in scale, to treat them as “gradual differences that are not essential.” We tell ourselves that what we can do once, we can also do twice and by induction, we fool ourselves into believing that we can do it as many times as needed, but this is just not true! — Edsger Dijkstra, 1969
I control my deployments? ⬜ Have I removed all bottlenecks? ⬜ Do I have good support systems? ⬜ Am I collaborating with my peers? Autonomy ⬜ Freedom to innovate/improve? ⬜ Am I in control and independent? ⬜ Can I find out what went wrong? ⬜ Do I have the skills to fix it? Ownership ⬜ Agreed interfaces (or contracts?) ⬜ Out-of-the-box solutions? ⬜ Tooling is 100% automated? ⬜ Local build == “Production” build? Failure ⬜ Monitoring = Alerting = Action ⬜ Take pride in improving ⬜ Small deliverables, quickly ⬜ Non-blocking deployments
I control my deployments? ⬜ Have I removed all bottlenecks? ⬜ Do I have good support systems? ⬜ Am I collaborating with my peers? Autonomy ⬜ Freedom to innovate/improve? ⬜ Am I in control and independent? ⬜ Can I find out what went wrong? ⬜ Do I have the skills to fix it? Ownership ⬜ Agreed interfaces or contracts? ⬜ Out-of-the-box solutions? ⬜ Tooling is 100% automated? ⬜ Local build == “Production” build? Failure ⬜ Monitoring = Alerting = Action ⬜ Take pride in improving ⬜ Small deliverables, quickly ⬜ Non-blocking deployments