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Community Platform Overview for NNIP Partners, ...

Nonprofit Platform
February 21, 2013

Community Platform Overview for NNIP Partners, Feb. 2013

Nonprofit Platform

February 21, 2013


  1. The Community Platform Project Strengthening the Civic Capacity of Communities

    from the Ground Up Tom Pollak, Director, National Center for Charitable Statistics at the Urban Institute [email protected] – 202-261-5536
  2. Building Civic Capacity to Tackle Social Problems A public park

    is an ideal metaphor for what we are trying to build – a public resource. Different people may use park for different things – one to play in the fountain, another to use the soccer field... But the key to a vibrant park is to build a community of users, even if each person is using it for different purposes. The result will be a valuable public resource that meets many needs and provides a shared resource for all.
  3. Operating organizations Service organizations, the arts, advocacy, congregations Higher ed,

    hospitals, community action agencies Community Members A “Whole Community” Approach Success of community as a whole Organizational success Self & family & maybe neighborhood Focus… “Civic Infrastructure” Major foundations & corporations, United Way, state & local gov’t, nonprofit umbrella ass’ns & coalitions
  4. Private and public foundations Gov’t funders and policy- makers State

    nonprofit associations United Ways, community action agencies Community groups, PTAs, neighborhood associations Universities and researchers Nonprofit program staff Nonprofit financial managers Individuals who need services NCCS Community Platform Users
  5. NCCS Data  1.6 mil. nonprofit organizations  Finances from

    IRS data  Census data  Program descriptions  Specific activity categories for arts, education, health, human services, & more Tools  Maps & lists of “resources”  Financial analyzer  Detailed info on programs, outcomes & service locations  Shared goods, services, vol.  Program delivery area maps  Basic community demographic profile  Import indicators & points  Neighborhood assets, stories, events & needs
  6. Three Dimensions to Building Civic Capacity • Technology & Data

    Dimension • Organization & Program Dimension Effectiveness, coordination, planning • Civic or Moral Dimension Leadership, civic capacity, & a shared commitment to the public good
  7. Administrative Tools • Approve or reject updates & additions to

    individual Org., Program Profiles, Library Items & Shared Resources • Convert, upload and de-dup bulk “resource” data • Upload indicator data • Create “Community Administrators” • Create new Issue, County or Neighborhood “landing pages” • Widget-based customization of “landing pages” with map, text, quick links & more • Build and manage custom email/subscriber lists
  8. Users can map or list organizations, programs, places and community

    needs. Maps can be filtered by activities (arts, education, etc.), zip code, county, custom regions, or legislative districts; organization type & more. New resources (gov’t & nonprofit service locations, police stations, informal organizations, etc.) & needs can be added one at a time, in batches, or through real-time linkages to 2-1-1 or other local sources.
  9. This is the same location, but limiting the display to

    arts & environmental orgs. The map can be filtered to show particular types of organizations using the general categories on the left. Advanced users can choose from more the detailed 600- category NTEE system.
  10. The standard search results page for registered users shows a

    range of information, much of it from IRS forms and registration information.
  11. The Platform provides Organization Search screens for both basic and

    more advanced users. This is the search screen for more advanced users.
  12. The Basic Search Results pages shows much less. (Users can

    click on an organization name for a full Organization Profile.)
  13. Organization Profiles can be updated by Community Administrators, approved researchers,

    and by the organization itself. This screen lets a user identify herself as connected to the organization. The Community Administrator is alerted to the request and must approve it before changes are finalized.
  14. PDF images of IRS Form 990s filed since around 2002

    are available at a click of the mouse.
  15. The Needs Module is intended to provide a system for

    a neighborhood association, nonprofit coalition, university community research or outreach project, or just a group of citizens to create a comprehensive map of community needs ranging from public spaces to individual needs for transportation, companionship, babysitting & more. Individual needs & addresses may be kept confidential so only authorized users, such as someone who volunteers to meet a need, has access. To get there from the Home page, click on “Community Needs” in the Quick Links from the Home Page.
  16. Community Statistics shows socio-economic data for the area combined with

    statistics on nonprofit resources (expenses, assets & more) and charitable giving in the community by households that itemize on their tax returns. Users can drill down to a zipcode or census tract level.
  17. A teacher, counselor or parent can search for, say, all

    tutoring or afterschool programs within a given distance from a school. Users can click on a map point to get the name, location and details on the program.
  18. Select program outcome indicators to track on a daily, weekly,

    quarterly or annual basis. Analyze trends & performance for individual orgs, communities, fields/industries, peer groups, or your member organizations. Indicators can be marked as private, public or for sharing among a group of organizations. Track Program Outcomes
  19. Financial Analysis: Features • Popup help • Video and written

    guides to help boards and managers understand basics of financial analysis • Other growth rates - revenues, net assets – Efficiency ratios – Balance sheet ratios • Revenues, expenses, balance sheet
  20. Shared Resources Infrastructure • Tools for helping organizations develop partnerships

    or share resources with other nonprofits, find consultants, and more: – Share HR, accounting, tech. or other “back office” staff or consultants. Share development/fundraising help. (Create a full-time job out of multiple part-time jobs) – Share facilities or equipment – Find lower cost options for insurance or supplies through bulk purchases (state nonprofit association) • Possible partners: State CPA Society, VolunteerMatch, BoardNet, Craigslist, idealist.org
  21. KnowledgeBase/Library Resources • “Community Best Practices”: Link to successful or

    model community projects – Create your checklist of best practices that are viable in your community, then check off those that are in place, those in progress, and those worth exploring for the future • “How to” section linking to resources on community-building • Regular webinars: new models, peer learning
  22. Community Administrators and other approved users can add entries and

    documents to the Knowledgebase/Library. New items can be created to be public documents or solely for use by a Community Project Team.
  23. What Does Success Look Like? • Early stages: strong coalition

    built around shared vision – Major “civic infrastructure”: nonprofits, gov’t – Grassroots • Initial publicity • Launching pad for: – Data & information projects – Hands-on projects • Helping to build sense of regional identity & empowerment
  24. What’s Next? • The usual: funding & partners • Tools

    & Data • Creating Community-Wide Civic Leadership Projects
  25. What’s Next? Tools & Data • Tools & Data •

    WEAVE • APIs for 2-1-1, volunteer systems • Foundation Center data • Higher education: track & map student & faculty hours
  26. What’s Next? Civic Engagement • Collective impact • Civic leadership

    organizations & gov’t • Neighborhoods • Colleges & universities • Nonprofit community • Neighborhood Leadership Circles • Community canvassing