Basic Statistics Mini Project Research Title: The relationship between the time spent looking on the screen and emotional stress among students in a college in Kuala Lumpur.
Demographic Questions
Gender: Male / Female
Age: ?
Course: ?
Staying at college hostel? Yes / No.
Are you satisfied with e-lectures? Very satisfied / satisfied / neutral / dissatisfied / very dissatisfied
1. How many hours on average do you study in a day?
2. How many hours on average do you sleep in a night?
3. How often do you exercise? Always / Usually / Sometimes / Never
4. How many hours on average do you look on the screen?
5. What type of assessments would you rather prefer during this e-lectures? Live discussions during e-lectures / Weekly tutorials / Assignments / Tests / Final Exams
Descriptive Research Questions
1. What is the percentage of male and female respondents in this study?
2. What is the average time spent looking on the screen?
3. What is the percentage of respondents’ satisfaction towards e-lectures?
4. What is the percentage of respondents’ satisfaction towards assessments?
5. What is the emotional stress level of the respondents? Very mild: 0 - 16 / Mild: 17 - 32 / Moderate: 33 - 48 / Severe: 49 - 64 / Very severe: 65 - 80
Inferential Research Questions
1. Is there a relationship between the time spent looking on the screen and emotional stress?
2. Is there a relationship between the time spent looking on the screen and studying hours?
3. Is there a relationship between emotional stress and sleeping hours?
4. Is there any relationship between the time spent looking on the screen and sleeping hours?
5. Is there a difference in emotional stress between male and female students?