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Web security for DevOps: the glory is in the headers by Jonathan Marcil

Web security for DevOps: the glory is in the headers by Jonathan Marcil

OWASP Montreal - July 24th - Web security for DevOps: the glory is in the headers

MAIN PRESENTER: Jonathan Marcil

ABSTRACT: DevOps is a buzzword which can be easily demystified: in essence it is a process which aims to combine the development and system administration process into one; Operations. As developers become responsible for server setup, security counter measures are evolving as well. The line between server configuration and application behaviour has been blurred. In this talk we will cover some HTTP headers in regards to security such as CORS, CSP and HSTS. We will demonstrate several forms of attack, and how they can (should) be countered.

BIO: Jonathan is devoted to security and specialized in Web application security. His main occupation is consulting in Web security, but deep down he is a developer with a agnostic vision of programming languages. He has a diploma in Software Engineering from Ecole de Technologie Superieure and more than 10 years of experience in Information Technology and Security.

WHEN: At noon on July 24th 2014

WEBCAST: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bp1NCLT-YQ

OWASP Montréal

July 24, 2014

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  1. What is DevOps? DevOps is a buzzword which can be

    easily demystified: in essence it is a process which aims to combine the development and system administration process into one; Operations. Developers are now responsible and have to touch server configuration. As a result, the line between server configuration and application behaviour has been blurred. Security configuration has always been a huge impact on server and application functionalities and the DevOps movement enable us to go further without less trouble.
  2. HTML and Browsers Everyone knows and expect browsers to render

    HTML. However, some features can cause security issues such as: Executing JavaScript with the <script> tag • Embedding content with the <iframe> tag • Getting and posting content with XHR request or <form> tag •
  3. HTTP and Browsers We sure know as well that HTTP

    header are very useful. But it's not common to think that these headers can actually mitigate security issues. In this session we will see how headers can be used to: Confine the way JavaScript is interpreted • Avoid a site being use in a frame • Limit cross-site requests •
  4. Let's go back to the past Cookies are a good

    example of commands that the browser will follow: S e t - C o o k i e : S = 1 ; P a t h = / ; D o m a i n = . e x a m p l e . c o m ; S e c u r e ; H T T P O n l y These security functions are telling the browser to protect the cookie: Path and Domain to restrict into the specified scope • Secure to send only over HTTPS • HTTPOnly to forbid JavaScript access •
  5. In case you missed Flash™ Browser plug-ins such as Flash

    or Java are also implementing security controls. A good example is Flash's crossdomain.xml file: < ? x m l v e r s i o n = " 1 . 0 " ? > c r o s s - d o m a i n - p o l i c y < ! - - s e c u r e - - > s i t e - c o n t r o l p e r m i t t e d - c r o s s - d o m a i n - p o l i c i e s b y - c o n t e n t - t y p e a l l o w - a c c e s s - f r o m d o m a i n * . e x a m p l e . c o m c r o s s - d o m a i n - p o l i c y This restricts requests only from domain example.com and was used a long time ago... < > < = " " / > < = " "/ > < / >
  6. CSP - Content Security Policy CSP is used to tell

    the browsers where to load content from. It is useful to mitigate successful content injection attacks. In order to protect from XSS the application needs to be free of inline script. That mean you'll need to include all JavaScript code in files with < s c r i p t s r c = " " > . The name of the HTTP header is Content-Security-Policy It is a W3C Candidate Recommendation available at http://www.w3.org/TR/CSP/
  7. CSP - Directives Various source directives are used to enforce

    the policy: Associated to their HTML5 element counterpart - including CSS • s c r i p t - s r c o b j e c t - s r c s t y l e - s r c i m g - s r c m e d i a - s r c f r a m e - s r c f o n t - s r c When the user agent fetch an URI - including redirections, XMLHttpRequest and WebSocket • c o n n e c t - s r c For all the above when not specified • d e f a u l t - s r c
  8. CSP - Directive values Values can be a space separated

    list of accepted source: URIs from the same origin • s e l f Within the resource itself for script (inline is disabled by default) • u n s a f e - i n l i n e Special source value to allow eval, constructors, setTimeout and setInterval (evals are disabled by default) • u n s a f e - e v a l Any URI related scheme, host, port • Example: * . c n d . e x a m p l e . c o m h t t p s : h t t p : / / u n s a f e . e x a m p l e . c o m
  9. CSP - Protection W3C states: In order to protect against

    Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), web application authors should include both the script-src and object-src directives, or include a default-src directive, which covers both scripts and plug-ins. In either case, authors should not include 'unsafe- inline' in their CSP policies if they wish to protect themselves against XSS. Note that content injection can still be other HTML5 tags and are covered by CSP: s c r i p t o b j e c t e m b e d i m g v i d e o a u d i o s o u r c e t r a c k l i n k a p p l e t f r a m e i f r a m e < >< >< >< >< >< > < >< >< >< >< >< >
  10. CSP - Reporting Another useful directive is report-uri that specifies

    an endpoint where the browser posts a JSON object when having a policy violation. The object c s p - r e p o r t holds: d o c u m e n t - u r i • r e f e r r e r • b l o c k e d - u r i • v i o l a t e d - d i r e c t i v e • o r i g i n a l - p o l i c y •
  11. CSP - Report Only Instead of the original header, you

    can use Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only that will enable the policies passively and maintain reporting. It won't affect the user experience nor protect them but policies can be tested. It can be used to implement CSP iteratively by mixing the Report Only mode with the normal mode of operation. In this mode CSP can be used as an IDS that is ran inside the user's browser.
  12. CSP - Example C o n t e n t

    - S e c u r i t y - P o l i c y : d e f a u l t - s r c ' s e l f ' ; i m g - s r c * ; o b j e c t - s r c m e d i a 1 . e x a m p l e . c o m * . c d n . e x a m p l e . c o m ; s c r i p t - s r c t r u s t e d s c r i p t s . e x a m p l e . c o m
  13. Frame Options The header X-Frame-Options is used to declare a

    browser policy that states under which condition a page can be framed. Values can be either: It is an IETF RFC available at https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7034 D E N Y to avoid being framed • S A M E O R I G I N to avoid being framed outside the origin • A L L O W - F R O M to specify from which origin it can be framed •
  14. What is wrong with being framed? It can lead to

    Clickjacking when the frame is under another element. Clickjacking are one of the few problem left with frames as with modern browsers you can't access with scripting if you're not from the same origin.
  15. Same-Origin Policy The concept of what is an origin and

    Same-Origin Policy can be found in RFC6454 but basically the concept is really a sandbox on which the Web application runs and is limited to actions on its own site. Browsers implements Same-origin policy by default such as: DOM access by JavaScript is limited to same origin, so manipulating an external iframe is blocked • XMLHttpRequest are limited to same origin, so making custom requests and sniffing response from external sites are blocked •
  16. CORS - Cross-Origin Resource Sharing CORS is a specifies responses

    and requests headers to allow cross-origin requests. Servers can set the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header. The value can be * , n u l l or a list of URIs. Browsers can tell with the Origin header while doing the request from which origin it comes from CORS is more complete that was is presented here. Notably the preflight request describe what the browsers must do to see if they can access content. It is a W3C recommendation available at http://www.w3.org/TR/cors/
  17. CORS - Utility and example Origin header is not (yet)

    a replacement for CSRF tokens but can be used server-side for an additional layer of security instead of the HTTP referer header. Doing cross-site requests with cookies is possible with the following headers and script: A c c e s s - C o n t r o l - A l l o w - O r i g i n : h t t p : / / e x a m p l e . c o m A c c e s s - C o n t r o l - A l l o w - C r e d e n t i a l s : t r u e v a r x = n e w X M L H t t p R e q u e s t xo p e n" G E T "" h t t p/ / e x a m p l e . c o m / " , t r u e ) ; / / S e n d c o o k i e s , H T T P a u t h e n t i c a t i o n , a n d c l i e n t - s i d e S S L c e r t i f i c a t e s xw i t h C r e d e n t i a l s = t r u e xs e n d Be warned that * can't be used as an Allow-Origin in order to use w i t h C r e d e n t i a l s . ( ) ; . ( , : . ; . ( ) ;
  18. What we skipped X - C o n t e

    n t - T y p e - O p t i o n s : n o s n i f f to prevent MIME content sniffing in Internet Explorer. X - X S S - P r o t e c t i o n : 1 ; m o d e = b l o c k IE8+ and enabled by default anyways in Chrome. HSTS (RFC6797) to enforce the browser to connect with HTTPS: S t r i c t - T r a n s p o r t - S e c u r i t y : m a x - a g e = 1 6 0 7 0 4 0 0 ; i n c l u d e S u b D o m a i n s All subsequent requests to the website for the m a x - a g e time will be done using the h t t p s : / / scheme and the user cannot ignore certificate warnings.
  19. Future Content Security Policy Level 2 http://www.w3.org/TR/CSP11/ HTML5 sandbox to

    select what to allow in an iframe (not in header) form-action restricts which URIs can be used in HTML form elements • frame-ancestors to replace X-Frame-Options • Hash and nonce to fingerprint inline <script> elements •
  20. Conclusion As you can see, a whole world of security

    settings now exists trough HTTP headers. DevOps is the right mindset to find a way to implement them while considering many factors such as the implications on frameworks, CMS, server setup, proxy and caching mechanisms. Thanks for your time!
  21. Contact [email protected] Twitter: @jonathanmarcil https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Montreal References Browser Security Handbook &

    The Tangled Web, Michal Zalewski • List of useful HTTP headers, OWASP • HTML5 Security Cheat Sheet, OWASP • Testing for Clickjacking (OWASP-CS-004), OWASP Testing Guide v4 •