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Kickass Development Environments with Docker (M...

Kickass Development Environments with Docker (MidwestPHP 2017)

Docker, the hottest technology around at the moment. It swept the Ops world by storm in 2014, became mainstream in 2015, and now it’s set to dominate the developer world, in 2016.

Docker is a tool that allows you to package your application up into a single-runnable distributable binary - akin to the phar, but in Hulk mode. Docker allows you, a developer, to specify the exact environment your application needs to run, across development; test; staging; and production.

In this talk I will cover the creation of this utopian distributable and show you how to can compose your entire production infrastructure locally with only a small YAML file and without installing a single thing.

Lets say hello, to Docker.

David McKay

March 18, 2017

More Decks by David McKay

Other Decks in Technology


  1. [email protected] @rawkode github.com/rawkode ~ Organiser: ScotlandPHP Docker | DevOps MongoDB

    | Pair Programming Glasgow • PHP / Go / Elixir • DevOps / CI / CD / Docker • CQRS & Event Sourcing • Domain-Driven Design • TDD / BDD
  2. Development Environments circa 2000 $ tree awesome-million-pound-project └── src ├──

    game.php ├── game.php.bk-david ├── game.php.bk-deano ├── main.php ├── main.php.maybe-fixed ├── main.php.bk-1999-12-02 ├── main.php.bk-1999-12-02.2 ├── player.php ├── player.php.orig └── .swp.player.php
  3. Production Environments circa 2000 $ tree awesome-million-pound-project └── src ├──

    game.php ├── game.php.bk-david ├── game.php.bk-deano ├── main.php ├── main.php.maybe-fixed ├── main.php.bk-1999-12-02 ├── main.php.bk-1999-12-02.2 ├── player.php ├── player.php.orig └── .swp.player.php
  4. Vagrant Problems • You’re creating and managing VMs for each

    project / service • Those VM’s are mutable / prone to error by user changes • They’re built JIT (most cases) • How long goes your vagrant up take?
  5. What is Docker? Docker allows you to package an application

    with all of its dependencies into a standardized unit for software development. docker.com
  6. The Docker Family • Docker • Docker Engine • Docker

    Registry • Docker Compose • Docker Machine • Docker Swarm
  7. Configuring Services: Publishing Ports services: php: image: php:7-cli ports: -

    80 # Published on host as random natural number, from 32768
  8. Configuring Services: Environment / 12-Factor services: mysql: image: mysql:8 environment:

  9. Configuring Services: Environment / 12-Factor services: mysql: image: mysql:8 environment:

  10. Configuring Services: Health Checks services: php: image: php:7-cli depends_on: mysql:

    condition: service_healthy mysql: image: mysql:8 healthcheck: test: “nc -z 3306”
  11. docker-compose down -v • Stops and removes all containers and

    networks in the project • -v means delete the volumes as well Down Means Destroy
  12. List all the Docker networks: docker network ls Feeling brave?

    docker network rm -f \ $(docker network ls -q) Mind Your Networks Avoid subnet collisions!
  13. Base Image ONBUILD FTW # Dockerfile ONBUILD COPY . /var/www

    # docker-compose.yml application: image: my-base-image volumes: - .:/var/www # CI build FROM base-image
  14. Base Image NIGHTLY BUILDS cron / curl / wget /

    whatever! There’s no cascading builds in Docker. Automate it
  15. Single Process per Container Keep Attack Surface Small This will

    bode well from development to production!