph VxLAN Nova Controller Neutron Controller Cinder and Swift Scalability,cost reduction, commodity hw
  3. @gpaterno Giuseppe Paternò Traditional Enterprise Compute ESXi Compute ESXi Compute

    ESXi DataStore Flat DHCP Manager Nova Controller Neutron Controller vSphere Glance Image Store Compute (cluster seen as one) Certified workloads,no complex network
  4. @gpaterno Giuseppe Paternò Medium/Large company Compute KVM Compute KVM Compute

    Hyper-V Glance NetApp (NFS/iSCSI) Nova Controller Neutron Controller VLAN Manager Compute Hyper-V Swift Consolidation and license savings
  5. @gpaterno Giuseppe Paternò Keystone Horizon Swift Proxy Glance HA Proxy

    Swift Node Swift Node Swift Node City 1 City 2 Keystone Horizon Swift Proxy Glance HA Proxy Swift Node Swift Node Swift Node Nova Controller Neutron Controller Cinder Controller Compute Node Compute Node Compute Node NetApp (NFS OnTap) Region City 2 Nova Controller Neutron Controller Cinder Controller Compute Node Compute Node Compute Node CEPH Storage Region City 1 Campus2 Nova Controller Neutron Controller Cinder Controller Compute Node Compute Node Compute Node CEPH
 Storage Region City 1 Campus 1 Swift replication w/Storage Policies
  6. @gpaterno Giuseppe Paternò RackSpace Miran,s SuSE HP RedHat Commercial  

    Name RPC  11 MOS  7.0 SUSE  OpenStack   Cloud  5 HP  Helion  1.1 RHOS OpenStack   Release Kilo Kilo Juno Juno Kilo Installer OSAD  (OpenStack   Ansible   DistribuDon) Fuel  (CentOS) Crowbar  +  Chef Triple-­‐O RH  OpenStack   PlaMorm  Director   (Puppet+TripleO) Hypervisor KVM KVM,  VmWare KVM,  Hyper-­‐V,   Vmware,  Xen KVM,  Vmware KVM  (only  RHEL),   Vmware Block  Storage LVM,  NetApp,   EMC LVM,  Ceph,   Gluster,   SwiWStack Ceph,  EMC,   EqualLogic,   Fijutsu,  NetApp Ceph,  3PAR,  VSA/ LeWHand Gluster,  Ceph,   Dell,  NetApp,   EMC,  Dell  &  more Object  Storage SwiW Ceph,  SwiWStack SwiW,  Ceph SwiW,  Ceph SwiW,  Ceph Network Stock  Neutron  or   PLUMgrid Stock  Neutron,   Calico,  Juniper   Contrail Stock  Neutron,   Cisco Stock  Neutron Stock  Neutron,   Cisco,  Brocade,   Nuage
  7. @gpaterno Giuseppe Paternò RackSpace Miran,s SuSE HP RedHat Mul,  Region/

      Mul,  DataCenter No No No No No Metering No Up  to  200  per  AZ Yes  (only  for   instances,  no   storage) Yes Yes Other  projects Heat Murano,  Sahara,   Kubernetes None Heat,  Designate Heat,  Sahara,   Ironic,  Tempest  -­‐   Trove,  Designate   TP Bare  metal  OS Ubuntu  14.04  HCL Ubuntu  14.04  HCL SLES  11  SP3  or  12 Hlinux  (debian) RHEL  7.1 Guest  Support N/A N/A SLES  9-­‐12,  RHEL   5-­‐7,  Windows   >2003  (drivers   cerDfied) Windows  >2008   (cerDfied),   Ubuntu,  Deubian,   RHEL/CentOS   RHEL  3-­‐7,  SLES   10-­‐11,  Windows  >   2003  SP2 Interac,on  with   others   distribu,ons No Yes No No No