Political Science and Law Shanghai November 28, 2012 Andrea Ortolani, PhD Centre for Comparative and Transnational Law – Torino The University of Tokyo 1 sabato 1 dicembre 2012
compensation in Japan 3. The incident at JCO 4. The incident at Fukushima-1 5. Current state of compensation 6. Lessons learned (?) 2 sabato 1 dicembre 2012
Cs-137, other) Direct contamination of sea water Indirect contamination of sea water (fallout, rivers, etc) Contamination of: Agricultural lands, rivers and sea Urban waste, sewage and sewage sludge Environment Fukushima Daiichi The Facts 6 sabato 1 dicembre 2012
Irradiation of workers at the plant (2 workers died) Limited irradiation of air and areas around the plant Several precautionary measures of Mayor and Prefecture 11 sabato 1 dicembre 2012
Nuclear Damage Dispute Reconciliation Committee - Most claims solved through mediation - Some claims went to court Criminal liability Criminal charges against JCO, executives and surviving worker All defendants guilty - light sentences 12 sabato 1 dicembre 2012
Nuclear Damage Dispute Reconciliation Committee - Personal injuries - Medical examination expenses - Evacuation expenses - Examination expenses for property - Loss of value for contaminated property - Loss of income - Business damage (actual damage and damage for rumour) - Mental suffering (in principle, only when recognized) 98% of claims compensated in a year 15.4 billion yen paid out in compensation 13 sabato 1 dicembre 2012
Civil suits “Successful” claimants: compensation won in Court is less than what granted on the basis of guidelines Unsuccessful claimants: failure to prove damages Lessons learned Very low financial security (compensation 15x insured sum) Litigation control through mediation 14 sabato 1 dicembre 2012
natural disaster of an exceptional character”? Jurisdiction Fukushima City, Tokyo Causation Vague standards (to be evaluated in practice) State Liability - For surveillance through NISA? - For emergency response? 16 sabato 1 dicembre 2012
Provisional guidelines 4/28, 5/31 Interim guidelines 8/5 + 12/6, 3/16 economic damages + non-economic ✴ Guidelines March 16, 2012: - ¥ 6.000.000 for areas contaminated 5+years - 100% compensation for land and real estate. - Other zones: compensation according to evacuation time Compensation for Fukushima-1 Current Situation 17 sabato 1 dicembre 2012
order to evacuate; 2) Damages caused by governmental designation of the sea and sky hazard zone; 3) Damages caused by governmental request to restrict shipment of agricultural and sea products; 4) Damage caused by other governmental orders; 5) Reputation damage (the so-called “fuhyo higai”); 6) Indirect damage (including business damage and lost income); 7) Damage caused by exposure to radiation; 8) Coordination between donations to victims; property damage suffered by local governments. 18 sabato 1 dicembre 2012
Mediation Mediation offer Center does not accept Center does not accept Total or partial agreement Total or partial disagreement Total or partial disagreement Mediation contract Court Procedure restarts Compensation for Fukushima-1 Dispute Settlement Center 19 sabato 1 dicembre 2012
no gains for plaintiffs Derivative suit of shareholders - Biggest legal suit in Japanese history Lessons Learned (?) Japanese Aversion to Litigation? 22 sabato 1 dicembre 2012
public debate - Free legal assistance for compensation claims - National network for suits against nuclear plants Lessons Learned (?) Japanese Aversion to Litigation? 23 sabato 1 dicembre 2012
кЖИХксДќѐЭѥ! ! ༳൧сн! ่ࡺมᅹрݲ୪ࠎୌнࠩਮЧўиЖмЖХкнжЖиє୪ ѤଃУћўѝܦ໕ళОДќѐЫ! ! ่ࡺมᅹрݲ୪ࠎୌ̹О෨ѓб୪ࠎୌйсДќѐЭѥ̂! Жебѥ่ࡺมᅹнేଢ଼Ѥ଼Щиє˼ഀрݲѤేЫѝसᅄ ОмСмѝєрйсДќѐЭѥ! ! ვܪн൬Ѥ! ่ࡺมᅹнేଢ଼Ѥ଼Ыٰݰнєݲ୪ేрုေОДќѐЫ Оौંᅹݲ୪ೌݔठҋӃҏ̔кЖИࠝ߶Ѥ൶Щ˼˾ආᅓмᅓஶрඇݒٷ ڝО่ࡺมᅹкཥݲૢрߴнຸќ˼ᇊݔрඇݒѤৈИкЖИయีО༥೯ЩиЖѐЫ! ဍО൬ݓ ѤৈеиЖѐЫș ཎᏊຊⓎ㟁ᡤᨾࡢᦆᐖ㈺ൾࡣ㸪 ⿕ᐖ⪅ࡢ ⓙᵝࡀ⮬ࡽุ᩿ࡍࡿࡣ㞴ࡋ࠸ၥ㢟ࡶྵ ࡲࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࡑࡇ࡛ᅜྛᆅࡢᘚㆤኈ ࡛ࡣ㸪㟈⅏↓ᩱἲᚊ┦ㄯࢆ⾜ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࡲࡓ㸪ཎⓎ㈺ൾㄝ࣭᫂┦ㄯࢆ⾜ࡗ࡚࠸ ࡿᆅᇦࡶ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋ ㄝ᫂ࡸ┦ㄯࡣཎ๎ ↓ᩱ࡛ࡍࠋᑡࡋ࡛ࡶၥ㸪Ᏻ࡞Ⅼࡀ࠶ࡗ ࡓࡽ㸪 ࡲࡎᘚㆤኈࡼࡿㄝ᫂ࡸ┦ㄯࢆཷࡅ ࡚ࡽ㸪 ᮾி㟁ຊᑐࡍࡿᦆᐖ㈺ൾࡢ᪉ἲ ࢆỴࡵࡿࡇࢆ࠾່ࡵࡋࡲࡍ 㸦࠾㏆ࡃࡢ┦ ㄯඛࡘ࠸࡚ࡣ㠃ࢆᚚぴࡃࡔࡉ࠸ࠋ 㸧 ࠋ ࠾ၥ࠸ྜࢃࡏ ᪥ᮏᘚㆤኈ㐃ྜ㸸ᮾ᪥ᮏ㟈⅏࣭ཎᏊຊⓎ㟁ᡤᨾᑐ⟇ᮏ㒊ົᒁ TEL㸸03-3580-9956㸭FAX㸸03-3580-9957 MAIL㸸[email protected] URL㸸http://www.nichibenren.or.jp/activity/human/higashinihon_daishinsai.html As for the claims to TEPCO Before sending them out - Guidelines may differ - Do not hurry in sending claims - We can assist you free of charge Lessons Learned (?) Japanese Aversion to Litigation? 24 sabato 1 dicembre 2012
of disaster preparedness 1. No comprehensive, realistic plan at governmental/local level 2. Lack of training 3. Excessive reliance on the Self-Defence Force 4. Lack of a framework for communication among public authorities and between authorities and volunteers/NPO Recommendations 1. A comprehensive “all-hazard” planning 2. Improvement of training 26 sabato 1 dicembre 2012
solve 1. Unprecedented damages Huge compensation with substantial burden for the economy of the Country 2. Long-lasting damages: problem of evaluation 3. Problem of assessing the causal connection 27 sabato 1 dicembre 2012