## Abstract
Automate everything! That's easier said than done.
A simple bash script in your /tool directory is a good start, but to be honest: None of us is "good at bash" and nobody really wants to learn it. It doesn't scale, doesn't support dependencies and is not testable.
Dart to the rescue! Sidekick generates a Dart command-line application for you. You can use the built-in command
- `deps` gets all dependencies for all packages
- `gen` runs the build_runner, and formats the code afterwards
- `format` runs dart format across the project, ignores generated files.
or use the project a starting point for you own commands to be shared with your team. Need some ideas:
- Automatically bump your version number
- Release your app to the Play Store / AWS / Firebase
- Generate a changelog based on the merged PRs
- Home-made build flavors: Switch between environments by editing and swapping of some files