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Real-time Tracking and Mapping of Geographic Ob...

Real-time Tracking and Mapping of Geographic Objects by Ragi Burhum

PyCon 2013

March 17, 2013

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  1. Licensing Issues - Password-protected Site - Asset Tracking or similar

    - Map Data Provider’s (Navteq, TomTom/TeleAtlas, etc) Business Model
  2. Server-Side Events Instead of having [N] clients polling every [X]

    time interval, how about the server notifying you
  3. Publisher/Subscriber Queue One of the queues (RabbitMQ, Redis, etc) M3

    M2 M1 M4 Publisher Subscriber Subscriber Subscriber
  4. “Real-time” GeoStack Nginx Gunicorn (Django) TileStache Memcached Mapnik PostgreSQL/PostGIS Data

    Storage Web / Mobile Client (OpenLayers, Socket IO) Varnish (80) Celery with RabbitMQ Node.js with Socket IO
  5. Ragi Burhum @rburhum [email protected] m If you are in the

    Bay Area and like Geo: http://www.meetup.com/geomeetup