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2018 - React Chicago - ReasonReact - A Love Story

2018 - React Chicago - ReasonReact - A Love Story

When I first met ReactJS, it was love at first sight. We built beautiful UIs for years together with our firstborn, Redux. I felt like nothing would get between us. Not even when a younger, skinnier version came along (Preact). Life was good.

Everything changed when ReasonReact showed up on our block. I was curious, of course. Didn’t act on it, though. Why would I? We’d run into each other a lot since we shared the same circles. One day, the temptations got too strong. What was I thinking? Nothing about what I was doing felt right, at first. I was leaving a lot behind but for some weird reason, I knew I’d end up here anyway. I mean, it’s not like we’re splitting apart. React will still be there, but so will Reason...

I’m here to announce my love affair.

Peter Piekarczyk

June 27, 2018

More Decks by Peter Piekarczyk

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  1. What is ReasonML • New language by the creator of

    React • Familiar JavaScript syntax on top of OCaml AST • Battle-tested language & ecosystem • Friendly compiler errors & warnings
  2. JavaScript as a statically typed, functional language with a super

    fast compiler & amazing error messages What is ReasonML
  3. • Compiles 10x faster than Babel • Eliminates typical Javascript

    errors • Use it alongside your current JS apps • Compiles down to native binaries • Readable compiled JavaScript Why Consider Reason
  4. Messenger.com •Full rebuild (100s of files) is 2 seconds •Incremental

    builds are < 100ms •10 bugs for the whole year vs every week •Refactoring reduced to minutes instead of days
  5. let fizzbuzz = (i) !=> switch (i mod 3, i

    mod 5) { | (0, 0) !=> "FizzBuzz" | (0, _) !=> "Fizz" | (_, 0) !=> "Buzz" | _ !=> string_of_int(i) };
  6. function fizzbuzz(i) { var match = i % 3; var

    match$1 = i % 5; if (match !!!== 0) { if (match$1 !!!== 0) { return String(i); } else { return "Buzz"; } } else if (match$1 !!!== 0) { return "Fizz"; } else { return "FizzBuzz"; } }
  7. let rec factorial = (n) !=> n !<= 0 ?

    1 : n * factorial(n - 1);
  8. var Caml_int32 = require("stdlib/caml_int32"); function factorial(n) { var match =

    n !<= 0; if (match) { return 1; } else { return Caml_int32.imul(n, factorial(n - 1 | 0)); } }
  9. let test = () !=> { let m = ref(IntMap.empty);

    let count = 1000000; for (i in 0 to count) { m !:= IntMap.add(i, i, m^); }; for (i in 0 to count) { ignore(IntMap.find(i, m^)); }; };
  10. var Map = Immutable.Map; var m = new Map(); var

    test = function() { var count = 1000000; for(var i = 0; i < count; !++i) { m = m.set(i, i); } for(var j = 0; j < count; !++j) { m.get(j); } } test();
  11. Compile Targets ReasonML syntax
 (.re, .rei) OCaml syntax
 (.ml, .mli)

    OCaml AST JavaScript Native Code Bytecode ocamlc ocamlopt BuckleScript reasonmlhub.com
  12. • Established Language (1996) • Used in high-performance apps •

    Facebook uses it for everything (Flow, Hack) • First version of React was in Standard ML Why OCaml
  13. • Babel became a popular thing • Bloomberg released BuckleScript

    • Jordan rewrote React in OCaml • Believed the world was ready ReasonML History
  14. • First versions of React were written in StandardML •

    Babel didn’t exist • Adoption would have been hard • ReactJS was born! React History
  15. Write safer & simpler code
 in OCaml or Reason

    compiles to JavaScript BuckleScript
  16. Bindings type t; [@bs.get] external hairlineWidth : t !=> float

    = "hairlineWidth"; let hairlineWidth = hairlineWidth(t);
  17. Types • Can be inferred • Coverage is *always* 100%

    • Completely sound • Consume arguments like a function
  18. Types type intCoordinates = (int, int); type coordinates(‘a) = (‘a,

    ‘a); let intCoordinates = coordinates(int); let house: coordinates(float) = (0.12, -0.12); let house = (0.12, -0.12);
  19. Variants type myResponseVariant = | Yes | No | PrettyMuch;

    let areYouCrushingIt = Yes; this OR that OR that
  20. Pattern Matching let message = switch (areYouCrushingIt) { | No

    !=> "No worries. Keep going!" | Yes !=> "Great!" | PrettyMuch !=> "Nice!" }; “Great!”
  21. Pattern Matching let message = “sup"; let reply = switch

    (message) { | "Reason's pretty cool" !=> "Yep" | "good night" !=> "See ya!" | “hello" | "hey" !=> "hello to you too!" | _ !=> "Nice to meet you!" }; “Nice to meet you!”
  22. Modules • Treated as mini files • Can include types

    & nested modules • Can be “opened” and “extended”
  23. Modules module School = { type profession = Teacher |

    Director; let person1 = Teacher; let getProfession = (person) !=> switch (person) { | Teacher !=> "A teacher" | Director !=> "A director" }; }; let anotherPerson: School.profession = School.Teacher;
  24. • Write React components using Reason • Not a re-write,

    just the bindings • Safe & statically typed: it just works! ReasonReact
  25. Your First Component let component = ReasonReact.statelessComponent("Greeting"); let make =

    (~name, _children) !=> { !!...component, render: (_self) !=> <button> {ReasonReact.string("Hello " !++ name !++ “!")} !</button> };
  26. Arguments let make = (~name, _children) !=> { !!...component, render:

    (_self) !=> <button> {ReasonReact.string("Hello " !++ name !++ “!")} !</button> };
  27. Arguments let make = (~name, _children) !=> { …ReasonReact.statelessComponent(“Greeting"), render:

    (_self) !=> <button> {ReasonReact.string("Hello " !++ name !++ “!")} !</button> }; DO NOT DO THIS!!!
  28. • npm install -g bs-platform • add bsconfig.json • bsb

    -make-world -clean-world Existing Project
  29. bsconfig.json { "name": “my-project”, "reason": {"react-jsx" : 2}, "bsc-flags": ["-bs-super-errors"],

    "package-specs": [{"module": “commonjs", "in-source": true}], "suffix": ".bs.js", "namespace": true, "bs-dependencies": ["bs-react-native","reason-react"], "sources": [{"dir": "re"}], "refmt": 3 }