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Una historia de un equipo de desarrolladores si...

March 04, 2023

Una historia de un equipo de desarrolladores sin experiencia en sistemas embebidos, construyendo un producto de IoT y IA de clase mundial.

La historia de como un equipo de programadores sin experiencia en sistemas embebidos han construido un producto de punta a punta, potenciado con el ecosistema de Erlang y la BEAM a través del proyecto Nerves, construyeron un producto para la insdutria de Retail basado en inteligencia artificial


March 04, 2023

More Decks by phonnz

Other Decks in Programming


  1. A Nerves history from a non- embedded developers team, building

    a world-class IoT for AI product Alfonso Gonzalez a.k.a @phonnz alfonso@intutivo.ai
  2. A Nerves history from a non-embedded developers team, building a

    world-class IoT for AI product A history of embedded systems made easy by Elixir & Nerves! Actually neither Embedded nor Erlang/Elixir.
  3. Embedded systems made easy with Elixir & Nerves! Go for

    it! Nerves-Project made super approachable Embedded systems!!!
  4. Embedded systems made easy with Elixir & Nerves! Go for

    it! Nerves-Project made super approachable Embedded systems!!! No so technical talk
  5. > Our Product > Team Scene > Iterations > Why

    Nerves ? > Nerves Process Agenda
  6. Phonnz - +10 yrs software development - ASM - Desktop

    Applications - Web Development - Building Teams & Embedded Applications
  7. Team Scene The team didn’t know anything about embedded systems.

    - Hardware background - Web Development experience “Oh! We can communicate via SSH” … “Why not to write a webserver?”
  8. Step 1 - Sensors & controllers via GPIO - Gstreamer

    video recorder - SSH management - SCP file uploading
  9. Step 1 - Sensors & controllers via GPIO - Gstreamer

    video recorder - SSH management - SCP file uploading
  10. Step 2 - Remote control over the network - Remote

    upgrades - POST data to main server
  11. We really need to record video so we need GStreame

    r but not only that, we need our encoder
  12. Nerves 64 bits! - Last Linux kernel - Gstreamer -

    No more GPU encoder - Concurrent Encoding
  13. The magic keys! … and the most important Find your

    learning resources Docs, elixir school, video, blogs Embrace the community! Slack, elixir forum, meetups This is not magic
  14. Embedded systems made easy with Elixir & Nerves! Go for

    it! Nerves-Project made super approachable Embedded systems!!!
  15. Embedded systems made easy with Elixir & Nerves! Go for

    it! Nerves-Project made super approachable Embedded Systems!!!