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Introduction to InfluxDB 2.0 (Kubernetes London...

David McKay
February 12, 2019

Introduction to InfluxDB 2.0 (Kubernetes London - February 2019)

David McKay

February 12, 2019

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  1. Kubernetes London (Feb ‘19) @rawkode David McKay ➔ Containers ➔

    Kubernetes ➔ Rust ➔ Elixir ➔ CQRS / Event Sourcing Developer Advocate @InfluxData
  2. Kubernetes London (Feb ‘19) @rawkode Metrics ➔ Load=48 ➔ Memory

    Usage=62% ➔ Request Latency=124µs ➔ Unscheduled Pods=37 ➔ …
  3. Kubernetes London (Feb ‘19) @rawkode Events ➔ Kafka compaction started

    ➔ VM died in eu-west1 ➔ Developer deploys million-dollar-app=v1.2.3
  4. Kubernetes London (Feb ‘19) @rawkode Metrics & Events Kafka compaction

    started VM died in eu-west1 Developer deploys million-dollar-app=v1.2.3 Load=48 Memory Usage=62% Request Latency=124µs Unscheduled Pods=37
  5. Kubernetes London (Feb ‘19) @rawkode What is InfluxDB? InfluxData provides

    the leading time series platform to instrument, observe, learn and automate any system, application and business process across a variety of use cases.
  6. Kubernetes London (Feb ‘19) @rawkode InfluxDB 2.0 Single Binary ➔

    Multi Tenant ➔ Single Consistent Documented API ➔ Official Client Libraries ◆ Ruby ◆ PHP ◆ Go ◆ JS ◆ Python ◆ Kotlin ◆ Java ◆ dotNet ➔ Understands Docker ➔ Understands Kubernetes ➔ Powered by Kubernetes
  7. Kubernetes London (Feb ‘19) @rawkode Flux Data Scripting Language //

    CPU Usage from(bucket:"telegraf/autogen") |> range(start:-1h) |> filter(fn:(r) => r._measurement == "cpu" and r.cpu == "cpu-total" ) |> aggregateWindow(every: 1m, fn: mean)
  8. Kubernetes London (Feb ‘19) @rawkode Flux Data Scripting Language ➔

    Available Now! ◆ >= 1.7 ◆ 2.0 (Alpha) ➔ Transpiler from/to InfluxQL ➔ Works with Chronograf & Grafana