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Rayna M Harris
September 04, 2018


Researchers have discovered an enormous amount about how people learn and how best to teach them. Unfortunately, much of that knowledge has not yet been translated into common classroom practice at the university level.

In addition to teaching foundational coding and data science skills to researchers worldwide, The Carpentries organizations lead an instructor training program focuses on evidence-based best-practices of teaching.

These slides are an introduction to the LatinR workshop that will focus on the highlights of the two-day Carpentry instructor training program. Attendees will learn how to create a positive environment for learners at workshops, have opportunities to practice and build your teaching skills, become integrated into the Carpentry community, and prepare you to use these teaching skills in teaching Carpentry workshops.

Rayna M Harris

September 04, 2018

More Decks by Rayna M Harris

Other Decks in Research


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    Rayna M. Harris @raynamharris Florencia D’Andrea @FlorciDAndrea 4 Septiembre 2018 LatinR, Buenos Aires 1 / 16
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  9. ¡Gracias por tu atención y ayuda! ¡Mantengámonos en contacto! Rayna

    M. Harris @raynamharris Florencia D’Andrea @FlorciDAndrea Diapositivas acá7 y acá8 7https://github.com/raynamharris/FMR1CA1rnaseq 8https://speakerdeck.com/raynamharris/ 16 / 16