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An introduction to Twilio Video

Phil Nash
August 06, 2019

An introduction to Twilio Video

Phil Nash

August 06, 2019

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  1. AN INTRODUCTION TO TWILIO VIDEO Phil Nash - Developer Evangelist

    @philnash https://philna.sh philnash@twilio.com
  2. GROUP This allows for recording or adding other input streams,

    e.g. Twilio Voice Video recordings Twilio Voice
  3. • Default group type • Up to 50 participants •

    Need to select group-small • Up to 4 participants • Cheaper LARGE GROUPS SMALL GROUPS
  4. JSON WEB TOKENS Standards based method for transmitting information between

    parties as a JSON object that can be verified and trusted because it is signed using a shared secret. eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsIm N0eSI6InR3aWxpby1mcGE7dj0xIn0.eyJqdGki OiJTSzMzNTVhZDZjMWUwZDcyYTc0NjcyZTliOW UyMzMwMmNjLTE1NjQ3MjQzMjAiLCJncmFudHMi OnsiaWRlbnRpdHkiOiJwaGlsLTY3MTUiLCJ2aW RlbyI6eyJyb29tIjoiU3VwZXJjbGFzcyJ9fSwi aWF0IjoxNTY0NzI0MzIwLCJleHAiOjE1NjQ3Mj c5MjAsImlzcyI6IlNLMzM1NWFkNmMxZTBkNzJh NzQ2NzJlOWI5ZTIzMzAyY2MiLCJzdWIiOiJBQz gxZWJmZTFjMGI1YzY3NjlhYTVkNzQ2MTIxMjg0 MDU2In0.V- JM1EOuhBLo9_gEDgVBWXulbRYcNEYHjnhIU8O9 h50
  5. JSON WEB TOKENS Standards based method for transmitting information between

    parties as a JSON object that can be verified and trusted because it is signed using a shared secret. { "jti": "SK3355ad6c1e0d72a74672e9b9e23302cc-1564724320", "grants": { "identity": "phil-6715", "video": { "room": "Superclass" } }, "iat": 1564724320, "exp": 1564727920, "iss": "SK3355ad6c1e0d72a74672e9b9e23302cc", "sub": "AC81ebfe1c0b5c6769aa5d746121284056" }
  6. TWILIO ACCESS TOKENS JWTs with a specific structure, including an

    issuer, subject and grants with the resources that are being authorised. https://www.twilio.com/docs/iam/access-tokens { "jti": "SK3355ad6c1e0d72a74672e9b9e23302cc-1564724320", "grants": { "identity": "phil-6715", "video": { "room": "Superclass" } }, "iat": 1564724320, "exp": 1564727920, "iss": "SK3355ad6c1e0d72a74672e9b9e23302cc", "sub": "AC81ebfe1c0b5c6769aa5d746121284056" }
  7. TWILIO ACCESS TOKENS JWTs with a specific structure, including an

    issuer, subject and grants with the resources that are being authorised. https://www.twilio.com/docs/iam/access-tokens { "jti": "SK3355ad6c1e0d72a74672e9b9e23302cc-1564724320", "grants": { "identity": "phil-6715", "video": { "room": "Superclass" } }, "iat": 1564724320, "exp": 1564727920, "iss": "SK3355ad6c1e0d72a74672e9b9e23302cc", "sub": "AC81ebfe1c0b5c6769aa5d746121284056" }
  8. TWILIO ACCESS TOKENS JWTs with a specific structure, including an

    issuer, subject and grants with the resources that are being authorised. https://www.twilio.com/docs/iam/access-tokens { "jti": "SK3355ad6c1e0d72a74672e9b9e23302cc-1564724320", "grants": { "identity": "phil-6715", "video": { "room": "Superclass" } }, "iat": 1564724320, "exp": 1564727920, "iss": "SK3355ad6c1e0d72a74672e9b9e23302cc", "sub": "AC81ebfe1c0b5c6769aa5d746121284056" }