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Joey Beau
September 07, 2022


Joey Beau

September 07, 2022


  1. Scene Introductions Duration 26:12 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Scene Introductions

    Duration 26:12 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog "Oh my god I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking!" Toni Scene Introductions Duration 26:12 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog "Oh my god I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking!" Toni Scene Introductions Duration 26:12 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Dialog Blair lightly chuckling Action Notes Toni extending an arm to Blair Scene Introductions Duration 26:12 Panel 5 Duration 01:10 Dialog "It's alright I wasn't paying attention either" Blair Action Notes Blair stands up Scene Introductions Duration 26:12 Panel 6 Duration 01:06 Dialog "Here I'll help you pick these up." Toni Action Notes Toni crouches down to pick up some of Blair's book Scene Introductions Duration 26:12 Panel 7 Duration 01:00 Dialog "Thank you" Blair Action Notes Blair crouches down Scene Introductions Duration 26:12 Panel 8 Duration 01:00 Dialog "I'm Toni by the way." Toni Action Notes Toni reaches behind her back Blair m Toni Page 1/3
  2. Scene Introductions Duration 26:12 Panel 9 Duration 01:00 Dialog "Nice

    to meet you Toni I'm Blair" Blair Action Notes Toni pulls out "The Split" Scene Introductions Duration 26:12 Panel 10 Duration 01:15 Dialog "Are you new to the village? I haven't seen you around before." Toni Action Notes Toni sneaks "The Split" in between two books Scene Introductions Duration 26:12 Panel 11 Duration 01:15 Dialog "Yeah I just moved here, the village is small but it's nice. I like how close we are to the water." Blair Action Notes Blair reaches behind her and grabs the last book Scene Introductions Duration 26:12 Panel 12 Duration 02:00 Dialog "Yeah, you can also see the stars better in the West. There's not as much, light pollution I think It's called" Toni Action Notes Both characters stand up Scene Introductions Duration 26:12 Panel 13 Duration 01:10 Dialog "Yeah, one the down side of modernized living" Blair Action Notes Toni holds the books out for Blair Scene Introductions Duration 26:12 Panel 14 Duration 01:00 Dialog "So have you ever been East?" Blair Action Notes Blair puts the books she's holding on top of the other books Scene Introductions Duration 26:12 Panel 15 Duration 01:10 Dialog "No, but the library has some books about the recent history of the East" Toni Action Notes Blair grabs the bottom of the books Scene Introductions Duration 26:12 Panel 16 Duration 01:10 Dialog "I'm gonna make a wild accusation and say your from the East?" Toni Action Notes Blair takes the books Blair m Toni Page 2/3
  3. Scene Introductions Duration 26:12 Panel 17 Duration 01:00 Dialog Blair

    giggles "Yeah I am." Scene Introductions Duration 26:12 Panel 18 Duration 01:00 Dialog "Well, I've gotta run but I'm sure I'll see you around. The village isn't that big after all." Toni Scene Introductions Duration 26:12 Panel 19 Duration 01:00 Dialog "Well, I've gotta run but I'm sure I'll see you around. The village isn't that big after all." Toni Action Notes Toni waves good bye Scene Introductions Duration 26:12 Panel 20 Duration 00:16 Action Notes The two go off in different directions Scene Introductions Duration 26:12 Panel 21 Duration 00:16 Scene Introductions Duration 26:12 Panel 22 Duration 01:00 Dialog "Now it's time to see if it's really you" Toni Action Notes Toni scooping Blair's blood off her bangs Scene Introductions Duration 26:12 Panel 23 Duration 01:00 Dialog "Now it's time to see if it's really you" Toni Action Notes Toni scooping Blair's blood off her bangs Blair m Toni Page 3/3